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Azure Maps适用于 .NET 的搜索客户端库 - 版本 1.0.0-beta.4

Azure Maps搜索是一个库,可以查询位置、兴趣点或几何区域内的搜索。

源代码 | API 参考文档 | REST API 参考文档 | 产品文档



使用 NuGet 安装适用于 .NET 的客户端库:

dotnet add package Azure.Maps.Search --prerelease


必须具有 Azure 订阅Azure Maps帐户

若要创建新的Azure Maps帐户,可以使用 Azure 门户、Azure PowerShell或 Azure CLI。 下面是使用 Azure CLI 的示例:

az maps account create --kind "Gen2" --account-name "myMapAccountName" --resource-group "<resource group>" --sku "G2"


可通过两种方式对客户端进行身份验证:共享密钥身份验证和 Azure AD。


  • 转到“Azure Maps帐户>身份验证”选项卡
  • “共享密钥身份验证”部分下的“复制Primary Key”或Secondary Key
// Create a SearchClient that will authenticate through Subscription Key (Shared key)
AzureKeyCredential credential = new AzureKeyCredential("<My Subscription Key>");
MapsSearchClient client = new MapsSearchClient(credential);

Azure AD 身份验证

若要与 Azure Maps 服务交互,需要创建 MapsSearchClient 类的实例。 使用 Azure 标识库可以轻松添加 Azure Active Directory 支持,以便使用相应的 Azure 服务对 Azure SDK 客户端进行身份验证。

若要使用 AAD 身份验证,请将 、 CLIENT_IDCLIENT_SECRET 设置为TENANT_ID环境变量,并调用 DefaultAzureCredential() 方法来获取凭据。 CLIENT_IDCLIENT_SECRET 是可以访问Azure Maps帐户的服务主体 ID 和机密。

我们还需要Azure Maps客户端 ID,该 ID 可从“Azure Active Directory 身份验证”部分中的“身份验证”选项卡>Azure Maps页>获取。

// Create a MapsSearchClient that will authenticate through AAD
DefaultAzureCredential credential = new DefaultAzureCredential();
string clientId = "<My Map Account Client Id>";
MapsSearchClient client = new MapsSearchClient(credential, clientId);

共享访问签名 (SAS) 身份验证

共享访问签名 (SAS) 令牌是使用 JSON Web 令牌 (JWT) 格式创建的身份验证令牌,通过加密签名来证明应用程序对 Azure Maps REST API 的身份验证。

在集成 SAS 令牌身份验证之前,我们需要安装 Azure.ResourceManagerAzure.ResourceManager.Maps (版本 1.1.0-beta.2 或更高版本) :

dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager
dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.Maps --prerelease

在代码中,我们需要为 Azure Maps SDK 和 ResourceManager 导入以下行:

using Azure.Core.GeoJson;
using Azure.Maps.Search;
using Azure.Maps.Search.Models;
using Azure.Core;
using Azure.ResourceManager;
using Azure.ResourceManager.Maps;
using Azure.ResourceManager.Maps.Models;

然后,可以通过列出 Sas API 获取 SAS 令牌并将其 MapsSearchClient分配给 。 在以下代码示例中,我们提取特定的 maps 帐户资源,并在执行代码时创建 1 天的过期时间的 SAS 令牌。

// Get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/azure/sdk/authentication?tabs=command-line
TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
// Authenticate your client
ArmClient armClient = new ArmClient(cred);

string subscriptionId = "MyMapsSubscriptionId";
string resourceGroupName = "MyMapsResourceGroupName";
string accountName = "MyMapsAccountName";

// Get maps account resource
ResourceIdentifier mapsAccountResourceId = MapsAccountResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName, accountName);
MapsAccountResource mapsAccount = armClient.GetMapsAccountResource(mapsAccountResourceId);

// Assign SAS token information
// Every time you want to SAS token, update the principal ID, max rate, start and expiry time
string principalId = "MyManagedIdentityObjectId";
int maxRatePerSecond = 500;

// Set start and expiry time for the SAS token in round-trip date/time format
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
string start = now.ToString("O");
string expiry = now.AddDays(1).ToString("O");

MapsAccountSasContent sasContent = new MapsAccountSasContent(MapsSigningKey.PrimaryKey, principalId, maxRatePerSecond, start, expiry);
Response<MapsAccountSasToken> sas = mapsAccount.GetSas(sasContent);

// Create a SearchClient that will authenticate via SAS token
AzureSasCredential sasCredential = new AzureSasCredential(sas.Value.AccountSasToken);
MapsSearchClient client = new MapsSearchClient(sasCredential);


MapsSearchClient 用于:

