Entity Documentation - minecraft:behavior.follow_target_captain

minecraft:behavior.follow_target_captain compels an entity to follow a targeted captain.


minecraft:behavior.follow_target_captain requires a entity to be labeled as a captain in a group. An example of this is the minecraft:is_illager_captain component used in the pillager.json entity definition.


Name Default Value Type Description
follow_distance 0.0 Decimal Defines the distance in blocks the mob will stay from its target while following.
priority not set Integer The higher the priority, the sooner this behavior will be executed as a goal.
within_radius 0.0 Decimal Defines the maximum distance in blocks a mob can get from its target captain before giving up trying to follow it.


    "priority": 2,
    "within_radius": 5.0,
    "follow_distance": 10.0

Vanilla entities examples


"minecraft:behavior.follow_target_captain": {
    "priority": 5,
    "speed_multiplier": 0.8,
    "within_radius": 64,
    "follow_distance": 5

Vanilla entities using minecraft:behavior.follow_target_captain