你当前正在访问 Microsoft Azure Global Edition 技术文档网站。 如果需要访问由世纪互联运营的 Microsoft Azure 中国技术文档网站,请访问 https://docs.azure.cn

适用于 .NET 的 Azure 认知服务文本分析客户端库 - 版本 5.3.0

文本分析是适用于语言的 Azure 认知服务的一部分,该服务是一项基于云的服务,提供自然语言处理 (NLP) 功能,用于理解和分析文本。 此客户端库提供以下功能:

  • 语言检测
  • 情绪分析
  • 关键短语提取
  • 命名实体识别 (NER)
  • 个人身份信息 (PII) 实体识别
  • 实体链接
  • 运行状况文本分析
  • 自定义命名实体识别 (自定义 NER)
  • 自定义文本分类
  • 提取文本摘要
  • 抽象文本摘要

源代码 | 包 (NuGet) | API 参考文档 | 产品文档 | 样品



使用 NuGet 安装适用于 .NET 的 Azure 文本分析 客户端库:

dotnet add package Azure.AI.TextAnalytics

此表显示了 SDK 版本与服务支持的 API 版本之间的关系:

请注意, 5.2.0 是面向 Azure 认知服务语言 API 的客户端库的第一个稳定版本,其中包括文本分析客户端库中的现有文本分析和自然语言处理功能。 此外,服务 API 已从语义化更改为基于日期的版本控制。

SDK 版本 服务支持的 API 版本
5.3.X 3.0、3.1、2022-05-01、2023-04-01 (默认)
5.2.X 3.0、3.1、2022-05-01 (默认)
5.1.X 3.0、3.1(默认)
5.0.X 3.0
1.0.X 3.0


  • 一个 Azure 订阅
  • 现有的认知服务或语言服务资源。


适用于语言的 Azure 认知服务支持 多服务和单服务访问。 如果计划访问单个终结点和 API 密钥下的多个认知服务,请创建认知服务资源。 若要仅访问语言服务的功能,请改为创建语言服务资源。

可以通过 Azure 门户创建任一资源,或者,也可以按照本文档中的步骤使用 Azure CLI 创建资源。


使用客户端库与服务的交互从创建 TextAnalyticsClient 类的实例开始。 需要 终结点和API 密钥TokenCredential 实例化客户端对象。 有关使用认知服务进行身份验证的详细信息,请参阅 对 Azure 认知服务的请求进行身份验证

获取 API 密钥

可以从 Azure 门户中endpoint认知服务资源或语言服务资源信息获取 和 API key

或者,使用以下 Azure CLI 代码片段从语言服务资源获取 API 密钥。

az cognitiveservices account keys list --resource-group <your-resource-group-name> --name <your-resource-name>

TextAnalyticsClient使用 API 密钥凭据创建

获得 API 密钥的值后,请 AzureKeyCredential创建 。 这样,无需创建新客户端即可更新 API 密钥。

使用 终结点和 AzureKeyCredential的值,可以创建 TextAnalyticsClient

Uri endpoint = new("<endpoint>");
AzureKeyCredential credential = new("<apiKey>");
TextAnalyticsClient client = new(endpoint, credential);

TextAnalyticsClient使用 Azure Active Directory 凭据创建

本入门指南中的大多数示例中都使用了客户端 API 密钥身份验证,但也可以使用 Azure 标识库通过 Azure Active Directory 进行身份验证。 请注意,区域终结点不支持 AAD 身份验证。 为资源创建自定义子域,以使用此类身份验证。

若要使用如下所示的 DefaultAzureCredential 提供程序或 Azure SDK 提供的其他凭据提供程序,请安装 Azure.Identity 包:

dotnet add package Azure.Identity

还需要注册新的 AAD 应用程序,并通过向服务主体分配角色来"Cognitive Services User"授予对语言服务的访问权限


Uri endpoint = new("<endpoint>");
TextAnalyticsClient client = new(endpoint, new DefaultAzureCredential());



