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快速入门:使用 Bicep 创建 Azure DNS 专用解析程序

本快速入门介绍如何使用 Bicep 创建 Azure DNS 专用解析程序。

Bicep 是一种特定于域的语言 (DSL),使用声明性语法来部署 Azure 资源。 它提供简明的语法、可靠的类型安全性以及对代码重用的支持。 Bicep 会针对你的 Azure 基础结构即代码解决方案提供最佳创作体验。

下图总结了所使用的常规设置。 模板中使用的子网地址范围与图中所示的子网地址范围略有不同。

Conceptual figure displaying components of the private resolver.


如果没有 Azure 订阅,请在开始之前创建一个免费帐户

查阅 Bicep 文件

本快速入门中使用的 Bicep 文件来自 Azure 快速入门模板

此 Bicep 文件配置为创建:

  • 虚拟网络
  • DNS 解析程序
  • 入站和出站终结点
  • 转发规则和规则集。
@description('name of the new virtual network where DNS resolver will be created')
param resolverVNETName string = 'dnsresolverVNET'

@description('the IP address space for the resolver virtual network')
param resolverVNETAddressSpace string = ''

@description('name of the dns private resolver')
param dnsResolverName string = 'dnsResolver'

@description('the location for resolver VNET and dns private resolver - Azure DNS Private Resolver available in specific region, refer the documenation to select the supported region for this deployment. For more information https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/dns/dns-private-resolver-overview#regional-availability')
param location string

@description('name of the subnet that will be used for private resolver inbound endpoint')
param inboundSubnet string = 'snet-inbound'

@description('the inbound endpoint subnet address space')
param inboundAddressPrefix string = ''

@description('name of the subnet that will be used for private resolver outbound endpoint')
param outboundSubnet string = 'snet-outbound'

@description('the outbound endpoint subnet address space')
param outboundAddressPrefix string = ''

@description('name of the vnet link that links outbound endpoint with forwarding rule set')
param resolvervnetlink string = 'vnetlink'

@description('name of the forwarding ruleset')
param forwardingRulesetName string = 'forwardingRule'

@description('name of the forwarding rule name')
param forwardingRuleName string = 'contosocom'

@description('the target domain name for the forwarding ruleset')
param DomainName string = 'contoso.com.'

@description('the list of target DNS servers ip address and the port number for conditional forwarding')
param targetDNS array = [
    ipaddress: ''
    port: 53
    ipaddress: ''
    port: 53

resource resolver 'Microsoft.Network/dnsResolvers@2022-07-01' = {
  name: dnsResolverName
  location: location
  properties: {
    virtualNetwork: {
      id: resolverVnet.id

resource inEndpoint 'Microsoft.Network/dnsResolvers/inboundEndpoints@2022-07-01' = {
  parent: resolver
  name: inboundSubnet
  location: location
  properties: {
    ipConfigurations: [
        privateIpAllocationMethod: 'Dynamic'
        subnet: {
          id: '${resolverVnet.id}/subnets/${inboundSubnet}'

resource outEndpoint 'Microsoft.Network/dnsResolvers/outboundEndpoints@2022-07-01' = {
  parent: resolver
  name: outboundSubnet
  location: location
  properties: {
    subnet: {
      id: '${resolverVnet.id}/subnets/${outboundSubnet}'

resource fwruleSet 'Microsoft.Network/dnsForwardingRulesets@2022-07-01' = {
  name: forwardingRulesetName
  location: location
  properties: {
    dnsResolverOutboundEndpoints: [
        id: outEndpoint.id

resource resolverLink 'Microsoft.Network/dnsForwardingRulesets/virtualNetworkLinks@2022-07-01' = {
  parent: fwruleSet
  name: resolvervnetlink
  properties: {
    virtualNetwork: {
      id: resolverVnet.id

resource fwRules 'Microsoft.Network/dnsForwardingRulesets/forwardingRules@2022-07-01' = {
  parent: fwruleSet
  name: forwardingRuleName
  properties: {
    domainName: DomainName
    targetDnsServers: targetDNS

resource resolverVnet 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks@2022-01-01' = {
  name: resolverVNETName
  location: location
  properties: {
    addressSpace: {
      addressPrefixes: [
    enableDdosProtection: false
    enableVmProtection: false
    subnets: [
        name: inboundSubnet
        properties: {
          addressPrefix: inboundAddressPrefix
          delegations: [
              name: 'Microsoft.Network.dnsResolvers'
              properties: {
                serviceName: 'Microsoft.Network/dnsResolvers'
        name: outboundSubnet
        properties: {
          addressPrefix: outboundAddressPrefix
          delegations: [
              name: 'Microsoft.Network.dnsResolvers'
              properties: {
                serviceName: 'Microsoft.Network/dnsResolvers'


部署 Bicep 文件

  1. 将该 Bicep 文件另存为本地计算机上的 main.bicep。
  2. 使用 Azure CLI 或 Azure PowerShell 来部署 Bicep 文件
az group create --name exampleRG --location eastus
az deployment group create --resource-group exampleRG --template-file main.bicep



使用 Azure 门户、Azure CLI 或 Azure PowerShell 列出资源组中已部署的资源。

#Show the DNS resolver
az dns-resolver show --name "sampleDnsResolver" --resource-group "sampleResourceGroup"

#List the inbound endpoint
az dns-resolver inbound-endpoint list --dns-resolver-name "sampleDnsResolver" --resource-group "sampleResourceGroup"

#List the outbound endpoint
az dns-resolver outbound-endpoint list --dns-resolver-name "sampleDnsResolver" --resource-group "sampleResourceGroup"


如果不再需要资源,请使用 Azure 门户、Azure CLI 或 Azure PowerShell 按以下顺序将其删除。

删除 DNS 解析程序

#Delete the inbound endpoint
az dns-resolver inbound-endpoint delete --dns-resolver-name "sampleDnsResolver" --name "sampleInboundEndpoint" --resource-group "exampleRG"

#Delete the virtual network link
az dns-resolver vnet-link delete --ruleset-name "sampleDnsForwardingRuleset" --resource- group "exampleRG" --name "sampleVirtualNetworkLink"

#Delete DNS forwarding ruleset
az dns-resolver forwarding-ruleset delete --name "samplednsForwardingRulesetName" --resource-group "exampleRG"

#Delete the outbound endpoint
az dns-resolver outbound-endpoint delete --dns-resolver-name "sampleDnsResolver" --name "sampleOutboundEndpoint" --resource-group "exampleRG"

#Delete the DNS resolver
az dns-resolver delete --name "sampleDnsResolver" --resource-group "exampleRG"


在本快速入门中,你创建了虚拟网络和 DNS 专用解析程序。 现在为 Azure 和本地域配置名称解析。