如何:使用取消中断 Parallel 循环



下面的示例使用取消操作来搜索数组中的元素。 parallel_find_any 函数使用 concurrency::parallel_for 算法和 concurrency::run_with_cancellation_token 方法搜索包含指定值的位置。 当并行循环查找值时,它调用 concurrency::cancellation_token_source::cancel 方法取消将来工作。

// parallel-array-search.cpp 
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <ppl.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <random>

using namespace concurrency;
using namespace std;

// Returns the position in the provided array that contains the given value,  
// or -1 if the value is not in the array. 
template<typename T>
int parallel_find_any(const T a[], size_t count, const T& what)
   // The position of the element in the array.  
   // The default value, -1, indicates that the element is not in the array. 
   int position = -1;

   // Call parallel_for in the context of a cancellation token to search for the element.
   cancellation_token_source cts;
   run_with_cancellation_token([count, what, &a, &position, &cts]()
      parallel_for(std::size_t(0), count, [what, &a, &position, &cts](int n) {
         if (a[n] == what)
            // Set the return value and cancel the remaining tasks.
            position = n;
   }, cts.get_token());

   return position;

int wmain()
   const size_t count = 10000;
   int values[count];

   // Fill the array with random values.
   mt19937 gen(34);
   for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
      values[i] = gen()%10000;

   // Search for any position in the array that contains value 3123. 
   const int what = 3123;
   int position = parallel_find_any(values, count, what);
   if (position >= 0)
      wcout << what << L" is at position " << position << L'.' << endl;
      wcout << what << L" is not in the array." << endl;
/* Sample output:
    3123 is at position 7835.

concurrency::parallel_for 算法并发作用。 因此,此算法不会按预先确定的顺序执行这些运算。 如果数组包含该值的多个实例,则结果可以是其任一位置。


复制代码示例,再将此代码粘贴到 Visual Studio项目中或一个名为parallel-array-search.cpp 的文件中,然后在Visual Studio命令提示符窗口中运行以下命令。

cl.exe /EHsc parallel-array-search.cpp



parallel_for 函数

cancellation_token_source 类


PPL 中的取消操作