TextAnalyticsClient开发人员使用 文本分析 客户端库的主要接口。 它提供同步和异步操作来访问特定使用的文本分析,例如语言检测或关键短语提取。


文档是语言服务中的预测模型要分析的单个输入单位。 对 TextAnalyticsClient 的操作可能需要将单个文档或文档集合作为批处理进行分析。 有关文档长度限制、最大批大小和支持的文本编码,请参阅 此处


对于每个受支持的操作, TextAnalyticsClient 提供一个方法,该方法接受一批文档作为字符串,或一批 TextDocumentInputDetectLanguageInput 对象。 此方法允许调用方为每个文档提供唯一 ID、指示批中的文档以不同的语言编写,或提供有关文档语言的国家/地区提示。

注意: 建议在生产环境中使用批处理方法,因为它们允许发送包含多个文档的一个请求。 这比为每个文档发送请求更高性能。


返回值(如 AnalyzeSentimentResult)是文本分析操作的结果,其中包含有关单个文档的预测。 操作的返回值还可以选择性地包含有关文档及其处理方式的信息。

返回值 集合

Return 值集合(如 AnalyzeSentimentResultCollection)是操作结果的集合,其中每个集合对应于输入批处理中提供的文档之一。 文档及其结果在输入和结果集合中具有相同的索引。 返回值还包含一个 HasError 属性,该属性允许标识为给定文档执行的操作是成功还是失败。 可以选择包含有关文档批处理及其处理方式的信息。


对于执行时间较长的大型文档,这些操作作为 长时间运行的操作实现。 长时间运行的操作包括发送到服务以启动操作的初始请求,然后每隔一段时间轮询服务以确定操作是否已完成或失败,如果操作成功,则获取结果。

对于 Azure SDK 中长时间运行的操作,客户端会公开返回 Start<operation-name>Operation<T>PageableOperation<T>的方法。 可以使用 扩展方法 WaitForCompletionAsync() 等待操作完成并获取其结果。 下面提供了一个示例代码片段,用于说明如何使用长时间运行的操作。


我们保证所有客户端实例方法都是线程安全的,并且彼此独立 (准则) 。 这可确保重用客户端实例的建议始终是安全的,即使在线程之间也是如此。


客户端选项 | 访问响应 | 处理失败 | 诊断 | 嘲笑 | 客户端生存期


以下部分使用上面创建的 提供多个代码片段client,并介绍了此客户端库中存在的main功能。 尽管下面的大多数代码片段都使用同步服务调用,但请记住, Azure.AI.TextAnalytics 包支持同步和异步 API。





string document =
    "Este documento está escrito en un lenguaje diferente al inglés. Su objectivo es demostrar cómo"
    + " invocar el método de Detección de Lenguaje del servicio de Text Analytics en Microsoft Azure."
    + " También muestra cómo acceder a la información retornada por el servicio. Esta funcionalidad es"
    + " útil para los sistemas de contenido que recopilan texto arbitrario, donde el lenguaje no se conoce"
    + " de antemano. Puede usarse para detectar una amplia gama de lenguajes, variantes, dialectos y"
    + " algunos idiomas regionales o culturales.";

    Response<DetectedLanguage> response = client.DetectLanguage(document);
    DetectedLanguage language = response.Value;

    Console.WriteLine($"Detected language is {language.Name} with a confidence score of {language.ConfidenceScore}.");
catch (RequestFailedException exception)
    Console.WriteLine($"Error Code: {exception.ErrorCode}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Message: {exception.Message}");

有关使用生产推荐选项 DetectLanguageBatch 的示例,请参阅 此处

有关 语言检测的概念性讨论,请参阅服务文档。



string document =
    "I had the best day of my life. I decided to go sky-diving and it made me appreciate my whole life so"
    + "much more. I developed a deep-connection with my instructor as well, and I feel as if I've made a"
    + "life-long friend in her.";

    Response<DocumentSentiment> response = client.AnalyzeSentiment(document);
    DocumentSentiment docSentiment = response.Value;

