你当前正在访问 Microsoft Azure Global Edition 技术文档网站。 如果需要访问由世纪互联运营的 Microsoft Azure 中国技术文档网站,请访问 https://docs.azure.cn

适用于 .NET 的 Azure 表单识别器 客户端库 - 版本 4.1.0

注意:2023 年 7 月,Azure 认知服务表单识别器服务已重命名为 Azure AI 文档智能。 文档中对 表单识别器 或文档智能的任何提及都指同一 Azure 服务。

Azure AI 文档智能是一项云服务,它使用机器学习来分析文档中的文本和结构化数据。 它包括以下main功能:

  • 布局 - 从文档中提取文本、选择标记、表格结构、样式和段落及其边界区域坐标。
  • 常规文档 - 除了分析文档中的常规布局外,还分析键值对。
  • 读取 - 除了文本语言信息外,还读取有关文本元素的信息,例如页面字词和行。
  • 预生成 - 使用预生成模型分析某些类型的常见文档中的数据。 支持的文档包括收据、发票、名片、身份证、美国 W2 税单等。
  • 自定义分析 - 生成自定义文档模型以分析文档中的文本、字段值、选择标记、表结构、样式和段落。 自定义模型是使用你自己的数据构建的,因此它们是针对你的文档定制的。
  • 自定义分类 - 生成自定义分类器模型,这些模型结合了布局和语言功能,以准确检测和识别在应用程序中处理的文档。

源代码 | 包 (NuGet) | API 参考文档 | 产品文档 | 样品



使用 NuGet 安装适用于 .NET 的 Azure 表单识别器 客户端库:

dotnet add package Azure.AI.FormRecognizer

注意:此版本的客户端库默认为 2023-07-31 服务版本。

此表显示了 SDK 版本与服务支持的 API 版本之间的关系:

SDK 版本 服务支持的 API 版本
4.1.0 2.0, 2.1, 2022-08-31, 2023-07-31
4.0.0 2.0, 2.1, 2022-08-31
3.1.X 2.0, 2.1
3.0.X 2.0

注意:从版本 4.0.0开始,引入了一组新的客户端,以利用文档智能服务的最新功能。 有关如何将应用程序代码从客户端库版本或更低版本3.1.X更新到最新版本的详细说明,请参阅迁移指南。 此外,请参阅 Changelog 了解更多详细信息。 下表描述了每个客户端及其支持的 API 版本 () 之间的关系:

API 版本 支持的客户端
2023-07-31 DocumentAnalysisClient 和 DocumentModelAdministrationClient
2022-08-31 DocumentAnalysisClient 和 DocumentModelAdministrationClient
2.1 FormRecognizerClient 和 FormTrainingClient
2.0 FormRecognizerClient 和 FormTrainingClient



文档智能支持 多服务和单服务访问。 如果计划通过一个终结点/密钥访问多个认知服务,请创建认知服务资源。 仅对于文档智能访问,请创建表单识别器资源。 请注意,如果打算使用 Azure Active Directory 身份验证,则需要单服务资源。


下面是如何使用 CLI 创建表单识别器资源的示例:

# Create a new resource group to hold the Form Recognizer resource
# If using an existing resource group, skip this step
az group create --name <your-resource-name> --location <location>
# Create the Form Recognizer resource
az cognitiveservices account create \
    --name <resource-name> \
    --resource-group <resource-group-name> \
    --kind FormRecognizer \
    --sku <sku> \
    --location <location> \

有关创建资源以及如何获取位置和 SKU 信息的详细信息,请参阅 此处


若要与文档智能服务交互,需要创建 类的 DocumentAnalysisClient 实例。 实例化客户端对象需要 终结点凭据


可以使用 Azure 门户Azure CLI 查找表单识别器资源的终结点:

# Get the endpoint for the Form Recognizer resource
az cognitiveservices account show --name "<resource-name>" --resource-group "<resource-group-name>" --query "properties.endpoint"

