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通过 Java 使用拉取传递接收事件

本文提供了使用事件网格拉取传递接收 CloudEvent 的快速分步指南。 它提供用于接收、确认(从事件网格中删除事件)的示例代码。



  • 了解什么是拉取传递。 有关详细信息,请参阅《拉取传递概念》和《拉取传递概述》。

  • 命名空间、主题和事件订阅。

  • 最新的 beta 版 SDK 包。 如果使用 maven,则可以查阅 maven 中央存储库


    Beta 版本包中提供了拉取传递数据平面 SDK 支持。 应在项目中使用最新的 beta 版本包。

  • 支持 Java 的 IDE(如 IntelliJ IDEA、Eclipse IDE 或 Visual Studio Code)。

  • 运行 Java 8 语言级别的 Java JRE。

  • 应具有在主题上可用的事件。 请参阅将事件发布到命名空间主题。


通过使用接收操作指定命名空间主题和队列事件订阅,从事件网格读取事件。 事件订阅是可以有效定义使用者客户端可以读取的 CloudEvents 集合的资源。 此示例代码使用基于密钥的身份验证,因为它提供了一种快速简单的身份验证方法。 对于生产方案,应使用 Microsoft Entra ID 身份验证,因为它可提供更可靠的身份验证机制。

package com.azure.messaging.eventgrid.samples;

import com.azure.core.credential.AzureKeyCredential;
import com.azure.core.http.HttpClient;
import com.azure.core.models.CloudEvent;
import com.azure.messaging.eventgrid.EventGridClient;
import com.azure.messaging.eventgrid.EventGridClientBuilder;
import com.azure.messaging.eventgrid.EventGridMessagingServiceVersion;
import com.azure.messaging.eventgrid.models.*;

import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

 * <p>Simple demo consumer app of CloudEvents from queue event subscriptions created for namespace topics.
 * This code samples should use Java 1.8 level or above to avoid compilation errors.
 * You should consult the resources below to use the client SDK and set up your project using maven.
 * @see <a href="https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-java/tree/main/sdk/eventgrid/azure-messaging-eventgrid">Event Grid data plane client SDK documentation</a>
 * @see <a href="https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-java/blob/main/sdk/boms/azure-sdk-bom/README.md">Azure BOM for client libraries</a>
 * @see <a href="https://aka.ms/spring/versions">Spring Version Mapping</a> if you are using Spring.
 * @see <a href="https://aka.ms/azsdk">Tool with links to control plane and data plane SDKs across all languages supported</a>.
public class NamespaceTopicConsumer {
    private static final String TOPIC_NAME = "<yourNamespaceTopicName>";
    public static final String EVENT_SUBSCRIPTION_NAME = "<yourEventSusbcriptionName>";
    public static final String ENDPOINT =  "<yourFullHttpsUrlToTheNamespaceEndpoint>";
    public static final int MAX_NUMBER_OF_EVENTS_TO_RECEIVE = 10;
    public static final Duration MAX_WAIT_TIME_FOR_EVENTS = Duration.ofSeconds(10);

    private static EventGridClient eventGridClient;
    private static List<String> receivedCloudEventLockTokens = new ArrayList<>();
    private static List<CloudEvent> receivedCloudEvents = new ArrayList<>();

    //TODO  Do NOT include keys in source code. This code's objective is to give you a succinct sample about using Event Grid, not to provide an authoritative example for handling secrets in applications.
     * For security concerns, you should not have keys or any other secret in any part of the application code.
     * You should use services like Azure Key Vault for managing your keys.
    public static final AzureKeyCredential CREDENTIAL = new AzureKeyCredential("<namespace key>");
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //TODO Update Event Grid version number to your desired version. You can find more information on data plane APIs here:
        eventGridClient = new EventGridClientBuilder()
                .httpClient(HttpClient.createDefault())  // Requires Java 1.8 level
                .credential(CREDENTIAL).buildClient();   // you may want to use .buildAsyncClient() for an asynchronous (project reactor) client.