  • 与Azure Maps终结点通信以查询地址或位置点
  • 与Azure Maps终结点通信,请求一组实体的几何数据,例如城市或国家/地区大纲
  • 与Azure Maps终结点通信,以在单个或多个几何图形内执行自由表单搜索



我们保证所有客户端实例方法都是线程安全的,并且彼此独立 (准则) 。 这可确保重用客户端实例的建议始终是安全的,即使在线程之间也是如此。


客户端选项 | 访问响应 | 长时间运行的操作 | 处理失败 | 诊断 | 嘲笑 | 客户端生存期


可以使用我们的 示例熟悉不同的 API。


// Get Addresses
Response<SearchAddressResult> searchResult = await client.SearchAddressAsync("Seattle");

// Extract geometry ids from addresses
string geometry0Id = searchResult.Value.Results[0].DataSources.Geometry.Id;
string geometry1Id = searchResult.Value.Results[1].DataSources.Geometry.Id;

// Extract position coordinates
GeoPosition positionCoordinates = searchResult.Value.Results[0].Position;

// Get polygons from geometry ids
PolygonResult polygonResponse = await client.GetPolygonsAsync(new[] { geometry0Id, geometry1Id });

// Get polygons objects
IReadOnlyList<PolygonObject> polygonList = polygonResponse.Polygons;
Response<SearchAddressResult> fuzzySearchResponse = await client.FuzzySearchAsync("coffee", new FuzzySearchOptions
    Coordinates = new GeoPosition(121.56, 25.04),
    Language = SearchLanguage.EnglishUsa

// Print out the possible results
Console.WriteLine("The possible results for coffee shop:");
foreach (SearchAddressResultItem result in fuzzySearchResponse.Value.Results)
    Console.WriteLine("Coordinate: {0}, Address: {1}",
        result.Position, result.Address.FreeformAddress);


var reverseResult = await client.ReverseSearchCrossStreetAddressAsync(new ReverseSearchCrossStreetOptions
    Coordinates = new GeoPosition(121.0, 24.0),
    Language = SearchLanguage.EnglishUsa


var address = new StructuredAddress
    CountryCode = "US",
    StreetNumber = "15127",
    StreetName = "NE 24th Street",
    Municipality = "Redmond",
    CountrySubdivision = "WA",
    PostalCode = "98052"
Response<SearchAddressResult> searchResult = await client.SearchStructuredAddressAsync(address);

SearchAddressResultItem resultItem = searchResult.Value.Results[0];
Console.WriteLine("First result - Coordinate: {0}, Address: {1}",
    resultItem.Position, resultItem.Address.FreeformAddress);


GeoPolygon sfPolygon = new GeoPolygon(new[]
    new GeoPosition(-122.43576049804686, 37.752415234354402),
    new GeoPosition(-122.4330139160, 37.706604725423119),
    new GeoPosition(-122.36434936523438, 37.712059855877314),
    new GeoPosition(-122.43576049804686, 37.7524152343544)

GeoPolygon taipeiPolygon = new GeoPolygon(new[]
    new GeoPosition(121.56, 25.04),
    new GeoPosition(121.565, 25.04),
    new GeoPosition(121.565, 25.045),
    new GeoPosition(121.56, 25.045),
    new GeoPosition(121.56, 25.04)

// Search coffee shop in Both polygons, return results in en-US
Response<SearchAddressResult> searchResponse = await client.SearchInsideGeometryAsync("coffee", new GeoCollection(new[] { sfPolygon, taipeiPolygon }), new SearchInsideGeometryOptions
    Language = SearchLanguage.EnglishUsa

// Get Taipei Cafe and San Francisco cafe and print first place
SearchAddressResultItem taipeiCafe = searchResponse.Value.Results.Where(addressItem => addressItem.SearchAddressResultType == "POI" && addressItem.Address.Municipality == "Taipei City").First();
SearchAddressResultItem sfCafe = searchResponse.Value.Results.Where(addressItem => addressItem.SearchAddressResultType == "POI" && addressItem.Address.Municipality == "San Francisco").First();

Console.WriteLine("Possible Coffee shop in the Polygons:");
Console.WriteLine("Coffee shop address in Taipei: {0}", taipeiCafe.Address.FreeformAddress);
Console.WriteLine("Coffee shop address in San Francisco: {0}", sfCafe.Address.FreeformAddress);


Response<SearchAddressResult> searchResult = await client.SearchAddressAsync("Seattle");

SearchAddressResultItem resultItem = searchResult.Value.Results[0];
Console.WriteLine("First result - Coordinate: {0}, Address: {1}",
    resultItem.Position, resultItem.Address.FreeformAddress);



与 Azure Maps 服务交互时,语言服务返回的错误对应于为 REST API 请求返回的相同 HTTP 状态代码。




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