可以使用区域终结点或自定义子域进行身份验证。 它们的格式如下:

Regional endpoint: https://<region>.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/
Custom subdomain: https://<resource-name>.cognitiveservices.azure.com/

区域终结点对于某个区域中的每个资源都是相同的。 可 在此处查阅受支持的区域终结点的完整列表。 请注意,区域终结点不支持 AAD 身份验证。

另一方面,自定义子域是表单识别器资源唯一的名称。 它们只能由 单服务资源使用。

获取 API 密钥

可以在 Azure 门户中 或通过运行以下 Azure CLI 命令找到 API 密钥:

az cognitiveservices account keys list --name "<resource-name>" --resource-group "<resource-group-name>"

使用 AzureKeyCredential 创建 DocumentAnalysisClient

获得 API 密钥的值后,请 AzureKeyCredential创建 。 使用终结点和密钥凭据,可以创建 DocumentAnalysisClient

string endpoint = "<endpoint>";
string apiKey = "<apiKey>";
var credential = new AzureKeyCredential(apiKey);
var client = new DocumentAnalysisClient(new Uri(endpoint), credential);

使用 Azure Active Directory 凭据创建 DocumentAnalysisClient

AzureKeyCredential 本入门指南的示例中使用了身份验证,但也可以使用 Azure 标识库通过 Azure Active Directory 进行身份验证。 请注意,区域终结点不支持 AAD 身份验证。 为资源创建自定义子域,以使用此类身份验证。

若要使用如下所示的 DefaultAzureCredential 提供程序或 Azure SDK 随附的其他凭据提供程序,请安装 Azure.Identity 包:

dotnet add package Azure.Identity

还需要注册新的 AAD 应用程序,并通过将角色分配给服务主体来"Cognitive Services User"授予对文档智能的访问权限


string endpoint = "<endpoint>";
var client = new DocumentAnalysisClient(new Uri(endpoint), new DefaultAzureCredential());



DocumentAnalysisClient 提供操作以实现以下目的:

  • 通过 AnalyzeDocumentAnalyzeDocumentFromUri API 使用预生成模型和自定义模型分析输入文档。
  • 使用 ClassifyDocumentClassifyDocumentFromUri 和 API 检测和标识自定义输入文档。

此处提供了示例代码片段来说明如何使用 DocumentAnalysisClient。 有关分析文档的详细信息,包括支持的功能、区域设置和文档类型,请参阅 服务文档


DocumentModelAdministrationClient 提供操作以实现以下目的:

  • 生成自定义模型以分析通过标记自定义文档指定的特定字段。 返回一个 DocumentModelDetails 实例,指示模型可以分析的文档类型 (s) 、它可以针对每种文档类型分析的字段,以及每个字段的估计置信度。 有关更详细的说明,请参阅 服务文档
  • 从现有模型集合中撰写模型。
  • 管理在帐户中创建的模型。
  • 将自定义模型从一个表单识别器资源复制到另一个资源。
  • 列出在过去 24 小时内创建的生成操作或获取特定操作。
  • 生成和管理文档分类模型,以准确检测和识别在应用程序中处理的文档。

请参阅 生成自定义模型管理模型生成文档分类器的示例。

请注意,也可以使用图形用户界面(如 Document Intelligence Studio)生成模型和分类器。

Long-Running 操作

由于分析文档和生成模型需要一些时间,因此这些操作是作为 长时间运行的操作实现的。 长时间运行的操作包括发送到服务以启动操作的初始请求,然后每隔一段时间轮询服务以确定操作是否已完成或失败,如果操作成功,则获取结果。

对于 Azure SDK 中长时间运行的操作,客户端会公开返回 Operation<T> 对象的方法。 可以将其 参数 waitUntil 设置为 WaitUntil.Completed 以等待操作完成并获取其结果;如果只想启动操作并稍后使用结果,则可以将其 WaitUntil.Started 设置为 。 下面提供了一个示例代码片段,用于说明如何使用长时间运行的操作。


