IManagementClient 成员

Represents the interface for operations that are used to manage cloud service operations.

以下各表列出了由 IManagementClient 类型公开的成员。

公共 属性

  Name 说明
AffinityGroups Gets the operations for managing affinity groups in a subscription.
ApiVersion Gets the API version.
BaseUri Gets the URI that is used as the base for all operation requests.
Credentials Gets the credentials that are required to perform operations on subscription resources.
Locations Gets the operation for listing the available data center locations.
LongRunningOperationInitialTimeout Gets or sets the initial timeout for Long Running Operations.
LongRunningOperationRetryTimeout Gets or sets the retry timeout for Long Running Operations.
ManagementCertificates Gets the operations for managing management certificates.
RoleSizes The Service Management API includes operations for listing the available role sizes for VMs in your subscription.
Subscriptions Gets the operations for listing subscription information.


公共 方法

(另请参见 Extension 方法)

  Name 说明
GetOperationStatusAsync Asynchronously returns the status of the specified operation.


Extension 方法

  Name 说明
GetOperationStatus  (Defined by ManagementClientExtensions.)
GetOperationStatusAsync  (Defined by ManagementClientExtensions.)




IManagementClient 接口
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management 命名空间