Operations Manager 2007 Request Result Details Dialog Box: Details Tab

Use the Details tab of the Request Result Details dialog box to view specific information about the error returned for your non-valid Web address.

This tab contains the following elements.

  • URL
    Provides the Web address that returned an error.
  • Result
    Displays a description of the error.
  • DNS Resolution Time (milliseconds)
    Displays the amount of time, in milliseconds, that it took the Domain Name Server (DNS) to resolve the request for the address.
  • HTTP Status Code
    Displays a numeric code that describes the HTTP status.
  • Server Certificate Expiration (days)
    Displays the number of days until the server certificate expires.
  • Total Response Time (milliseconds)
    Displays the amount of time, in milliseconds, that it took to resolve the request for the address.
  • Response Body size (bytes)
    The size, in bytes, of the body of the response sent in the attempt to resolve the Web address.

See Also


Operations Manager 2007 Request Result Details Dialog Box

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