将应用发布到 Microsoft 365、Outlook 和 Teams 应用商店 - Training
在本学习路径中,了解如何将应用发布到Microsoft Teams 应用商店,为 Teams 应用添加重要价值以避免应用评审失败,以及如何验证 Teams 应用并将其跨 Microsoft 365 扩展到 Teams 应用商店。
We have streamlined the Microsoft Publisher Agreement to make the Agreement easier to read and to clarify your rights and obligations. In many cases, we’ve offered you more favorable terms. This article summarizes the changes to the Agreement. To see all the updates, please read the full Microsoft Publisher Agreement.
将应用发布到 Microsoft 365、Outlook 和 Teams 应用商店 - Training
在本学习路径中,了解如何将应用发布到Microsoft Teams 应用商店,为 Teams 应用添加重要价值以避免应用评审失败,以及如何验证 Teams 应用并将其跨 Microsoft 365 扩展到 Teams 应用商店。