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Configure hybrid Kubernetes clusters with Container insights

Container insights provides a rich monitoring experience for the Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). This article describes how to enable monitoring of Kubernetes clusters hosted outside of Azure and achieve a similar monitoring experience.

Supported configurations

The following configurations are officially supported with Container insights. If you have a different version of Kubernetes and operating system versions, please open a support ticket..

  • Environments:
    • Kubernetes on-premises.
    • OpenShift version 4 and higher, on-premises or in other cloud environments.
  • Versions of Kubernetes and support policy are the same as versions of AKS supported.
  • The following container runtimes are supported: Moby and CRI compatible runtimes such CRI-O and ContainerD.
  • The Linux OS release for main and worker nodes supported are Ubuntu (18.04 LTS and 16.04 LTS) and Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS 43.81.
  • Azure Access Control service supported: Kubernetes role-based access control (RBAC) and non-RBAC.


Before you start, make sure that you meet the following prerequisites:

  • You have a Log Analytics workspace. Container insights supports a Log Analytics workspace in the regions listed in Azure Products by region. You can create your own workspace through Azure Resource Manager, PowerShell, or the Azure portal.


    Enabling the monitoring of multiple clusters with the same cluster name to the same Log Analytics workspace isn't supported. Cluster names must be unique.

  • You're a member of the Log Analytics contributor role to enable container monitoring. For more information about how to control access to a Log Analytics workspace, see Manage access to workspace and log data.

  • To view the monitoring data, you must have the Log Analytics reader role in the Log Analytics workspace, configured with Container insights.

  • You have a Helm client to onboard the Container insights chart for the specified Kubernetes cluster.

  • The following proxy and firewall configuration information is required for the containerized version of the Log Analytics agent for Linux to communicate with Azure Monitor:

    Agent resource Ports
    *.ods.opinsights.azure.com Port 443
    *.oms.opinsights.azure.com Port 443
    *.dc.services.visualstudio.com Port 443
  • The containerized agent requires the Kubelet cAdvisor secure port: 10250 or unsecure port :10255 to be opened on all nodes in the cluster to collect performance metrics. We recommend that you configure secure port: 10250 on the Kubelet cAdvisor if it isn't configured already.

  • The containerized agent requires the following environmental variables to be specified on the container to communicate with the Kubernetes API service within the cluster to collect inventory data: KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST and KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_PORT.


The minimum agent version supported for monitoring hybrid Kubernetes clusters is ciprod10182019 or later.

Enable monitoring

To enable Container insights for the hybrid Kubernetes cluster:

  1. Configure your Log Analytics workspace with the Container insights solution.

  2. Enable the Container insights Helm chart with a Log Analytics workspace.

For more information on monitoring solutions in Azure Monitor, see Monitoring solutions in Azure Monitor.

Add the Azure Monitor Containers solution

You can deploy the solution with the provided Azure Resource Manager template by using the Azure PowerShell cmdlet New-AzResourceGroupDeployment or with the Azure CLI.

If you're unfamiliar with the concept of deploying resources by using a template, see:

If you choose to use the Azure CLI, you first need to install and use the CLI locally. You must be running the Azure CLI version 2.0.59 or later. To identify your version, run az --version. If you need to install or upgrade the Azure CLI, see Install the Azure CLI.

This method includes two JSON templates. One template specifies the configuration to enable monitoring. The other template contains parameter values that you configure to specify:

  • workspaceResourceId: The full resource ID of your Log Analytics workspace.
  • workspaceRegion: The region the workspace is created in, which is also referred to as Location in the workspace properties when you view them from the Azure portal.

To first identify the full resource ID of your Log Analytics workspace that's required for the workspaceResourceId parameter value in the containerSolutionParams.json file, perform the following steps. Then run the PowerShell cmdlet or Azure CLI command to add the solution.

  1. List all the subscriptions to which you have access by using the following command:

    az account list --all -o table

    The output will resemble the following example:

    Name                                  CloudName    SubscriptionId                        State    IsDefault
    ------------------------------------  -----------  ------------------------------------  -------  -----------
    Microsoft Azure                       AzureCloud   0fb60ef2-03cc-4290-b595-e71108e8f4ce  Enabled  True

    Copy the value for SubscriptionId.

  2. Switch to the subscription hosting the Log Analytics workspace by using the following command:

    az account set -s <subscriptionId of the workspace>
  3. The following example displays the list of workspaces in your subscriptions in the default JSON format:

    az resource list --resource-type Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces -o json

    In the output, find the workspace name. Then copy the full resource ID of that Log Analytics workspace under the field ID.