    Console.WriteLine($"Document sentiment is {docSentiment.Sentiment} with: ");
    Console.WriteLine($"  Positive confidence score: {docSentiment.ConfidenceScores.Positive}");
    Console.WriteLine($"  Neutral confidence score: {docSentiment.ConfidenceScores.Neutral}");
    Console.WriteLine($"  Negative confidence score: {docSentiment.ConfidenceScores.Negative}");
catch (RequestFailedException exception)
    Console.WriteLine($"Error Code: {exception.ErrorCode}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Message: {exception.Message}");

有关使用生产推荐选项 AnalyzeSentimentBatch 的示例,请参阅 此处

若要获取有关与产品/服务目标(也称为自然语言处理中的基于方面的情绪分析 (NLP) )相关的观点的更精细的信息,请参阅 此处使用观点挖掘进行情绪分析的示例。

有关 情绪分析的概念性讨论,请参阅服务文档。



string document =
    "My cat might need to see a veterinarian. It has been sneezing more than normal, and although my"
    + " little sister thinks it is funny, I am worried it has the cold that I got last week. We are going"
    + " to call tomorrow and try to schedule an appointment for this week. Hopefully it will be covered by"
    + " the cat's insurance. It might be good to not let it sleep in my room for a while.";

    Response<KeyPhraseCollection> response = client.ExtractKeyPhrases(document);
    KeyPhraseCollection keyPhrases = response.Value;

    Console.WriteLine($"Extracted {keyPhrases.Count} key phrases:");
    foreach (string keyPhrase in keyPhrases)
        Console.WriteLine($"  {keyPhrase}");
catch (RequestFailedException exception)
    Console.WriteLine($"Error Code: {exception.ErrorCode}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Message: {exception.Message}");

有关使用生产推荐选项 ExtractKeyPhrasesBatch 的示例,请参阅 此处

有关 关键短语提取的概念性讨论,请参阅服务文档。


运行预测模型以识别传入文档或一批文档中的命名实体集合,并将这些实体分类为人员、位置或组织等类别。 有关可用类别的详细信息,请参阅文本分析命名实体类别

string document =
    "We love this trail and make the trip every year. The views are breathtaking and well worth the hike!"
    + " Yesterday was foggy though, so we missed the spectacular views. We tried again today and it was"
    + " amazing. Everyone in my family liked the trail although it was too challenging for the less"
    + " athletic among us. Not necessarily recommended for small children. A hotel close to the trail"
    + " offers services for childcare in case you want that.";

    Response<CategorizedEntityCollection> response = client.RecognizeEntities(document);
    CategorizedEntityCollection entitiesInDocument = response.Value;

    Console.WriteLine($"Recognized {entitiesInDocument.Count} entities:");
    foreach (CategorizedEntity entity in entitiesInDocument)
        Console.WriteLine($"  Text: {entity.Text}");
        Console.WriteLine($"  Offset: {entity.Offset}");
        Console.WriteLine($"  Length: {entity.Length}");
        Console.WriteLine($"  Category: {entity.Category}");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.SubCategory))
            Console.WriteLine($"  SubCategory: {entity.SubCategory}");
        Console.WriteLine($"  Confidence score: {entity.ConfidenceScore}");
catch (RequestFailedException exception)
    Console.WriteLine($"Error Code: {exception.ErrorCode}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Message: {exception.Message}");

有关使用生产推荐选项 RecognizeEntitiesBatch 的示例,请参阅 此处

有关 命名实体识别的概念性讨论,请参阅服务文档。

识别 PII 实体


string document =
    "Parker Doe has repaid all of their loans as of 2020-04-25. Their SSN is 859-98-0987. To contact them,"
    + " use their phone number 800-102-1100. They are originally from Brazil and have document ID number"
    + " 998.214.865-68.";

    Response<PiiEntityCollection> response = client.RecognizePiiEntities(document);
    PiiEntityCollection entities = response.Value;

