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针对管理组的 Azure Resource Graph 示例查询
此页面是针对管理组的 Azure Resource Graph 示例查询的集合。
| where type =~ 'microsoft.management/managementgroups'
| project mgname = name
| join kind=leftouter (resourcecontainers | where type=~ 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions'
| extend mgParent = properties.managementGroupAncestorsChain | project id, mgname = tostring(mgParent[0].name)) on mgname
| summarize count() by mgname
az graph query -q "ResourceContainers | where type =~ 'microsoft.management/managementgroups' | project mgname = name | join kind=leftouter (resourcecontainers | where type=~ 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions' | extend mgParent = properties.managementGroupAncestorsChain | project id, mgname = tostring(mgParent[0].name)) on mgname | summarize count() by mgname"
为查询范围内指定的管理组提供管理组层次结构详细信息。 在此示例中,管理组名为 Application。
| where type =~ 'microsoft.management/managementgroups'
| extend mgParent = properties.details.managementGroupAncestorsChain
| mv-expand with_itemindex=MGHierarchy mgParent
| project name, properties.displayName, mgParent, MGHierarchy, mgParent.name
az graph query -q "ResourceContainers | where type =~ 'microsoft.management/managementgroups' | extend mgParent = properties.details.managementGroupAncestorsChain | mv-expand with_itemindex=MGHierarchy mgParent | project name, properties.displayName, mgParent, MGHierarchy, mgParent.name" --management-groups Application
为查询范围内指定的订阅提供管理组层次结构详细信息。 在此示例中,订阅 GUID 为 11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111
| where type =~ 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions'
| extend mgParent = properties.managementGroupAncestorsChain
| mv-expand with_itemindex=MGHierarchy mgParent
| project subscriptionId, name, mgParent, MGHierarchy, mgParent.name
az graph query -q "ResourceContainers | where type =~ 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions' | extend mgParent = properties.managementGroupAncestorsChain | mv-expand with_itemindex=MGHierarchy mgParent | project subscriptionId, name, mgParent, MGHierarchy, mgParent.name" --subscriptions 11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111
提供在查询范围指定的管理组下的所有订阅的名称和订阅 ID。 在此示例中,管理组名为 Application。
| where type =~ 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions'
| project subscriptionId, name
az graph query -q "ResourceContainers | where type =~ 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions' | project subscriptionId, name" --management-groups Application
| where type == 'microsoft.security/securescores'
| project subscriptionId,
subscriptionTotal = iff(properties.score.max == 0, 0.00, round(tolong(properties.weight) * todouble(properties.score.current)/tolong(properties.score.max),2)),
weight = tolong(iff(properties.weight == 0, 1, properties.weight))
| join kind=leftouter (
| where type == 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions' and properties.state == 'Enabled'
| project subscriptionId, mgChain=properties.managementGroupAncestorsChain )
on subscriptionId
| mv-expand mg=mgChain
| summarize sumSubs = sum(subscriptionTotal), sumWeight = sum(weight), resultsNum = count() by tostring(mg.displayName), mgId = tostring(mg.name)
| extend secureScore = iff(tolong(resultsNum) == 0, 404.00, round(sumSubs/sumWeight*100,2))
| project mgName=mg_displayName, mgId, sumSubs, sumWeight, resultsNum, secureScore
| order by mgName asc
az graph query -q "SecurityResources | where type == 'microsoft.security/securescores' | project subscriptionId, subscriptionTotal = iff(properties.score.max == 0, 0.00, round(tolong(properties.weight) * todouble(properties.score.current)/tolong(properties.score.max),2)), weight = tolong(iff(properties.weight == 0, 1, properties.weight)) | join kind=leftouter ( ResourceContainers | where type == 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions' and properties.state == 'Enabled' | project subscriptionId, mgChain=properties.managementGroupAncestorsChain ) on subscriptionId | mv-expand mg=mgChain | summarize sumSubs = sum(subscriptionTotal), sumWeight = sum(weight), resultsNum = count() by tostring(mg.displayName), mgId = tostring(mg.name) | extend secureScore = iff(tolong(resultsNum) == 0, 404.00, round(sumSubs/sumWeight*100,2)) | project mgName=mg_displayName, mgId, sumSubs, sumWeight, resultsNum, secureScore | order by mgName asc"