  4. Copy and paste the following JSON syntax into your file:

    "$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2015-01-01/deploymentTemplate.json#",
    "contentVersion": "",
    "parameters": {
        "workspaceResourceId": {
            "type": "string",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "Azure Monitor Log Analytics Workspace Resource ID"
        "workspaceRegion": {
            "type": "string",
            "metadata": {
                "description": "Azure Monitor Log Analytics Workspace region"
    "resources": [
            "type": "Microsoft.Resources/deployments",
            "name": "[Concat('ContainerInsights', '-',  uniqueString(parameters('workspaceResourceId')))]",
            "apiVersion": "2017-05-10",
            "subscriptionId": "[split(parameters('workspaceResourceId'),'/')[2]]",
            "resourceGroup": "[split(parameters('workspaceResourceId'),'/')[4]]",
            "properties": {
                "mode": "Incremental",
                "template": {
                    "$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2015-01-01/deploymentTemplate.json#",
                    "contentVersion": "",
                    "parameters": {},
                    "variables": {},
                    "resources": [
                            "apiVersion": "2015-11-01-preview",
                            "type": "Microsoft.OperationsManagement/solutions",
                            "location": "[parameters('workspaceRegion')]",
                            "name": "[Concat('ContainerInsights', '(', split(parameters('workspaceResourceId'),'/')[8], ')')]",
                            "properties": {
                                "workspaceResourceId": "[parameters('workspaceResourceId')]"
                            "plan": {
                                "name": "[Concat('ContainerInsights', '(', split(parameters('workspaceResourceId'),'/')[8], ')')]",
                                "product": "[Concat('OMSGallery/', 'ContainerInsights')]",
                                "promotionCode": "",
                                "publisher": "Microsoft"
                "parameters": {}
  5. Save this file as containerSolution.json to a local folder.

  6. Paste the following JSON syntax into your file:

      "$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2015-01-01/deploymentParameters.json#",
      "contentVersion": "",
      "parameters": {
        "workspaceResourceId": {
          "value": "<workspaceResourceId>"
      "workspaceRegion": {
        "value": "<workspaceRegion>"
  7. Edit the values for workspaceResourceId by using the value you copied in step 3. For workspaceRegion, copy the Region value after running the Azure CLI command az monitor log-analytics workspace show.

  8. Save this file as containerSolutionParams.json to a local folder.

  9. You're ready to deploy this template.

    • To deploy with Azure PowerShell, use the following commands in the folder that contains the template:

      # configure and login to the cloud of Log Analytics workspace.Specify the corresponding cloud environment of your workspace to below command.
      Connect-AzureRmAccount -Environment <AzureCloud | AzureChinaCloud | AzureUSGovernment>
      # set the context of the subscription of Log Analytics workspace
      Set-AzureRmContext -SubscriptionId <subscription Id of Log Analytics workspace>
      # execute deployment command to add Container Insights solution to the specified Log Analytics workspace
      New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -Name OnboardCluster -ResourceGroupName <resource group of Log Analytics workspace> -TemplateFile .\containerSolution.json -TemplateParameterFile .\containerSolutionParams.json

      The configuration change can take a few minutes to finish. When it's finished, a message similar to the following example includes this result:

      provisioningState       : Succeeded
    • To deploy with the Azure CLI, run the following commands:

      az login
      az account set --name <AzureCloud | AzureChinaCloud | AzureUSGovernment>
      az login
      az account set --subscription "Subscription Name"
      # execute deployment command to add container insights solution to the specified Log Analytics workspace
      az deployment group create --resource-group <resource group of log analytics workspace> --name <deployment name> --template-file  ./containerSolution.json --parameters @./containerSolutionParams.json

      The configuration change can take a few minutes to finish. When it's finished, a message similar to the following example includes this result:

      provisioningState       : Succeeded

      After you've enabled monitoring, it might take about 15 minutes before you can view health metrics for the cluster.

Install the Helm chart

In this section, you install the containerized agent for Container insights. Before you proceed, identify the workspace ID required for the amalogsagent.secret.wsid parameter and the primary key required for the amalogsagent.secret.key parameter. To identify this information, follow these steps and then run the commands to install the agent by using the Helm chart.

  1. Run the following command to identify the workspace ID:

    az monitor log-analytics workspace list --resource-group <resourceGroupName>

    In the output, find the workspace name under the field name. Then copy the workspace ID of that Log Analytics workspace under the field customerID.

  2. Run the following command to identify the primary key for the workspace:

    az monitor log-analytics workspace get-shared-keys --resource-group <resourceGroupName> --workspace-name <logAnalyticsWorkspaceName>

    In the output, find the primary key under the field primarySharedKey and then copy the value.


    The following commands are applicable only for Helm version 2. Use of the --name parameter isn't applicable with Helm version 3.

    If your Kubernetes cluster communicates through a proxy server, configure the parameter amalogsagent.proxy with the URL of the proxy server. If the cluster doesn't communicate through a proxy server, you don't need to specify this parameter. For more information, see the section Configure the proxy endpoint later in this article.

