Task.UnlinkSuccessors 方法 (Project)



expressionUnlinkSuccessors( _Tasks_ )

表达 一个代表 Task 对象的变量。


名称 必需/可选 数据类型 说明
Tasks 必需 Object 可以是一个 任务任务 的对象,它指定要删除的一个或多个任务作为后续任务。





Sub RemoveSuccessor() 
    Dim Entry As String  ' Successor specified by user 
    Dim SuccTask As Task ' Successor task object 
    Dim T As Task        ' Task object used in For Each loop 
    Dim S As Task        ' Successor (task object) used in loop 
    Entry = InputBox$("Enter the name of a successor to unlink from every task in this project.") 
    Set SuccTask = Nothing 
    ' Look for the name of the successor in tasks of the active project. 
    For Each T In ActiveProject.Tasks 
        If T.Name = Entry Then 
            Set SuccTask = T 
            Exit For 
        End If 
    Next T 
    ' Remove the successor from every task in the active project. 
    If Not (SuccTask Is Nothing) Then 
        For Each T In ActiveProject.Tasks 
            For Each S In T.SuccessorTasks 
                If S.Name = Entry Then 
                    T.UnlinkSuccessors SuccTask 
                    Exit For 
                End If 
            Next S 
        Next T 
    End If 
End Sub


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