Word.StyleType enum

Represents the type of style.


[ API set: WordApi 1.5 ]


// Link to full sample: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OfficeDev/office-js-snippets/prod/samples/word/50-document/manage-styles.yaml

// Applies the specified style to a paragraph.
await Word.run(async (context) => {
  const styleName = $("#style-name-to-use").val() as string;
  if (styleName == "") {
    console.warn("Enter a style name to apply.");

  const style: Word.Style = context.document.getStyles().getByNameOrNullObject(styleName);
  await context.sync();

  if (style.isNullObject) {
    console.warn(`There's no existing style with the name '${styleName}'.`);
  } else if (style.type != Word.StyleType.paragraph) {
    console.log(`The '${styleName}' style isn't a paragraph style.`);
  } else {
    const body: Word.Body = context.document.body;
      "Do you want to create a solution that extends the functionality of Word? You can use the Office Add-ins platform to extend Word clients running on the web, on a Windows desktop, or on a Mac.",
    const paragraph: Word.Paragraph = body.paragraphs.getFirst();
    paragraph.style = style.nameLocal;
    console.log(`'${styleName}' style applied to first paragraph.`);


character = "Character"

Represents that the style is a character style.

list = "List"

Represents that the style is a list style. Currently supported on desktop.

paragraph = "Paragraph"

Represents that the style is a paragraph style.

table = "Table"

Represents that the style is a table style.