  3. Add the Azure charts repository to your local list by running the following command:

    helm repo add microsoft https://microsoft.github.io/charts/repo
  4. Install the chart by running the following command:

    $ helm install --name myrelease-1 \
    --set amalogsagent.secret.wsid=<logAnalyticsWorkspaceId>,amalogsagent.secret.key=<logAnalyticsWorkspaceKey>,amalogsagent.env.clusterName=<my_prod_cluster> microsoft/azuremonitor-containers

    If the Log Analytics workspace is in Azure China 21Vianet, run the following command:

    $ helm install --name myrelease-1 \
     --set amalogsagent.domain=opinsights.azure.cn,amalogsagent.secret.wsid=<logAnalyticsWorkspaceId>,amalogsagent.secret.key=<logAnalyticsWorkspaceKey>,amalogsagent.env.clusterName=<your_cluster_name> incubator/azuremonitor-containers

    If the Log Analytics workspace is in Azure US Government, run the following command:

    $ helm install --name myrelease-1 \
    --set amalogsagent.domain=opinsights.azure.us,amalogsagent.secret.wsid=<logAnalyticsWorkspaceId>,amalogsagent.secret.key=<logAnalyticsWorkspaceKey>,amalogsagent.env.clusterName=<your_cluster_name> incubator/azuremonitor-containers

Enable the Helm chart by using the API model

You can specify an add-on in the AKS Engine cluster specification JSON file, which is also referred to as the API model. In this add-on, provide the base64-encoded version of WorkspaceGUID and WorkspaceKey of the Log Analytics workspace where the collected monitoring data is stored. You can find WorkspaceGUID and WorkspaceKey by using steps 1 and 2 in the previous section.

Supported API definitions for the Azure Stack Hub cluster can be found in the example kubernetes-container-monitoring_existing_workspace_id_and_key.json. Specifically, find the addons property in kubernetesConfig:

"orchestratorType": "Kubernetes",
       "kubernetesConfig": {
         "addons": [
             "name": "container-monitoring",
             "enabled": true,
             "config": {
               "workspaceGuid": "<Azure Log Analytics Workspace Id in Base-64 encoded>",
               "workspaceKey": "<Azure Log Analytics Workspace Key in Base-64 encoded>"

Configure agent data collection

Starting with chart version 1.0.0, the agent data collection settings are controlled from the ConfigMap. For more information on agent data collection settings, see Configure agent data collection for Container insights.

After you've successfully deployed the chart, you can review the data for your hybrid Kubernetes cluster in Container insights from the Azure portal.


Ingestion latency is around 5 to 10 minutes from the agent to commit in the Log Analytics workspace. Status of the cluster shows the value No data or Unknown until all the required monitoring data is available in Azure Monitor.

Configure the proxy endpoint

Starting with chart version 2.7.1, the chart will support specifying the proxy endpoint with the amalogsagent.proxy chart parameter. In this way, it can communicate through your proxy server. Communication between the Container insights agent and Azure Monitor can be an HTTP or HTTPS proxy server. Both anonymous and basic authentication with a username and password are supported.

The proxy configuration value has the syntax [protocol://][user:password@]proxyhost[:port].


If your proxy server doesn't require authentication, you still need to specify a pseudo username and password. It can be any username or password.

Property Description
protocol HTTP or HTTPS
user Optional username for proxy authentication
password Optional password for proxy authentication
proxyhost Address or FQDN of the proxy server
port Optional port number for the proxy server

An example is amalogsagent.proxy=http://user01:password@proxy01.contoso.com:8080.

If you specify the protocol as http, the HTTP requests are created by using an SSL/TLS secure connection. Your proxy server must support SSL/TLS protocols.


If you encounter an error while you attempt to enable monitoring for your hybrid Kubernetes cluster, use the PowerShell script TroubleshootError_nonAzureK8s.ps1 to help you detect and fix the issues you encounter. It's designed to detect and attempt correction of the following issues:

  • The specified Log Analytics workspace is valid.
  • The Log Analytics workspace is configured with the Container insights solution. If not, configure the workspace.
  • The Azure Monitor Agent replicaset pods are running.
  • The Azure Monitor Agent daemonset pods are running.
  • The Azure Monitor Agent Health service is running.
  • The Log Analytics workspace ID and key configured on the containerized agent match with the workspace that the insight is configured with.
  • Validate that all the Linux worker nodes have the kubernetes.io/role=agent label to the schedulers pod. If it doesn't exist, add it.
  • Identify conditions that may indicate cAdvisor secure port:10250 or unsecure port: 10255 is not opened on all nodes in the cluster.

To execute with Azure PowerShell, use the following commands in the folder that contains the script:

.\TroubleshootError_nonAzureK8s.ps1 - azureLogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceId </subscriptions/<subscriptionId>/resourceGroups/<resourcegroupName>/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/<workspaceName> -kubeConfig <kubeConfigFile> -clusterContextInKubeconfig <clusterContext>

Next steps

Now that monitoring is enabled to collect health and resource utilization of your hybrid Kubernetes clusters and workloads are running on them, learn how to use Container insights.