从 Outlook 项中提取实体字符串

本文介绍如何在所选 Outlook 项目的主题和正文中创建一个提取受支持已知实体字符串实例的“显示实体”Outlook 外接程序。 此项目可以是约会、电子邮件或会议请求、响应或取消。


基于实体的上下文 Outlook 加载项将在 2024 年第 2 季度停用。 停用此功能的工作将于 5 月开始,并持续到 6 月底。 6 月之后,上下文加载项将无法再检测邮件项目中的实体以对其执行任务。 以下 API 也将停用。


  • 正在开发由联机会议加载项激活的 “加入 会议”按钮的替代实现。 结束对基于实体的上下文加载项的支持后,联机会议加载项将自动转换为替代实现,以激活“ 加入会议 ”按钮。
  • 基于实体的上下文加载项停用后,将继续支持正则表达式规则。 建议更新上下文加载项,以使用正则表达式规则作为替代解决方案。 有关如何实现这些规则的指南,请参阅 使用正则表达式激活规则显示 Outlook 加载项

有关详细信息,请参阅 基于实体的上下文 Outlook 加载项的停用


  • 地址:美国通信地址,至少包含街道号码、街道名称、城市、州和邮政编码等部分元素。

  • 联系人:个人联系信息,在地址或公司名称等其他实体的上下文中。

  • 电子邮件地址:SMTP 电子邮件地址。

  • 会议建议:会议建议,例如对事件的引用。 请注意,仅邮件(而非约会)支持提取会议建议。

  • 电话号码:北美电话号码。

  • 任务建议:通常以可操作短语表述的任务建议。

  • URL

这些实体大多数依赖于自然语言识别,基于大量数据的机器学习。 此识别是非确定性的并且有时取决于 Outlook 项的上下文。

无论用户选择查看约会、电子邮件或会议要求、响应或取消,Outlook 均会激活实体外接程序。 在初始化期间,示例实体外接程序从当前项读取受支持的实体的所有实例。

外接程序为用户提供按钮以选择实体类型。 当用户选择一个实体时,外接程序在外接程序窗格中显示所选实体的实例。 以下各节列出了实体外接程序的 XML 清单及 HTML 和 JavaScript 文件,并突出显示支持各自实体提取的代码。

XML 清单


本文中所述的 Outlook 外接程序功能使用激活规则,使用 Microsoft 365 统一清单的外接程序不支持这些规则。

实体外接程序具有两个由逻辑 OR 运算连接的激活规则。

<!-- Activate the add-in if the current item in Outlook is an email or appointment item. -->
<Rule xsi:type="RuleCollection" Mode="Or">
    <Rule xsi:type="ItemIs" ItemType="Message"/>
    <Rule xsi:type="ItemIs" ItemType="Appointment"/>

这些规则指定 Outlook 应在阅读窗格或阅读检查器中的当前所选项目为约会或邮件(包括电子邮件、会议请求、响应或取消)时激活此加载项。

下面是实体外接程序的清单。 它对 Office 外接程序清单使用架构的 1.1 版本。

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<OfficeApp xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/appforoffice/1.1" 
  <DisplayName DefaultValue="Display entities"/>
  <Description DefaultValue=
     "Display known entities on the selected item."/>
    <Host Name="Mailbox" />
    <Sets DefaultMinVersion="1.1">
      <Set Name="Mailbox" />
    <Form xsi:type="ItemRead">
        <!-- Change the following line to specify the web -->
        <!-- server where the HTML file is hosted. -->
        <SourceLocation DefaultValue=
  <!-- Activate the add-in if the current item in Outlook is -->
  <!-- an email or appointment item. -->
  <Rule xsi:type="RuleCollection" Mode="Or">
    <Rule xsi:type="ItemIs" ItemType="Message"/>
    <Rule xsi:type="ItemIs" ItemType="Appointment"/>


实体外接程序的 HTML 文件为用户指定按钮以选择每种类型的实体,另外还指定另一个按钮以清除显示的实体实例。 它包括 JavaScript 文件 default_entities.js,这在下一节的 JavaScript 实现中进行介绍。 JavaScript 文件包括其中每个按钮的事件处理程序。