    Console.WriteLine($"Redacted Text: {entities.RedactedText}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Recognized {entities.Count} PII entities:");
    foreach (PiiEntity entity in entities)
        Console.WriteLine($"  Text: {entity.Text}");
        Console.WriteLine($"  Category: {entity.Category}");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.SubCategory))
            Console.WriteLine($"  SubCategory: {entity.SubCategory}");
        Console.WriteLine($"  Confidence score: {entity.ConfidenceScore}");
catch (RequestFailedException exception)
    Console.WriteLine($"Error Code: {exception.ErrorCode}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Message: {exception.Message}");

有关使用生产推荐选项 RecognizePiiEntitiesBatch 的示例,请参阅 此处

有关支持的 PII 实体类型,请参阅服务文档。



string document =
    "Microsoft was founded by Bill Gates with some friends he met at Harvard. One of his friends, Steve"
    + " Ballmer, eventually became CEO after Bill Gates as well. Steve Ballmer eventually stepped down as"
    + " CEO of Microsoft, and was succeeded by Satya Nadella. Microsoft originally moved its headquarters"
    + " to Bellevue, Washington in Januaray 1979, but is now headquartered in Redmond.";

    Response<LinkedEntityCollection> response = client.RecognizeLinkedEntities(document);
    LinkedEntityCollection linkedEntities = response.Value;

    Console.WriteLine($"Recognized {linkedEntities.Count} entities:");
    foreach (LinkedEntity linkedEntity in linkedEntities)
        Console.WriteLine($"  Name: {linkedEntity.Name}");
        Console.WriteLine($"  Language: {linkedEntity.Language}");
        Console.WriteLine($"  Data Source: {linkedEntity.DataSource}");
        Console.WriteLine($"  URL: {linkedEntity.Url}");
        Console.WriteLine($"  Entity Id in Data Source: {linkedEntity.DataSourceEntityId}");
        foreach (LinkedEntityMatch match in linkedEntity.Matches)
            Console.WriteLine($"    Match Text: {match.Text}");
            Console.WriteLine($"    Offset: {match.Offset}");
            Console.WriteLine($"    Length: {match.Length}");
            Console.WriteLine($"    Confidence score: {match.ConfidenceScore}");
catch (RequestFailedException exception)
    Console.WriteLine($"Error Code: {exception.ErrorCode}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Message: {exception.Message}");

有关使用生产推荐选项 RecognizeLinkedEntitiesBatch 的示例,请参阅 此处

有关 实体链接的概念性讨论,请参阅服务文档。



string document =
    "Este documento está escrito en un lenguaje diferente al inglés. Su objectivo es demostrar cómo"
    + " invocar el método de Detección de Lenguaje del servicio de Text Analytics en Microsoft Azure."
    + " También muestra cómo acceder a la información retornada por el servicio. Esta funcionalidad es"
    + " útil para los sistemas de contenido que recopilan texto arbitrario, donde el lenguaje no se conoce"
    + " de antemano. Puede usarse para detectar una amplia gama de lenguajes, variantes, dialectos y"
    + " algunos idiomas regionales o culturales.";

    Response<DetectedLanguage> response = await client.DetectLanguageAsync(document);
    DetectedLanguage language = response.Value;

    Console.WriteLine($"Detected language is {language.Name} with a confidence score of {language.ConfidenceScore}.");
catch (RequestFailedException exception)
    Console.WriteLine($"Error Code: {exception.ErrorCode}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Message: {exception.Message}");


运行预测模型以识别传入文档或一批文档中的命名实体集合,并将这些实体分类为人员、位置或组织等类别。 有关可用类别的详细信息,请参阅文本分析命名实体类别

string document =
    "We love this trail and make the trip every year. The views are breathtaking and well worth the hike!"
    + " Yesterday was foggy though, so we missed the spectacular views. We tried again today and it was"
    + " amazing. Everyone in my family liked the trail although it was too challenging for the less"
    + " athletic among us. Not necessarily recommended for small children. A hotel close to the trail"
    + " offers services for childcare in case you want that.";