我们保证所有客户端实例方法都是线程安全的,并且彼此独立 (准则) 。 这可确保重用客户端实例的建议始终是安全的,即使在线程之间也是如此。


客户端选项 | 访问响应 | 处理失败 | 诊断 | 嘲笑 | 客户端生存期


以下部分提供了几个代码片段,说明了 表单识别器 .NET API 中使用的常见模式。 下面的大多数代码片段都使用异步服务调用,但请记住,Azure.AI.FormRecognizer 包支持同步 API 和异步 API。



请注意,这些示例使用 SDK 版本 4.1.0。 有关版本 3.1.1 或更低版本,请参阅 V3.1.X 表单识别器示例



Uri fileUri = new Uri("<fileUri>");

AnalyzeDocumentOperation operation = await client.AnalyzeDocumentFromUriAsync(WaitUntil.Completed, "prebuilt-layout", fileUri);
AnalyzeResult result = operation.Value;

foreach (DocumentPage page in result.Pages)
    Console.WriteLine($"Document Page {page.PageNumber} has {page.Lines.Count} line(s), {page.Words.Count} word(s),");
    Console.WriteLine($"and {page.SelectionMarks.Count} selection mark(s).");

    for (int i = 0; i < page.Lines.Count; i++)
        DocumentLine line = page.Lines[i];
        Console.WriteLine($"  Line {i} has content: '{line.Content}'.");

        Console.WriteLine($"    Its bounding polygon (points ordered clockwise):");

        for (int j = 0; j < line.BoundingPolygon.Count; j++)
            Console.WriteLine($"      Point {j} => X: {line.BoundingPolygon[j].X}, Y: {line.BoundingPolygon[j].Y}");

    for (int i = 0; i < page.SelectionMarks.Count; i++)
        DocumentSelectionMark selectionMark = page.SelectionMarks[i];

        Console.WriteLine($"  Selection Mark {i} is {selectionMark.State}.");
        Console.WriteLine($"    Its bounding polygon (points ordered clockwise):");

        for (int j = 0; j < selectionMark.BoundingPolygon.Count; j++)
            Console.WriteLine($"      Point {j} => X: {selectionMark.BoundingPolygon[j].X}, Y: {selectionMark.BoundingPolygon[j].Y}");


foreach (DocumentParagraph paragraph in result.Paragraphs)
    Console.WriteLine($"  Paragraph content: {paragraph.Content}");

    if (paragraph.Role != null)
        Console.WriteLine($"    Role: {paragraph.Role}");

foreach (DocumentStyle style in result.Styles)
    // Check the style and style confidence to see if text is handwritten.
    // Note that value '0.8' is used as an example.

    bool isHandwritten = style.IsHandwritten.HasValue && style.IsHandwritten == true;

    if (isHandwritten && style.Confidence > 0.8)
        Console.WriteLine($"Handwritten content found:");

        foreach (DocumentSpan span in style.Spans)
            Console.WriteLine($"  Content: {result.Content.Substring(span.Index, span.Length)}");

Console.WriteLine("The following tables were extracted:");

for (int i = 0; i < result.Tables.Count; i++)
    DocumentTable table = result.Tables[i];
    Console.WriteLine($"  Table {i} has {table.RowCount} rows and {table.ColumnCount} columns.");

    foreach (DocumentTableCell cell in table.Cells)
        Console.WriteLine($"    Cell ({cell.RowIndex}, {cell.ColumnIndex}) has kind '{cell.Kind}' and content: '{cell.Content}'.");

有关详细信息和示例,请参阅 此处



Uri fileUri = new Uri("<fileUri>");

AnalyzeDocumentOperation operation = await client.AnalyzeDocumentFromUriAsync(WaitUntil.Completed, "prebuilt-document", fileUri);
AnalyzeResult result = operation.Value;

