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The Verify method verifies the signature in the data section of the content header.


  Long verifyResult = WMRMHeader.Verify(bstrPubKey)



[in] String containing the public key used by Windows Media Rights Manager to verify the signature.

Return Values

If the method succeeds, it returns a Long indicating whether the signature verification succeeded (the verifyResult parameter is 1 if signature verification succeeds, 0 if it fails). If the property fails, a number is returned in the error object.

Return code Description
0x80004005 An unspecified error occurred.
0x80070057 The specified parameter is not valid.

Example Code



Version: Windows Media Rights Manager 7 SDK or later

Reference: wmrmobjs 1.0 Type Library

Library: wmrmobjs.dll

Platform: Windows Server 2003

See Also

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