    Response<CategorizedEntityCollection> response = await client.RecognizeEntitiesAsync(document);
    CategorizedEntityCollection entitiesInDocument = response.Value;

    Console.WriteLine($"Recognized {entitiesInDocument.Count} entities:");
    foreach (CategorizedEntity entity in entitiesInDocument)
        Console.WriteLine($"  Text: {entity.Text}");
        Console.WriteLine($"  Offset: {entity.Offset}");
        Console.WriteLine($"  Length: {entity.Length}");
        Console.WriteLine($"  Category: {entity.Category}");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.SubCategory))
            Console.WriteLine($"  SubCategory: {entity.SubCategory}");
        Console.WriteLine($"  Confidence score: {entity.ConfidenceScore}");
catch (RequestFailedException exception)
    Console.WriteLine($"Error Code: {exception.ErrorCode}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Message: {exception.Message}");


健康状况文本分析是一种容器化服务,它从非结构化文本(如医生的备注、出院摘要、临床文档和电子健康状况记录)中提取和标记相关医疗信息。 有关详细信息,请参阅如何:使用文本分析实现健康

string documentA =
    "RECORD #333582770390100 | MH | 85986313 | | 054351 | 2/14/2001 12:00:00 AM |"
    + Environment.NewLine
    + " Admission Date: 5/22/2001 Report Status: Signed Discharge Date: 4/24/2001"
    + Environment.NewLine
    + " HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: The patient is a 54-year-old gentleman with a history of progressive"
    + " angina over the past several months. The patient had a cardiac catheterization in July of this"
    + " year revealing total occlusion of the RCA and 50% left main disease, with a strong family history"
    + " of coronary artery disease with a brother dying at the age of 52 from a myocardial infarction and"
    + " another brother who is status post coronary artery bypass grafting. The patient had a stress"
    + " echocardiogram done on July, 2001, which showed no wall motion abnormalities, but this was a"
    + " difficult study due to body habitus. The patient went for six minutes with minimal ST depressions"
    + " in the anterior lateral leads, thought due to fatigue and wrist pain, his anginal equivalent. Due"
    + " to the patient'sincreased symptoms and family history and history left main disease with total"
    + " occasional of his RCA was referred for revascularization with open heart surgery.";

string documentB = "Prescribed 100mg ibuprofen, taken twice daily.";

// Prepare the input of the text analysis operation. You can add multiple documents to this list and
// perform the same operation on all of them simultaneously.
List<string> batchedDocuments = new()

// Perform the text analysis operation.
AnalyzeHealthcareEntitiesOperation operation = await client.AnalyzeHealthcareEntitiesAsync(WaitUntil.Completed, batchedDocuments);

Console.WriteLine($"The operation has completed.");

// View the operation status.
Console.WriteLine($"Created On   : {operation.CreatedOn}");
Console.WriteLine($"Expires On   : {operation.ExpiresOn}");
Console.WriteLine($"Id           : {operation.Id}");
Console.WriteLine($"Status       : {operation.Status}");
Console.WriteLine($"Last Modified: {operation.LastModified}");

// View the operation results.
await foreach (AnalyzeHealthcareEntitiesResultCollection documentsInPage in operation.Value)
    Console.WriteLine($"Analyze Healthcare Entities, model version: \"{documentsInPage.ModelVersion}\"");

    foreach (AnalyzeHealthcareEntitiesResult documentResult in documentsInPage)
        if (documentResult.HasError)
            Console.WriteLine($"  Error!");
            Console.WriteLine($"  Document error code: {documentResult.Error.ErrorCode}");
            Console.WriteLine($"  Message: {documentResult.Error.Message}");

        Console.WriteLine($"  Recognized the following {documentResult.Entities.Count} healthcare entities:");