Console.WriteLine("Detected key-value pairs:");

foreach (DocumentKeyValuePair kvp in result.KeyValuePairs)
    if (kvp.Value == null)
        Console.WriteLine($"  Found key with no value: '{kvp.Key.Content}'");
        Console.WriteLine($"  Found key-value pair: '{kvp.Key.Content}' and '{kvp.Value.Content}'");

foreach (DocumentPage page in result.Pages)
    Console.WriteLine($"Document Page {page.PageNumber} has {page.Lines.Count} line(s), {page.Words.Count} word(s),");
    Console.WriteLine($"and {page.SelectionMarks.Count} selection mark(s).");

    for (int i = 0; i < page.Lines.Count; i++)
        DocumentLine line = page.Lines[i];
        Console.WriteLine($"  Line {i} has content: '{line.Content}'.");

        Console.WriteLine($"    Its bounding polygon (points ordered clockwise):");

        for (int j = 0; j < line.BoundingPolygon.Count; j++)
            Console.WriteLine($"      Point {j} => X: {line.BoundingPolygon[j].X}, Y: {line.BoundingPolygon[j].Y}");

    for (int i = 0; i < page.SelectionMarks.Count; i++)
        DocumentSelectionMark selectionMark = page.SelectionMarks[i];

        Console.WriteLine($"  Selection Mark {i} is {selectionMark.State}.");
        Console.WriteLine($"    Its bounding polygon (points ordered clockwise):");

        for (int j = 0; j < selectionMark.BoundingPolygon.Count; j++)
            Console.WriteLine($"      Point {j} => X: {selectionMark.BoundingPolygon[j].X}, Y: {selectionMark.BoundingPolygon[j].Y}");

foreach (DocumentStyle style in result.Styles)
    // Check the style and style confidence to see if text is handwritten.
    // Note that value '0.8' is used as an example.

    bool isHandwritten = style.IsHandwritten.HasValue && style.IsHandwritten == true;

    if (isHandwritten && style.Confidence > 0.8)
        Console.WriteLine($"Handwritten content found:");

        foreach (DocumentSpan span in style.Spans)
            Console.WriteLine($"  Content: {result.Content.Substring(span.Index, span.Length)}");

Console.WriteLine("The following tables were extracted:");

for (int i = 0; i < result.Tables.Count; i++)
    DocumentTable table = result.Tables[i];
    Console.WriteLine($"  Table {i} has {table.RowCount} rows and {table.ColumnCount} columns.");

    foreach (DocumentTableCell cell in table.Cells)
        Console.WriteLine($"    Cell ({cell.RowIndex}, {cell.ColumnIndex}) has kind '{cell.Kind}' and content: '{cell.Content}'.");

有关详细信息和示例,请参阅 此处



Uri fileUri = new Uri("<fileUri>");

AnalyzeDocumentOperation operation = await client.AnalyzeDocumentFromUriAsync(WaitUntil.Completed, "prebuilt-read", fileUri);
AnalyzeResult result = operation.Value;

Console.WriteLine("Detected languages:");

foreach (DocumentLanguage language in result.Languages)
    Console.WriteLine($"  Found language with locale '{language.Locale}' and confidence {language.Confidence}.");

foreach (DocumentPage page in result.Pages)
    Console.WriteLine($"Document Page {page.PageNumber} has {page.Lines.Count} line(s), {page.Words.Count} word(s),");
    Console.WriteLine($"and {page.SelectionMarks.Count} selection mark(s).");

    for (int i = 0; i < page.Lines.Count; i++)
        DocumentLine line = page.Lines[i];
        Console.WriteLine($"  Line {i} has content: '{line.Content}'.");