请注意,所有 Outlook 外接程序都必须包含 office.js。 下面的 HTML 文件包括内容分发网络 (CDN) 上的 1.1 版 office.js。

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge" >
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="default_entities.css" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src="MicrosoftAjax.js"></script>
    <!-- Use the CDN reference to Office.js. -->
    <script src="https://appsforoffice.microsoft.com/lib/1/hosted/Office.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript"  src="default_entities.js"></script>

    <div id="container">
        <div id="button">
        <input type="button" value="clear" 
        <input type="button" value="Get Addresses" 
        <input type="button" value="Get Contact Information" 
        <input type="button" value="Get Email Addresses" 
        <input type="button" value="Get Meeting Suggestions" 
        <input type="button" value="Get Phone Numbers" 
        <input type="button" value="Get Task Suggestions" 
        <input type="button" value="Get URLs" 
        <div id="entities_box"></div>


实体外接程序使用可选 CSS 文件 default_entities.css 指定输出的布局。 下面为 CSS 文件的列表。

    color: #FFFFFF;
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 0px;
    font-family: Arial, Sans-serif;
    scrollbar-base-color: #FFFFFF;
    scrollbar-arrow-color: #ABABAB; 
    scrollbar-lightshadow-color: #ABABAB; 
    scrollbar-highlight-color: #ABABAB; 
    scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #FFFFFF; 
    scrollbar-track-color: #FFFFFF;
    background: #4E9258;
    color: #000000;
    padding: 5px;
    color: #FFFF00;
    height: 100%;
    padding: 2px;
    overflow: auto;
div#container td
    border-bottom: 1px solid #CCCCCC;
    padding: 0px 5px 0px 0px;
    border-right: 1px solid #CCCCCC;
    border-top: 1px solid #CCCCCC;

JavaScript 实现

其余部分介绍此示例(default_entities.js 文件)如何从用户查看的邮件或约会的主题和正文中提取已知实体。


Office.initialize 事件发生时,实体外接程序调用当前项目的 getEntities 方法。 方法 getEntities 返回受支持实体实例的数组的全局变量 _MyEntities 。 以下为相关的 JavaScript 代码。

// Global variables
let _Item;
let _MyEntities;

// The initialize function is required for all add-ins.
Office.initialize = function () {
    const _mailbox = Office.context.mailbox;
    // Obtains the current item.
    _Item = _mailbox.item;
    // Reads all instances of supported entities from the subject 
    // and body of the current item.
    _MyEntities = _Item.getEntities();
    // Checks for the DOM to load using the jQuery ready method.
    $(document).ready(function () {
    // After the DOM is loaded, app-specific code can run.


当用户单击“获取地址”按钮时,myGetAddresses 事件处理程序从 _MyEntities 对象的 addressess 属性获取一组地址(如果已提取任何地址的话)。 提取的每个地址都存储为数组中的字符串。 myGetAddresseshtmlText 中形成本地 HTML 字符串以显示提取的地址的列表。 以下是相关的 JavaScript 代码。

// Gets instances of the Address entity on the item.
function myGetAddresses()
    let htmlText = "";

    // Gets an array of postal addresses. Each address is a string.
    const addressesArray = _MyEntities.addresses;
    for (let i = 0; i < addressesArray.length; i++)
        htmlText += "Address : <span>" + addressesArray[i] + "</span><br/>";

    document.getElementById("entities_box").innerHTML = htmlText;


当用户单击“ 获取联系人信息” 按钮时, myGetContacts 事件处理程序会从对象的 contacts 属性 _MyEntities 获取联系人数组及其信息(如果提取了任何联系人)。 每个提取的联系人在数组中被存储为 Contact 对象。 获取有关每个联系人的更多数据。 请注意,上下文确定 Outlook 是否可以从项目中提取联系人(电子邮件末尾的签名),或者至少在联系人附近必须存在以下某些信息。