        // View the healthcare entities that were recognized.
        foreach (HealthcareEntity entity in documentResult.Entities)
            Console.WriteLine($"  Entity: {entity.Text}");
            Console.WriteLine($"  Category: {entity.Category}");
            Console.WriteLine($"  Offset: {entity.Offset}");
            Console.WriteLine($"  Length: {entity.Length}");
            Console.WriteLine($"  NormalizedText: {entity.NormalizedText}");
            Console.WriteLine($"  Links:");

            // View the entity data sources.
            foreach (EntityDataSource entityDataSource in entity.DataSources)
                Console.WriteLine($"    Entity ID in Data Source: {entityDataSource.EntityId}");
                Console.WriteLine($"    DataSource: {entityDataSource.Name}");

            // View the entity assertions.
            if (entity.Assertion is not null)
                Console.WriteLine($"  Assertions:");

                if (entity.Assertion?.Association is not null)
                    Console.WriteLine($"    Association: {entity.Assertion?.Association}");

                if (entity.Assertion?.Certainty is not null)
                    Console.WriteLine($"    Certainty: {entity.Assertion?.Certainty}");

                if (entity.Assertion?.Conditionality is not null)
                    Console.WriteLine($"    Conditionality: {entity.Assertion?.Conditionality}");

        Console.WriteLine($"  We found {documentResult.EntityRelations.Count} relations in the current document:");

        // View the healthcare entity relations that were recognized.
        foreach (HealthcareEntityRelation relation in documentResult.EntityRelations)
            Console.WriteLine($"    Relation: {relation.RelationType}");
            if (relation.ConfidenceScore is not null)
                Console.WriteLine($"    ConfidenceScore: {relation.ConfidenceScore}");
            Console.WriteLine($"    For this relation there are {relation.Roles.Count} roles");

            // View the relation roles.
            foreach (HealthcareEntityRelationRole role in relation.Roles)
                Console.WriteLine($"      Role Name: {role.Name}");

                Console.WriteLine($"      Associated Entity Text: {role.Entity.Text}");
                Console.WriteLine($"      Associated Entity Category: {role.Entity.Category}");




此功能允许在一个或多个文档中运行多个操作。 操作包括:

  • 命名实体识别
  • PII 实体识别
  • 链接实体识别
  • 关键短语提取
  • 情绪分析
  • 医疗保健实体识别 (请参阅此处 的示例)
  • 自定义命名实体识别 (请参阅 此处 的示例)
  • 自定义单标签分类 (请参阅 此处 的示例)
  • 自定义多标签分类 (请参阅 此处 的示例)
    string documentA =
        "We love this trail and make the trip every year. The views are breathtaking and well worth the hike!"
        + " Yesterday was foggy though, so we missed the spectacular views. We tried again today and it was"
        + " amazing. Everyone in my family liked the trail although it was too challenging for the less"
        + " athletic among us.";

    string documentB =
        "Last week we stayed at Hotel Foo to celebrate our anniversary. The staff knew about our anniversary"
        + " so they helped me organize a little surprise for my partner. The room was clean and with the"
        + " decoration I requested. It was perfect!";

    // Prepare the input of the text analysis operation. You can add multiple documents to this list and
    // perform the same operation on all of them simultaneously.
    List<string> batchedDocuments = new()

    TextAnalyticsActions actions = new()
        ExtractKeyPhrasesActions = new List<ExtractKeyPhrasesAction>() { new ExtractKeyPhrasesAction() { ActionName = "ExtractKeyPhrasesSample" } },
        RecognizeEntitiesActions = new List<RecognizeEntitiesAction>() { new RecognizeEntitiesAction() { ActionName = "RecognizeEntitiesSample" } },
        DisplayName = "AnalyzeOperationSample"

    // Perform the text analysis operation.
    AnalyzeActionsOperation operation = await client.AnalyzeActionsAsync(WaitUntil.Completed, batchedDocuments, actions);

    // View the operation status.
    Console.WriteLine($"Created On   : {operation.CreatedOn}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Expires On   : {operation.ExpiresOn}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Id           : {operation.Id}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Status       : {operation.Status}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Last Modified: {operation.LastModified}");