        Console.WriteLine($"    Its bounding polygon (points ordered clockwise):");

        for (int j = 0; j < line.BoundingPolygon.Count; j++)
            Console.WriteLine($"      Point {j} => X: {line.BoundingPolygon[j].X}, Y: {line.BoundingPolygon[j].Y}");

foreach (DocumentStyle style in result.Styles)
    // Check the style and style confidence to see if text is handwritten.
    // Note that value '0.8' is used as an example.

    bool isHandwritten = style.IsHandwritten.HasValue && style.IsHandwritten == true;

    if (isHandwritten && style.Confidence > 0.8)
        Console.WriteLine($"Handwritten content found:");

        foreach (DocumentSpan span in style.Spans)
            Console.WriteLine($"  Content: {result.Content.Substring(span.Index, span.Length)}");

有关详细信息和示例,请参阅 此处



例如,若要分析发票中的字段,请使用通过将模型 ID 传递到 prebuilt-invoiceAnalyzeDocumentAsync 方法提供的预生成发票模型:

string filePath = "<filePath>";

using var stream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open);

AnalyzeDocumentOperation operation = await client.AnalyzeDocumentAsync(WaitUntil.Completed, "prebuilt-invoice", stream);
AnalyzeResult result = operation.Value;

// To see the list of all the supported fields returned by service and its corresponding types for the
// prebuilt-invoice model, consult:
// https://aka.ms/azsdk/formrecognizer/invoicefieldschema

for (int i = 0; i < result.Documents.Count; i++)
    Console.WriteLine($"Document {i}:");

    AnalyzedDocument document = result.Documents[i];

    if (document.Fields.TryGetValue("VendorName", out DocumentField vendorNameField))
        if (vendorNameField.FieldType == DocumentFieldType.String)
            string vendorName = vendorNameField.Value.AsString();
            Console.WriteLine($"Vendor Name: '{vendorName}', with confidence {vendorNameField.Confidence}");

    if (document.Fields.TryGetValue("CustomerName", out DocumentField customerNameField))
        if (customerNameField.FieldType == DocumentFieldType.String)
            string customerName = customerNameField.Value.AsString();
            Console.WriteLine($"Customer Name: '{customerName}', with confidence {customerNameField.Confidence}");

    if (document.Fields.TryGetValue("Items", out DocumentField itemsField))
        if (itemsField.FieldType == DocumentFieldType.List)
            foreach (DocumentField itemField in itemsField.Value.AsList())

                if (itemField.FieldType == DocumentFieldType.Dictionary)
                    IReadOnlyDictionary<string, DocumentField> itemFields = itemField.Value.AsDictionary();

                    if (itemFields.TryGetValue("Description", out DocumentField itemDescriptionField))
                        if (itemDescriptionField.FieldType == DocumentFieldType.String)
                            string itemDescription = itemDescriptionField.Value.AsString();

                            Console.WriteLine($"  Description: '{itemDescription}', with confidence {itemDescriptionField.Confidence}");

                    if (itemFields.TryGetValue("Amount", out DocumentField itemAmountField))
                        if (itemAmountField.FieldType == DocumentFieldType.Currency)
                            CurrencyValue itemAmount = itemAmountField.Value.AsCurrency();

                            Console.WriteLine($"  Amount: '{itemAmount.Symbol}{itemAmount.Amount}', with confidence {itemAmountField.Confidence}");

    if (document.Fields.TryGetValue("SubTotal", out DocumentField subTotalField))
        if (subTotalField.FieldType == DocumentFieldType.Currency)
            CurrencyValue subTotal = subTotalField.Value.AsCurrency();
            Console.WriteLine($"Sub Total: '{subTotal.Symbol}{subTotal.Amount}', with confidence {subTotalField.Confidence}");

    if (document.Fields.TryGetValue("TotalTax", out DocumentField totalTaxField))
        if (totalTaxField.FieldType == DocumentFieldType.Currency)
            CurrencyValue totalTax = totalTaxField.Value.AsCurrency();
            Console.WriteLine($"Total Tax: '{totalTax.Symbol}{totalTax.Amount}', with confidence {totalTaxField.Confidence}");

    if (document.Fields.TryGetValue("InvoiceTotal", out DocumentField invoiceTotalField))
        if (invoiceTotalField.FieldType == DocumentFieldType.Currency)
            CurrencyValue invoiceTotal = invoiceTotalField.Value.AsCurrency();
            Console.WriteLine($"Invoice Total: '{invoiceTotal.Symbol}{invoiceTotal.Amount}', with confidence {invoiceTotalField.Confidence}");