  • 表示 Contact.personName 属性中联系人名称的字符串。

  • 表示 Contact.businessName 属性中与联系人关联的公司名称的字符串。

  • Contact.phoneNumbers 属性中与联系人关联的电话号码数组。 每个电话号码都由一个 PhoneNumber 对象表示。

  • 对于电话号码数组中的每个 PhoneNumber 成员,表示 PhoneNumber.phoneString 属性中电话号码的字符串。

  • Contact.urls 属性中与联系人关联的 URL 的数组。 每个 URL 都表示为数组成员中的一个字符串。

  • Contact.emailAddresses 属性中与联系人关联的电子邮件地址的数组。 每个电子邮件地址都表示为数组成员中的一个字符串。

  • Contact.addresses 属性中与联系人关联的通信地址的数组。 每个通信地址都表示为数组成员中的一个字符串。

myGetContactshtmlText 中形成一个本地 HTML 字符串,以显示每个联系人的数据。 以下为相关的 JavaScript 代码。

// Gets instances of the Contact entity on the item.
function myGetContacts()
    let htmlText = "";

    // Gets an array of contacts and their information.
    const contactsArray = _MyEntities.contacts;
    for (let i = 0; i < contactsArray.length; i++)
        // Gets the name of the person. The name is a string.
        htmlText += "Name : <span>" + contactsArray[i].personName +

        // Gets the company name associated with the contact.
        htmlText += "Business : <span>" + 
        contactsArray[i].businessName + "</span><br/>";

        // Gets an array of phone numbers associated with the 
        // contact. Each phone number is represented by a 
        // PhoneNumber object.
        let phoneNumbersArray = contactsArray[i].phoneNumbers;
        for (let j = 0; j < phoneNumbersArray.length; j++)
            htmlText += "PhoneString : <span>" + 
                phoneNumbersArray[j].phoneString + "</span><br/>";
            htmlText += "OriginalPhoneString : <span>" + 
                phoneNumbersArray[j].originalPhoneString +

        // Gets the URLs associated with the contact.
        let urlsArray = contactsArray[i].urls;
        for (let j = 0; j < urlsArray.length; j++)
            htmlText += "Url : <span>" + urlsArray[j] + 

        // Gets the email addresses of the contact.
        let emailAddressesArray = contactsArray[i].emailAddresses;
        for (let j = 0; j < emailAddressesArray.length; j++)
           htmlText += "E-mail Address : <span>" + 
               emailAddressesArray[j] + "</span><br/>";

        // Gets postal addresses of the contact.
        let addressesArray = contactsArray[i].addresses;
        for (let j = 0; j < addressesArray.length; j++)
          htmlText += "Address : <span>" + addressesArray[j] + 

        htmlText += "<hr/>";

    document.getElementById("entities_box").innerHTML = htmlText;


当用户单击“获取Email地址”按钮时,myGetEmailAddresses事件处理程序将从对象的 emailAddresses 属性_MyEntities获取 SMTP 电子邮件地址数组(如果提取了任何地址)。 每个提取的电子邮件地址存储为数组中的字符串。 myGetEmailAddresseshtmlText 中形成本地 HTML 字符串以显示提取的电子邮件地址列表。 以下是相关的 JavaScript 代码。

// Gets instances of the EmailAddress entity on the item.
function myGetEmailAddresses() {
    let htmlText = "";

    // Gets an array of email addresses. Each email address is a 
    // string.
    const emailAddressesArray = _MyEntities.emailAddresses;
    for (let i = 0; i < emailAddressesArray.length; i++) {
        htmlText += "E-mail Address : <span>" + emailAddressesArray[i] + "</span><br/>";

    document.getElementById("entities_box").innerHTML = htmlText;


当用户单击“获取会议建议”按钮时,myGetMeetingSuggestions 事件处理程序从 _MyEntities 对象的 meetingSuggestions 属性获取一组会议建议(如果已提取任何会议建议的话)。


只有邮件,而不是约会支持 MeetingSuggestion 实体类型。

每个提取的会议建议都存储为数组中的一个 MeetingSuggestion 对象。 获取有关每个会议建议的更多数据:

myGetMeetingSuggestionshtmlText 中形成一个本地 HTML 字符串,以显示其中每个会议建议的数据。 以下是相关的 JavaScript 代码。

