DeploymentOperationsExtensions 成员

The websites extensions client manages the web sites deployments, web jobs and other extensions.

以下各表列出了由 DeploymentOperationsExtensions 类型公开的成员。

公共 方法

  Name 说明
Get Gets a deployment for a website.
GetAsync Gets a deployment for a website.
GetLog Gets a deployment log for a website.
GetLogAsync Gets a deployment log for a website.
List List the deployments for a website.
ListAsync List the deployments for a website.
ListLogs List the logs for a deployment for a website.
ListLogsAsync List the logs for a deployment for a website.
Redeploy Redeploys a specific website deployment.
RedeployAsync Redeploys a specific website deployment.




DeploymentOperationsExtensions 类
Microsoft.WindowsAzure 命名空间