getGlobalContext.userSettings (Client API reference)

Returns information about the current user settings.

var userSettings = Xrm.Utility.getGlobalContext().userSettings


The userSettings object has the following properties:

Name Type Description
dateFormattingInfo object Returns the date formatting information for the current user. See dateFormattingInfo
defaultDashboardId string Returns the ID of the default dashboard for the current user.
isGuidedHelpEnabled bool Whether guided help is enabled for the current user.
isHighContrastEnabled bool Whether high contrast is enabled for the current user.
isRTL bool Whether the language for the current user is a right-to-left (RTL) language.
languageId number The LCID language code for the current user.
roles collection A collection of lookup objects containing the GUID and display name of each of the security role assigned to the user and any security roles assigned to the team that the user is associated with. See roles
securityRolePrivileges string[] an array of strings that represent the GUID values of each of the security role privilege that the user is associated with or any teams that the user is associated with.
securityRoles string[] Deprecated. Use the roles property.
transactionCurrency object Object containing the id, name, and entityType of the transaction currency for the current user. See transactionCurrency
transactionCurrencyId string Deprecated. Use the transactionCurrency property
userId string The systemuser.systemuserid value of the current user.
userName string The name of the current user.


An object with string properties about date formatting such as FirstDayOfWeek, LongDatePattern, MonthDayPattern, TimeSeparator, and so on.


The collection contains objects with id and name properties for each of the security roles or teams that the user is associated with.

This property is supported only on Unified Interface.


This method is supported only on Unified Interface.

The data might look something like this:

{id: "e7dd9bc6-d239-ea11-a813-000d3a35b14a", entityType: "transactioncurrency", name: "US Dollar"}


The userSettings object has the following methods:

getSecurityRolePrivilegesInfo method

Returns a promise which resolves with an object whose keys are the security role privilege GUIDs and values are objects containing the businessUnitId, depth, and privilegeName of the security role privilege.


userSettings.getSecurityRolePrivilegesInfo().then(successCallback, errorCallback);


Name Type Required Description
successCallback Function No A function to call when the security role privileges information is retrieved. A dictionary will be passed to the success callback where the security role privilege GUIDs will be the keys and the values will be objects containing the following properties:
id: String. The security role privilege GUID.
businessUnitId: String. The GUID of the business unit of the security role privilege.
privilegeName: String. The security role privilege name.
depth: String. The security role privilege depth.
errorCallback Function No A function to call when the operation fails. An object with the following properties will be passed:
errorCode: Number. The error code.
message: String. An error message describing the issue.

Return Value

Type: Promise<{[key: string]: {id: string, businessUnitId: string, privilegeName: string, depth: number}}>

On success, returns a promise object containing the values specified in the description of the successCallback parameter above.

Description: GUID and additional details like Business Unit and Privilege Name of each of the security role privileges.

getSecurityRolePrivilegesInfo example

  .then(function success(rolePrivileges) {
    var privilegeGuids = Object.keys(rolePrivileges);
    console.log("Privileges Count: " + privilegeGuids.length);

    // Print information about the first role privilege in the dictionary
    var guid = privilegeGuids[0];
    console.log("Privilege Id: " + rolePrivileges[guid].id);
    console.log("Privilege Name: " + rolePrivileges[guid].privilegeName);
    console.log("Privilege Business Unit Id: " + rolePrivileges[guid].businessUnitId);
    console.log("Privilege depth: " + rolePrivileges[guid].depth);

getTimeZoneOffsetMinutes method

Returns the difference in minutes between the local time and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).



Return Value

Type: number

Description: Time zone offset in minutes.

Client context
Organization settings
User Settings (UserSettings) table