AutomationInteropProvider.AppendRuntimeId 字段


包含一个值,当作为由 UI 自动化提供程序传递到 GetRuntimeId() 的数组的第一个元素返回时,指示该 ID 是不完整的,且应该追加到基本提供程序所提供的 ID。

public: int AppendRuntimeId = 3;
public const int AppendRuntimeId = 3;
val mutable AppendRuntimeId : int
Public Const AppendRuntimeId As Integer  = 3


Value = 3


以下示例是列表项的 IRawElementProviderFragment.GetRuntimeId 实现。

/// <summary>
/// Gets the runtime identifier of the UI Automation element.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// myID is a unique identifier for the item within this instance of the list.
/// </remarks>
public int[] GetRuntimeId()
    return new int[] { AutomationInteropProvider.AppendRuntimeId, myID };
''' <summary>
''' Gets the runtime identifier of the UI Automation element.
''' </summary>
''' <remarks>
''' myID is a unique identifier for the item within this instance of the list.
''' </remarks>
Public Function GetRuntimeId() As Integer() _
    Implements IRawElementProviderFragment.GetRuntimeId

    Return New Integer() {AutomationInteropProvider.AppendRuntimeId, myID}

End Function 'GetRuntimeId


此字段通常用于实现 GetRuntimeId 未直接托管在窗口中的片段中的元素。