// Gets instances of the MeetingSuggestion entity on the 
// message item.
function myGetMeetingSuggestions() {
    let htmlText = "";

    // Gets an array of MeetingSuggestion objects, each array 
    // element containing an instance of a meeting suggestion 
    // entity from the current item.
    const meetingsArray = _MyEntities.meetingSuggestions;

    // Iterates through each instance of a meeting suggestion.
    for (let i = 0; i < meetingsArray.length; i++) {
        // Gets the string that was identified as a meeting suggestion.
        htmlText += "MeetingString : <span>" + meetingsArray[i].meetingString + "</span><br/>";

        // Gets an array of attendees for that instance of a 
        // meeting suggestion. Each attendee is represented 
        // by an EmailUser object.
        let attendeesArray = meetingsArray[i].attendees;
        for (let j = 0; j < attendeesArray.length; j++) {
            htmlText += "Attendee : ( ";

            // Gets the displayName property of the attendee.
            htmlText += "displayName = <span>" + attendeesArray[j].displayName + "</span> , ";

            // Gets the emailAddress property of each attendee.
            // This is the SMTP address of the attendee.
            htmlText += "emailAddress = <span>" + attendeesArray[j].emailAddress + "</span>";

            htmlText += " )<br/>";

        // Gets the location of the meeting suggestion.
        htmlText += "Location : <span>" + meetingsArray[i].location + "</span><br/>";

        // Gets the subject of the meeting suggestion.
        htmlText += "Subject : <span>" + meetingsArray[i].subject + "</span><br/>";

        // Gets the start time of the meeting suggestion.
        htmlText += "Start time : <span>" + meetingsArray[i].start + "</span><br/>";

        // Gets the end time of the meeting suggestion.
        htmlText += "End time : <span>" + meetingsArray[i].end + "</span><br/>";

        htmlText += "<hr/>";

    document.getElementById("entities_box").innerHTML = htmlText;


当用户单击“ 获取电话号码 ”按钮时, myGetPhoneNumbers 事件处理程序将从对象的 phoneNumbers 属性 _MyEntities 获取电话号码数组(如果提取了任何号码)。 每个提取的电话号码在数组中被存储为 PhoneNumber 对象。 获取有关每个电话号码的更多数据:

myGetPhoneNumbershtmlText 中形成一个本地 HTML 字符串,以显示每个电话号码的数据。 以下是相关的 JavaScript 代码。

// Gets instances of the phone number entity on the item.
function myGetPhoneNumbers()
    let htmlText = "";

    // Gets an array of phone numbers. 
    // Each phone number is a PhoneNumber object.
    const phoneNumbersArray = _MyEntities.phoneNumbers;
    for (let i = 0; i < phoneNumbersArray.length; i++)
        htmlText += "Phone Number : ( ";
        // Gets the type of phone number, for example, home, office.
        htmlText += "type = <span>" + phoneNumbersArray[i].type + 
           "</span> , ";

        // Gets the actual phone number represented by a string.
        htmlText += "phone string = <span>" + 
            phoneNumbersArray[i].phoneString + "</span> , ";

        // Gets the original text that was identified in the item 
        // as a phone number. 
        htmlText += "original phone string = <span>" + 
            phoneNumbersArray[i].originalPhoneString + "</span>";

        htmlText += " )<br/>";

    document.getElementById("entities_box").innerHTML = htmlText;


当用户单击“ 获取任务建议 ”按钮时, myGetTaskSuggestions 事件处理程序将从对象的 taskSuggestions 属性 _MyEntities 获取任务建议数组(如果提取了任何建议)。 每个提取的任务建议在数组中被存储为 TaskSuggestion 对象。 获取有关每个任务建议的更多数据:

myGetTaskSuggestionshtmlText 中形成一个本地 HTML 字符串,以显示每个任务建议的数据。 以下为相关的 JavaScript 代码。

// Gets instances of the task suggestion entity on the item.
function myGetTaskSuggestions()
    let htmlText = "";

    // Gets an array of TaskSuggestion objects, each array element 
    // containing an instance of a task suggestion entity from 
    // the current item.
    const tasksArray = _MyEntities.taskSuggestions;

