This interface describes a method.
IDebugMethodField : IDebugContainerField
Notes for Implementers
A symbol provider implements this interface on the same object that implements the IDebugContainerField interface. This interface is a specialization that presents a method.
Notes for Callers
Use QueryInterface to obtain this interface from the IDebugContainerField interface if IDebugField::GetKind returns FIELD_TYPE_METHOD. In addition, the methods, IDebugPropertyField::GetPropertyGetter, IDebugPropertyField::GetPropertySetter, and IDebugClassField::EnumConstructors, all return the IDebugMethodField interface.
Methods in Vtable Order
In addition to the methods on the IDebugField and IDebugContainerField interfaces, this interface implements the following methods:
Method |
Description |
Creates an enumerator for the parameters of the method. |
Gets the "this" pointer of the object containing the method. |
Creates an enumerator for all local variables of the method. |
Creates an enumerator for selected local variables of the method. |
Determines whether a specific custom attribute has been defined. |
Creates an enumerator for static local variables of the method. |
Gets the global container of the method. |
Creates an enumerator for the type of each argument required to call the method. |
A method can contain parameters as well as local variables.
Header: sh.h
Namespace: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Interop
Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Interop.dll