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ApiKeyAuthenticationPolicy Class


A PipelinePolicy that uses an ApiKeyCredential to set a value on a PipelineRequest to authenticate with the cloud service.

public class ApiKeyAuthenticationPolicy : System.ClientModel.Primitives.PipelinePolicy
type ApiKeyAuthenticationPolicy = class
    inherit PipelinePolicy
Public Class ApiKeyAuthenticationPolicy
Inherits PipelinePolicy



Create a new instance of the ApiKeyAuthenticationPolicy class, where the credential value will be set in the Authorization header on the PipelineRequest with a Basic prefix.


Create a new instance of the ApiKeyAuthenticationPolicy class, where the credential value will be set in the Authorization header on the PipelineRequest with a Bearer prefix.

CreateHeaderApiKeyPolicy(ApiKeyCredential, String, String)

Create a new instance of the ApiKeyAuthenticationPolicy class, where the credential value will be specified in a request header.

Process(PipelineMessage, IReadOnlyList<PipelinePolicy>, Int32)

Process the provided PipelineMessage according to the intended purpose of this PipelinePolicyinstance. Derived types must pass control to the next PipelinePolicy in the pipeline by calling ProcessNext(PipelineMessage, IReadOnlyList<PipelinePolicy>, Int32).

ProcessAsync(PipelineMessage, IReadOnlyList<PipelinePolicy>, Int32)

Process the provided PipelineMessage according to the intended purpose of this PipelinePolicyinstance. Derived types must pass control to the next PipelinePolicy in the pipeline by calling ProcessNextAsync(PipelineMessage, IReadOnlyList<PipelinePolicy>, Int32).

Applies to