    // Iterates through each instance of a task suggestion.
    for (let i = 0; i < tasksArray.length; i++)
        // Gets the string that was identified as a task suggestion.
        htmlText += "TaskString : <span>" + 
           tasksArray[i].taskString + "</span><br/>";

        // Gets an array of assignees for that instance of a task 
        // suggestion. Each assignee is represented by an 
        // EmailUser object.
        let assigneesArray = tasksArray[i].assignees;
        for (let j = 0; j < assigneesArray.length; j++)
            htmlText += "Assignee : ( ";
            // Gets the displayName property of the assignee.
            htmlText += "displayName = <span>" + assigneesArray[j].displayName + 
               "</span> , ";

            // Gets the emailAddress property of each assignee.
            // This is the SMTP address of the assignee.
            htmlText += "emailAddress = <span>" + assigneesArray[j].emailAddress + 

            htmlText += " )<br/>";

        htmlText += "<hr/>";

    document.getElementById("entities_box").innerHTML = htmlText;

提取 URL

当用户单击“ 获取 URL” 按钮时, myGetUrls 事件处理程序将从对象的 urls 属性 _MyEntities 获取 URL 数组(如果提取了 URL)。 每个提取的 URL 存储为数组中的字符串。 myGetUrlshtmlText 中形成本地 HTML 字符串以显示提取的 URL。

// Gets instances of the URL entity on the item.
function myGetUrls()
    let htmlText = "";

    // Gets an array of URLs. Each URL is a string.
    const urlArray = _MyEntities.urls;
    for (let i = 0; i < urlArray.length; i++)
        htmlText += "Url : <span>" + urlArray[i] + "</span><br/>";

    document.getElementById("entities_box").innerHTML = htmlText;


最后,实体加载项指定一个 myClearEntitiesBox 事件处理程序,用于清除任何显示的字符串。 以下是相关的代码。

// Clears the div with id="entities_box".
function myClearEntitiesBox()
    document.getElementById("entities_box").innerHTML = "";

JavaScript 列表

以下是 JavaScript 实现的完整列表。

// Global variables
let _Item;
let _MyEntities;

// Initializes the add-in.
Office.initialize = function () {
    const _mailbox = Office.context.mailbox;
    // Obtains the current item.
    _Item = _mailbox.item;
    // Reads all instances of supported entities from the subject 
    // and body of the current item.
    _MyEntities = _Item.getEntities();

    // Checks for the DOM to load using the jQuery ready method.
    $(document).ready(function () {
    // After the DOM is loaded, app-specific code can run.

// Clears the div with id="entities_box".
function myClearEntitiesBox()
    document.getElementById("entities_box").innerHTML = "";

// Gets instances of the Address entity on the item.
function myGetAddresses()
    let htmlText = "";

    // Gets an array of postal addresses. Each address is a string.
    const addressesArray = _MyEntities.addresses;
    for (let i = 0; i < addressesArray.length; i++)
        htmlText += "Address : <span>" + addressesArray[i] + 

    document.getElementById("entities_box").innerHTML = htmlText;

// Gets instances of the EmailAddress entity on the item.
function myGetEmailAddresses()
    let htmlText = "";

    // Gets an array of email addresses. Each email address is a 
    // string.
    const emailAddressesArray = _MyEntities.emailAddresses;
    for (let i = 0; i < emailAddressesArray.length; i++)
        htmlText += "E-mail Address : <span>" + 
            emailAddressesArray[i] + "</span><br/>";

    document.getElementById("entities_box").innerHTML = htmlText;

// Gets instances of the MeetingSuggestion entity on the 
// message item.
function myGetMeetingSuggestions()
    let htmlText = "";

    // Gets an array of MeetingSuggestion objects, each array 
    // element containing an instance of a meeting suggestion 
    // entity from the current item.
    const meetingsArray = _MyEntities.meetingSuggestions;

    // Iterates through each instance of a meeting suggestion.
    for (let i = 0; i < meetingsArray.length; i++)
        // Gets the string that was identified as a meeting 
        // suggestion.
        htmlText += "MeetingString : <span>" + 
            meetingsArray[i].meetingString + "</span><br/>";

