Report scope 3 category 11, use of sold products


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Jun 27, 2023 -

Business value

Calculating emissions associated with the use of sold products as defined by scope 3 category 11 provides several benefits. These benefits include risk management by identifying potential climate-related risks, competitive advantage by developing low-carbon products, and improved supply chain management by working with suppliers to reduce emissions. By managing these emissions, your company can improve long-term profitability and sustainability.

Feature details

In this release, Microsoft Sustainability Manager has more tools to track and report on emissions related to scope 3 category 11: Uuse of sold products. This category includes emissions that result from the use of a company's sold products.

This feature includes the following key components:

  • Data model: We've updated the data model to make it easier to collect and organize activity data related to scope 3 category 11: Use of sold products.
  • Ingestion: Our system now has improved ingestion capabilities for this category, making it easier for you to enter activity data and calculate emissions. You can still enter pre-calculated emissions if you prefer.
  • Default calculation models: We've included calculation models to help translate activity data into emissions by leveraging our default factor libraries including Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra), or your own. This feature makes it easier for you to report on emissions and ensure accurate data.
  • Reporting: This feature will make it easier for sustainability managers to track and report on emissions from consumer use of sold products.

See also

Generate a quantitative preparation report in Microsoft Sustainability Manager (docs)