Entity Documentation - minecraft:behavior.go_and_give_items_to_noteblock

minecraft:behavior.go_and_give_items_to_noteblock compels an entity to attempt to toss the items from its inventory to a nearby recently played noteblock.


Name Default Value Type Description
listen_time 0.000000 Integer Sets the time an entity should continue delivering items to a noteblock after hearing it.
on_item_throw not set Trigger Event(s) to run when this mob throws items.
priority not set Integer The higher the priority, the sooner this behavior will be executed as a goal.
reach_block_distance 3.000000 Decimal Sets the desired distance to be reached before throwing the items towards the block.
run_speed 1.000000 Decimal Sets the entity's speed when running toward the block.
throw_force 0.200000 Decimal Sets the throw force.
throw_sound String Sound to play when this mob throws an item.
vertical_throw_mul 1.500000 Decimal Sets the vertical throw multiplier that is applied on top of the throw force in the vertical direction.


    "priority": 2,
    "listen_time": 0.000000,
    "reach_block_distance": 10.0

Vanilla entities example


"minecraft:behavior.go_and_give_items_to_noteblock": {
        "priority": 3,
        "run_speed": 8,
        "throw_sound": "item_thrown",
        "on_item_throw": [
            "event": "pickup_item_delay",
            "target": "self"

Vanilla entities using minecraft:behavior.go_and_give_items_to_noteblock