        // Gets an array of attendees for that instance of a 
        // meeting suggestion.
        // Each attendee is represented by an EmailUser object.
        let attendeesArray = meetingsArray[i].attendees;
        for (let j = 0; j < attendeesArray.length; j++)
            htmlText += "Attendee : ( ";
            // Gets the displayName property of the attendee.
            htmlText += "displayName = <span>" + attendeesArray[j].displayName + 
                "</span> , ";

            // Gets the emailAddress property of each attendee.
            // This is the SMTP address of the attendee.
            htmlText += "emailAddress = <span>" + attendeesArray[j].emailAddress + 

            htmlText += " )<br/>";

        // Gets the location of the meeting suggestion.
        htmlText += "Location : <span>" + 
            meetingsArray[i].location + "</span><br/>";

        // Gets the subject of the meeting suggestion.
        htmlText += "Subject : <span>" + 
            meetingsArray[i].subject + "</span><br/>";

        // Gets the start time of the meeting suggestion.
        htmlText += "Start time : <span>" + 
           meetingsArray[i].start + "</span><br/>";

        // Gets the end time of the meeting suggestion.
        htmlText += "End time : <span>" + 
            meetingsArray[i].end + "</span><br/>";

        htmlText += "<hr/>";

    document.getElementById("entities_box").innerHTML = htmlText;

// Gets instances of the phone number entity on the item.
function myGetPhoneNumbers()
    let htmlText = "";

    // Gets an array of phone numbers. 
    // Each phone number is a PhoneNumber object.
    const phoneNumbersArray = _MyEntities.phoneNumbers;
    for (let i = 0; i < phoneNumbersArray.length; i++)
        htmlText += "Phone Number : ( ";
        // Gets the type of phone number, for example, home, office.
        htmlText += "type = <span>" + phoneNumbersArray[i].type + 
            "</span> , ";

        // Gets the actual phone number represented by a string.
        htmlText += "phone string = <span>" + 
            phoneNumbersArray[i].phoneString + "</span> , ";

        // Gets the original text that was identified in the item 
        // as a phone number. 
        htmlText += "original phone string = <span>" + 
           phoneNumbersArray[i].originalPhoneString + "</span>";

        htmlText += " )<br/>";

    document.getElementById("entities_box").innerHTML = htmlText;

// Gets instances of the task suggestion entity on the item.
function myGetTaskSuggestions()
    let htmlText = "";

    // Gets an array of TaskSuggestion objects, each array element 
    // containing an instance of a task suggestion entity from the 
    // current item.
    const tasksArray = _MyEntities.taskSuggestions;

    // Iterates through each instance of a task suggestion.
    for (let i = 0; i < tasksArray.length; i++)
        // Gets the string that was identified as a task suggestion.
        htmlText += "TaskString : <span>" + 
            tasksArray[i].taskString + "</span><br/>";

        // Gets an array of assignees for that instance of a task 
        // suggestion. Each assignee is represented by an 
        // EmailUser object.
        let assigneesArray = tasksArray[i].assignees;
        for (let j = 0; j < assigneesArray.length; j++)
            htmlText += "Assignee : ( ";
            // Gets the displayName property of the assignee.
            htmlText += "displayName = <span>" + assigneesArray[j].displayName + 
                "</span> , ";

            // Gets the emailAddress property of each assignee.
            // This is the SMTP address of the assignee.
            htmlText += "emailAddress = <span>" + assigneesArray[j].emailAddress + 

            htmlText += " )<br/>";

        htmlText += "<hr/>";

    document.getElementById("entities_box").innerHTML = htmlText;

// Gets instances of the URL entity on the item.
function myGetUrls()
    let htmlText = "";

    // Gets an array of URLs. Each URL is a string.
    const urlArray = _MyEntities.urls;
    for (let i = 0; i < urlArray.length; i++)
        htmlText += "Url : <span>" + urlArray[i] + "</span><br/>";

    document.getElementById("entities_box").innerHTML = htmlText;