不限于发票! 有几个预生成模型可供选择,每个模型都有自己的一组受支持字段。 有关支持的文档类型的详细信息,请参阅 服务文档

有关详细信息和示例,请参阅 此处


根据自己的文档类型生成自定义模型。 生成的模型可用于分析生成模型所基于的文档类型的值。

// For this sample, you can use the training documents found in the `trainingFiles` folder.
// Upload the documents to your storage container and then generate a container SAS URL. Note
// that a container URI without SAS is accepted only when the container is public or has a
// managed identity configured.
// For instructions to set up documents for training in an Azure Blob Storage Container, please see:
// https://aka.ms/azsdk/formrecognizer/buildcustommodel

Uri blobContainerUri = new Uri("<blobContainerUri>");
var client = new DocumentModelAdministrationClient(new Uri(endpoint), new AzureKeyCredential(apiKey));

// We are selecting the Template build mode in this sample. For more information about the available
// build modes and their differences, please see:
// https://aka.ms/azsdk/formrecognizer/buildmode

BuildDocumentModelOperation operation = await client.BuildDocumentModelAsync(WaitUntil.Completed, blobContainerUri, DocumentBuildMode.Template);
DocumentModelDetails model = operation.Value;

Console.WriteLine($"  Model Id: {model.ModelId}");
Console.WriteLine($"  Created on: {model.CreatedOn}");

Console.WriteLine("  Document types the model can recognize:");
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, DocumentTypeDetails> documentType in model.DocumentTypes)
    Console.WriteLine($"    Document type: {documentType.Key} which has the following fields:");
    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, DocumentFieldSchema> schema in documentType.Value.FieldSchema)
        Console.WriteLine($"    Field: {schema.Key} with confidence {documentType.Value.FieldConfidence[schema.Key]}");

有关详细信息和示例,请参阅 此处



string modelId = "<modelId>";
Uri fileUri = new Uri("<fileUri>");

AnalyzeDocumentOperation operation = await client.AnalyzeDocumentFromUriAsync(WaitUntil.Completed, modelId, fileUri);
AnalyzeResult result = operation.Value;

Console.WriteLine($"Document was analyzed with model with ID: {result.ModelId}");

foreach (AnalyzedDocument document in result.Documents)
    Console.WriteLine($"Document of type: {document.DocumentType}");

    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, DocumentField> fieldKvp in document.Fields)
        string fieldName = fieldKvp.Key;
        DocumentField field = fieldKvp.Value;

        Console.WriteLine($"Field '{fieldName}': ");

        Console.WriteLine($"  Content: '{field.Content}'");
        Console.WriteLine($"  Confidence: '{field.Confidence}'");

有关详细信息和示例,请参阅 此处



var client = new DocumentModelAdministrationClient(new Uri(endpoint), new AzureKeyCredential(apiKey));

// Check number of custom models in the Form Recognizer resource, and the maximum number of custom models that can be stored.
ResourceDetails resourceDetails = await client.GetResourceDetailsAsync();
Console.WriteLine($"Resource has {resourceDetails.CustomDocumentModelCount} custom models.");
Console.WriteLine($"It can have at most {resourceDetails.CustomDocumentModelLimit} custom models.");

