Report scope 3 category 10, processing of sold products


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Business value

Processing of sold products can have a significant environmental impact particularly in industries where processing often involves energy-intensive activities such as heating, cooling, and refrigeration. By calculating emissions associated with this processing, your company can identify areas where you can reduce your environmental impact and work towards more sustainable practices.

Feature details

In this release, Microsoft Sustainability Manager has more tools to track and report on emissions related to scope 3 category 10: Processing of sold products. This category includes emissions generated from the processing of intermediate products that are sold by the reporting company but processed by third-party manufacturers before being used by the end consumer.

This feature includes the following key components:

  • Data model: We've updated the data model to make it easier to collect and organize activity data related to scope 3 category 10: Processing of sold products.
  • Ingestion: Our system now has improved ingestion capabilities for this category, making it easier for you to enter activity data and calculate emissions. You can still enter pre-calculated emissions if you prefer.
  • Default calculation models: We've included calculation models to help translate activity data into carbon emissions. This feature makes it easier for you to compute their carbon footprint for indirect emissions from third party manufacturers.
  • Reporting: This feature makes it easier for sustainability managers to track and report on emissions across the supply chain.

See also

Generate a quantitative preparation report in Microsoft Sustainability Manager (docs)