        System.out.println("Waiting " +  MAX_WAIT_TIME_FOR_EVENTS.toSecondsPart() + " seconds for events to be read...");
        List<ReceiveDetails> receiveDetails = eventGridClient.receiveCloudEvents(TOPIC_NAME, EVENT_SUBSCRIPTION_NAME,

        for (ReceiveDetails detail : receiveDetails) {
            // Add order message received to a tracking list
            CloudEvent orderCloudEvent = detail.getEvent();
            // Add lock token to a tracking list. Lock token functions like an identifier to a cloudEvent
            BrokerProperties metadataForCloudEventReceived = detail.getBrokerProperties();
            String lockToken = metadataForCloudEventReceived.getLockToken();
        System.out.println("<-- Number of events received: " + receivedCloudEvents.size());



        // Acknowledge (i.e. delete from Event Grid the) events


    private static void acknowledge(List<String> lockTokens) {
        AcknowledgeResult acknowledgeResult = eventGridClient.acknowledgeCloudEvents(TOPIC_NAME, EVENT_SUBSCRIPTION_NAME, new AcknowledgeOptions(lockTokens));
        List<String> succeededLockTokens = acknowledgeResult.getSucceededLockTokens();
        if (succeededLockTokens != null && lockTokens.size() >= 1)
            System.out.println("@@@ " + succeededLockTokens.size() + " events were successfully acknowledged:");
        for (String lockToken : succeededLockTokens) {
            System.out.println("    Acknowledged event lock token: " + lockToken);
        // Print the information about failed lock tokens
        if (succeededLockTokens.size() < lockTokens.size()) {
            System.out.println("    At least one event was not acknowledged (deleted from Event Grid)");

    private static void writeFailedLockTokens(List<FailedLockToken> failedLockTokens) {
        for (FailedLockToken failedLockToken : failedLockTokens) {
            System.out.println("    Failed lock token: " + failedLockToken.getLockToken());
            System.out.println("    Error code: " + failedLockToken.getErrorCode());
            System.out.println("    Error description: " + failedLockToken.getErrorDescription());


发布事件,以将其设为可重新传递。 与为确认事件所执行的操作类似,可以添加以下静态方法和一行来调用它,以发布由作为参数传递的锁令牌标识的事件。 需要 writeFailedLockTokens 方法来编译此方法。

   private static void release(List<String> lockTokens) {
        ReleaseResult releaseResult = eventGridClient.releaseCloudEvents(TOPIC_NAME, EVENT_SUBSCRIPTION_NAME, new ReleaseOptions(lockTokens));
        List<String> succeededLockTokens = releaseResult.getSucceededLockTokens();
        if (succeededLockTokens != null && lockTokens.size() >= 1)
            System.out.println("^^^ " + succeededLockTokens.size() + " events were successfully released:");
        for (String lockToken : succeededLockTokens) {
            System.out.println("    Released event lock token: " + lockToken);
        // Print the information about failed lock tokens
        if (succeededLockTokens.size() < lockTokens.size()) {
            System.out.println("    At least one event was not released back to Event Grid.");


拒绝使用者应用程序无法处理的事件。 拒绝事件的条件包括无法分析的格式不正确的事件,或处理事件的应用程序的问题。

    private static void reject(List<String> lockTokens) {
        RejectResult rejectResult = eventGridClient.rejectCloudEvents(TOPIC_NAME, EVENT_SUBSCRIPTION_NAME, new RejectOptions(lockTokens));
        List<String> succeededLockTokens = rejectResult.getSucceededLockTokens();
        if (succeededLockTokens != null && lockTokens.size() >= 1)
            System.out.println("--- " + succeededLockTokens.size() + " events were successfully rejected:");
        for (String lockToken : succeededLockTokens) {
            System.out.println("    Rejected event lock token: " + lockToken);
        // Print the information about failed lock tokens
        if (succeededLockTokens.size() < lockTokens.size()) {
            System.out.println("    At least one event was not rejected.");