    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(operation.DisplayName))
        Console.WriteLine($"Display name: {operation.DisplayName}");

    Console.WriteLine($"Total actions: {operation.ActionsTotal}");
    Console.WriteLine($"  Succeeded actions: {operation.ActionsSucceeded}");
    Console.WriteLine($"  Failed actions: {operation.ActionsFailed}");
    Console.WriteLine($"  In progress actions: {operation.ActionsInProgress}");

    await foreach (AnalyzeActionsResult documentsInPage in operation.Value)
        IReadOnlyCollection<ExtractKeyPhrasesActionResult> keyPhrasesResults = documentsInPage.ExtractKeyPhrasesResults;
        IReadOnlyCollection<RecognizeEntitiesActionResult> entitiesResults = documentsInPage.RecognizeEntitiesResults;

        Console.WriteLine("Recognized Entities");
        int docNumber = 1;
        foreach (RecognizeEntitiesActionResult entitiesActionResults in entitiesResults)
            Console.WriteLine($" Action name: {entitiesActionResults.ActionName}");
            foreach (RecognizeEntitiesResult documentResult in entitiesActionResults.DocumentsResults)
                Console.WriteLine($" Document #{docNumber++}");
                Console.WriteLine($"  Recognized {documentResult.Entities.Count} entities:");

                foreach (CategorizedEntity entity in documentResult.Entities)
                    Console.WriteLine($"    Entity: {entity.Text}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"    Category: {entity.Category}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"    Offset: {entity.Offset}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"    Length: {entity.Length}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"    ConfidenceScore: {entity.ConfidenceScore}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"    SubCategory: {entity.SubCategory}");

        Console.WriteLine("Extracted Key Phrases");
        docNumber = 1;
        foreach (ExtractKeyPhrasesActionResult keyPhrasesActionResult in keyPhrasesResults)
            Console.WriteLine($" Action name: {keyPhrasesActionResult.ActionName}");
            foreach (ExtractKeyPhrasesResult documentResults in keyPhrasesActionResult.DocumentsResults)
                Console.WriteLine($" Document #{docNumber++}");
                Console.WriteLine($"  Recognized the following {documentResults.KeyPhrases.Count} Keyphrases:");

                foreach (string keyphrase in documentResults.KeyPhrases)
                    Console.WriteLine($"    {keyphrase}");



使用 .NET 文本分析 SDK 与语言认知服务交互时,语言服务返回的错误对应于为 REST API 请求返回的相同 HTTP 状态代码。

例如,如果提交一批包含重复文档 ID 的文本文档输入,则会返回错误 400 ,指示“请求错误”。

    DetectedLanguage result = client.DetectLanguage(document);
catch (RequestFailedException e)

你会注意到会记录其他信息,例如操作的客户端请求 ID。

    Status: 400 (Bad Request)

    {"error":{"code":"InvalidRequest","innerError":{"code":"InvalidDocument","message":"Request contains duplicated Ids. Make sure each document has a unique Id."},"message":"Invalid document in request."}}

    Transfer-Encoding: chunked
    x-aml-ta-request-id: 146ca04a-af54-43d4-9872-01a004bee5f8
    X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
    x-envoy-upstream-service-time: 6
    apim-request-id: c650acda-2b59-4ff7-b96a-e316442ea01b
    Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload
    Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2019 16:24:52 GMT
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8


查看日志的最简单方法是启用控制台日志记录。 若要创建将消息输出到控制台的 Azure SDK 日志侦听器,请使用 AzureEventSourceListener.CreateConsoleLogger 方法。

// Setup a listener to monitor logged events.
using AzureEventSourceListener listener = AzureEventSourceListener.CreateConsoleLogger();

若要详细了解其他日志记录机制,请参阅 此处


此 GitHub 存储库中提供了演示如何使用此客户端库的示例。 为每个main功能区域提供示例,对于每个区域,提供示例用于分析单个文档,以及同步和异步模式下的文档集合。



有关构建、测试和参与此库的详细信息,请参阅 CONTRIBUTING.md

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