// List the first ten or fewer models currently stored in the resource.
AsyncPageable<DocumentModelSummary> models = client.GetDocumentModelsAsync();

int count = 0;
await foreach (DocumentModelSummary modelSummary in models)
    Console.WriteLine($"Custom Model Summary:");
    Console.WriteLine($"  Model Id: {modelSummary.ModelId}");
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(modelSummary.Description))
        Console.WriteLine($"  Model description: {modelSummary.Description}");
    Console.WriteLine($"  Created on: {modelSummary.CreatedOn}");
    if (++count == 10)

// Create a new model to store in the resource.
Uri blobContainerUri = new Uri("<blobContainerUri>");
BuildDocumentModelOperation operation = await client.BuildDocumentModelAsync(WaitUntil.Completed, blobContainerUri, DocumentBuildMode.Template);
DocumentModelDetails model = operation.Value;

// Get the model that was just created.
DocumentModelDetails newCreatedModel = await client.GetDocumentModelAsync(model.ModelId);

Console.WriteLine($"Custom Model with Id {newCreatedModel.ModelId} has the following information:");

Console.WriteLine($"  Model Id: {newCreatedModel.ModelId}");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newCreatedModel.Description))
    Console.WriteLine($"  Model description: {newCreatedModel.Description}");
Console.WriteLine($"  Created on: {newCreatedModel.CreatedOn}");

// Delete the model from the resource.
await client.DeleteDocumentModelAsync(newCreatedModel.ModelId);

有关详细信息和示例,请参阅 此处


使用同步 API 管理帐户中存储的模型。

var client = new DocumentModelAdministrationClient(new Uri(endpoint), new AzureKeyCredential(apiKey));

// Check number of custom models in the Form Recognizer resource, and the maximum number of custom models that can be stored.
ResourceDetails resourceDetails = client.GetResourceDetails();
Console.WriteLine($"Resource has {resourceDetails.CustomDocumentModelCount} custom models.");
Console.WriteLine($"It can have at most {resourceDetails.CustomDocumentModelLimit} custom models.");

// List the first ten or fewer models currently stored in the resource.
Pageable<DocumentModelSummary> models = client.GetDocumentModels();

foreach (DocumentModelSummary modelSummary in models.Take(10))
    Console.WriteLine($"Custom Model Summary:");
    Console.WriteLine($"  Model Id: {modelSummary.ModelId}");
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(modelSummary.Description))
        Console.WriteLine($"  Model description: {modelSummary.Description}");
    Console.WriteLine($"  Created on: {modelSummary.CreatedOn}");

// Create a new model to store in the resource.

Uri blobContainerUri = new Uri("<blobContainerUri>");
BuildDocumentModelOperation operation = client.BuildDocumentModel(WaitUntil.Completed, blobContainerUri, DocumentBuildMode.Template);
DocumentModelDetails model = operation.Value;

// Get the model that was just created.
DocumentModelDetails newCreatedModel = client.GetDocumentModel(model.ModelId);

Console.WriteLine($"Custom Model with Id {newCreatedModel.ModelId} has the following information:");

Console.WriteLine($"  Model Id: {newCreatedModel.ModelId}");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newCreatedModel.Description))
    Console.WriteLine($"  Model description: {newCreatedModel.Description}");
Console.WriteLine($"  Created on: {newCreatedModel.CreatedOn}");

// Delete the created model from the resource.



// For this sample, you can use the training documents found in the `classifierTrainingFiles` folder.
// Upload the documents to your storage container and then generate a container SAS URL. Note
// that a container URI without SAS is accepted only when the container is public or has a
// managed identity configured.
// For instructions to set up documents for training in an Azure Blob Storage Container, please see:
// https://aka.ms/azsdk/formrecognizer/buildclassifiermodel

Uri trainingFilesUri = new Uri("<trainingFilesUri>");
var client = new DocumentModelAdministrationClient(new Uri(endpoint), new AzureKeyCredential(apiKey));

var sourceA = new BlobContentSource(trainingFilesUri) { Prefix = "IRS-1040-A/train" };
var sourceB = new BlobContentSource(trainingFilesUri) { Prefix = "IRS-1040-B/train" };

var documentTypes = new Dictionary<string, ClassifierDocumentTypeDetails>()
    { "IRS-1040-A", new ClassifierDocumentTypeDetails(sourceA) },
    { "IRS-1040-B", new ClassifierDocumentTypeDetails(sourceB) }

