Visual Studio 使您能够在集成开发环境 (IDE) 中打开并在系统上的文件中包含的文档中搜索和替换文本。 完成此操作的主要方法是使用 Find 对象的 FindReplace 和 Execute 方法。 TextSelection 和 EditPoint 对象也提供 FindPattern 方法。 有关更多信息,请参见如何:控制代码编辑器 (Visual Basic)中的 FindPattern 方法。
由于 FindPattern 方法搜索所有文本(包括隐藏文本),因此 [vsFindOptions] 枚举中的 vsFindOptionsMatchInHiddenTex[t] 常数值不适用于此方法。
EnvDTE80 命名空间中 Find 的版本名为 Find2。 它与 Find 对象相同,但它还提供一个名为 WaitForFindToComplete 的新属性。 当此布尔属性设置为 True 时,直到搜索完所有选定的文档后查找操作才会结束。
例如,如果要在 100 个文档中搜索某个单词,除非使用 WaitForFindToComplete 属性或者处理 FindDone 事件,否则您可能会接收到不完整的结果。 两种方法都可行,但设置 WaitForFindToComplete 属性是更加快捷、方便的方法,可以确保在显示搜索结果之前搜索完所有的文档。
显示的对话框和菜单命令可能会与“帮助”中的描述不同,具体取决于您现用的设置或版本。这些过程是在“常规开发设置”处于活动状态时开发的。若要更改设置,请在“工具”菜单上选择“导入和导出设置”。有关更多信息,请参见 Visual Studio 设置。
下面的示例说明如何引用和使用查找自动化模型的各种成员。 本示例创建带有一些文本的文本文档,然后使用不同方法搜索和替换文本。 若要运行此示例,请使用下面的代码替换简单外接程序中的 OnConnection 方法。 若要运行本示例的不同部分,请取消对适当代码的注释。 在运行此代码之前,请确保已将 EnvDTE 程序集引用的“嵌入互操作类型”属性设置为 False。
Public Sub OnConnection(ByVal application As Object, ByVal _
connectMode As ext_ConnectMode, ByVal addInInst As Object, _
ByRef custom As Array) Implements IDTExtensibility2.OnConnection
_applicationObject = CType(application, DTE2)
_addInInstance = CType(addInInst, AddIn)
End Sub
Public Sub searchReplace(ByVal dte As DTE2)
Dim findWin As Find2
Dim doc As Document
Dim textDoc As TextDocument
Dim textSel As TextSelection
Dim iCtr As Integer
' Create a new text file.
dte.ItemOperations.NewFile("General\Text File")
' Set up references for the text document, Find object, and
' TextSelection object.
doc = dte.ActiveDocument
textDoc = CType(doc.Object("TextDocument"), TextDocument)
textSel = textDoc.Selection
findWin = CType(dte.Find, Find2)
' Make sure all docs are searched before displaying results.
findWin.WaitForFindToComplete = True
' Insert ten lines of text.
For iCtr = 1 To 10
textDoc.Selection.Text = "This is a test" & vbCr
Next iCtr
textDoc.Selection.Text = "This is a different word"
' Uses FindReplace to find all occurrences of the word, test, in
' the document.
MsgBox("Now changing all occurrences of 'test' to 'replacement'.")
findWin.FindReplace(vsFindAction.vsFindActionReplaceAll, "test", _
vsFindOptions.vsFindOptionsMatchCase, "replacement", _
vsFindTarget.vsFindTargetCurrentDocument, , , _
' Uses Find2.Execute to find the word, different, in the document.
' findWin.FindWhat = "different"
' findWin.MatchCase = True
' findWin.Execute()
' Uses Find2.Execute to replace all occurrences of the word, Test,
' with the word, replacement.
' findWin.FindWhat = "test"
' findWin.ReplaceWith = "replacement"
' findWin.Action = vsFindAction.vsFindActionReplaceAll
' findWin.Execute()
End Sub
public void OnConnection(object application, ext_ConnectMode
connectMode, object addInInst, ref Array custom)
_applicationObject = (DTE2)application;
_addInInstance = (AddIn)addInInst;
public void searchReplace(DTE2 dte)
Find2 findWin;
Document doc;
TextDocument textDoc;
TextSelection textSel;
int iCtr;
// Create a new text file.
dte.ItemOperations.NewFile("General\\Text File"
,"New file",Constants.vsViewKindTextView);
// Set up references for the text document, Find object, and
// TextSelection object.
doc = dte.ActiveDocument;
textDoc = (TextDocument) doc.Object("TextDocument");
textSel = textDoc.Selection;
findWin = (Find2) dte.Find;
// Make sure all docs are searched before displaying results.
findWin.WaitForFindToComplete = true;
// Insert ten lines of text.
for(iCtr=1; iCtr<=10; iCtr++)
textDoc.Selection.Text = "This is a test"+Environment.NewLine;
textDoc.Selection.Text = "This is a different word";
// Uses FindReplace to find all occurrences of the word, test, in
// the document.
"Now changing all occurrences of 'test' to 'replacement'.");
findWin.FindReplace(vsFindAction.vsFindActionReplaceAll, "test",
(int) vsFindOptions.vsFindOptionsFromStart, "replacement",
vsFindTarget.vsFindTargetCurrentDocument, "",
// Uses Find2.Execute to find the word, different, in the document.
// findWin.FindWhat = "different"
// findWin.MatchCase = True
// findWin.Execute()
// Uses Find2.Execute to replace all occurrences of the word, Test,
// with the word, replacement.
// findWin.FindWhat = "test"
// findWin.ReplaceWith = "replacement"
// findWin.Action = vsFindAction.vsFindActionReplaceAll
// findWin.Execute()