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AnalyzeSentimentAction interface

Options for an analyze sentiment action.




If set to true, you opt-out of having your text input logged for troubleshooting. By default, Text Analytics logs your input text for 48 hours, solely to allow for troubleshooting issues. Setting this parameter to true, disables input logging and may limit our ability to remediate issues that occur.


Whether to mine the opinions of a sentence and conduct more granular analysis around the aspects of a product or service (also known as aspect-based sentiment analysis). If set to true, the returned SentenceSentiment objects will have property opinions containing the result of this analysis. More information about the feature can be found here: https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/cognitive-services/text-analytics/how-tos/text-analytics-how-to-sentiment-analysis?tabs=version-3-1#opinion-mining


Specifies the measurement unit used to calculate the offset and length properties. Possible units are "TextElements_v8", "UnicodeCodePoint", and "Utf16CodeUnit". The default is the JavaScript's default which is "Utf16CodeUnit".

Inherited Properties


The preferred name for this action.


The version of the text analytics model used by this operation on this batch of input documents.

Property Details


If set to true, you opt-out of having your text input logged for troubleshooting. By default, Text Analytics logs your input text for 48 hours, solely to allow for troubleshooting issues. Setting this parameter to true, disables input logging and may limit our ability to remediate issues that occur.

disableServiceLogs?: boolean

Property Value



Whether to mine the opinions of a sentence and conduct more granular analysis around the aspects of a product or service (also known as aspect-based sentiment analysis). If set to true, the returned SentenceSentiment objects will have property opinions containing the result of this analysis. More information about the feature can be found here: https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/cognitive-services/text-analytics/how-tos/text-analytics-how-to-sentiment-analysis?tabs=version-3-1#opinion-mining

includeOpinionMining?: boolean

Property Value



Specifies the measurement unit used to calculate the offset and length properties. Possible units are "TextElements_v8", "UnicodeCodePoint", and "Utf16CodeUnit". The default is the JavaScript's default which is "Utf16CodeUnit".

stringIndexType?: StringIndexType

Property Value

Inherited Property Details


The preferred name for this action.

actionName?: string

Property Value


Inherited From TextAnalyticsAction.actionName


The version of the text analytics model used by this operation on this batch of input documents.

modelVersion?: string

Property Value


Inherited From TextAnalyticsAction.modelVersion