BuildDocumentClassifierOperation operation = await client.BuildDocumentClassifierAsync(WaitUntil.Completed, documentTypes);
DocumentClassifierDetails classifier = operation.Value;

Console.WriteLine($"  Classifier Id: {classifier.ClassifierId}");
Console.WriteLine($"  Created on: {classifier.CreatedOn}");

Console.WriteLine("  Document types the classifier can recognize:");
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, ClassifierDocumentTypeDetails> documentType in classifier.DocumentTypes)
    Console.WriteLine($"    {documentType.Key}");

有关详细信息和示例,请参阅 此处



string classifierId = "<classifierId>";
Uri fileUri = new Uri("<fileUri>");

ClassifyDocumentOperation operation = await client.ClassifyDocumentFromUriAsync(WaitUntil.Completed, classifierId, fileUri);
AnalyzeResult result = operation.Value;

Console.WriteLine($"Document was classified by classifier with ID: {result.ModelId}");

foreach (AnalyzedDocument document in result.Documents)
    Console.WriteLine($"Document of type: {document.DocumentType}");

有关详细信息和示例,请参阅 此处



使用 .NET SDK 与 表单识别器 客户端库交互时,服务返回的错误将导致具有 RequestFailedExceptionREST API 请求返回的相同 HTTP 状态代码的 。

例如,如果提交的回执图像无效 Uri400 则返回错误,指示“请求错误”。

    AnalyzeDocumentOperation operation = await client.AnalyzeDocumentFromUriAsync(WaitUntil.Completed, "prebuilt-receipt", new Uri("http://invalid.uri"));
catch (RequestFailedException e)

你会注意到记录了其他信息,例如操作的客户端请求 ID。

    Azure.RequestFailedException: Service request failed.
    Status: 400 (Bad Request)
    ErrorCode: InvalidRequest

    {"error":{"code":"InvalidRequest","message":"Invalid request.","innererror":{"code":"InvalidContent","message":"The file is corrupted or format is unsupported. Refer to documentation for the list of supported formats."}}}

    Transfer-Encoding: chunked
    x-envoy-upstream-service-time: REDACTED
    apim-request-id: REDACTED
    Strict-Transport-Security: REDACTED
    X-Content-Type-Options: REDACTED
    Date: Fri, 01 Oct 2021 02:55:44 GMT
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

文档智能服务引发的错误代码和消息可在 服务文档中找到。

有关常见问题的更多详细信息,请参阅 故障排除指南


查看日志的最简单方法是启用控制台日志记录。 若要创建将消息输出到控制台的 Azure SDK 日志侦听器,请使用 AzureEventSourceListener.CreateConsoleLogger 方法。

// Setup a listener to monitor logged events.
using AzureEventSourceListener listener = AzureEventSourceListener.CreateConsoleLogger();

若要了解有关其他日志记录机制的详细信息,请参阅 诊断示例


此 GitHub 存储库中提供了演示如何使用 表单识别器 库的示例。 每个main功能区域都提供了示例:

请注意,这些示例使用 SDK 版本 4.1.0。 有关版本 3.1.1 或更低版本,请参阅 V3.1.X 表单识别器示例


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提交拉取请求时,CLA 机器人将自动确定你是否需要提供 CLA,并相应地修饰 PR(例如标签、注释)。 直接按机器人提供的说明操作。 只需使用 CLA 对所有存储库执行一次这样的操作。

此项目采用了 Microsoft 开放源代码行为准则。 有关详细信息,请参阅行为准则常见问题解答,或如果有任何其他问题或意见,请与 联系。
