IPermission 接口


**程序集:**mscorlib(在 mscorlib.dll 中)


<ComVisibleAttribute(True)> _
Public Interface IPermission
    Inherits ISecurityEncodable
Dim instance As IPermission
public interface IPermission : ISecurityEncodable
public interface class IPermission : ISecurityEncodable
/** @attribute ComVisibleAttribute(true) */ 
public interface IPermission extends ISecurityEncodable
public interface IPermission extends ISecurityEncodable


公共语言运行库中的权限是描述对指定资源而言是安全的操作组的对象。权限对象描述受安全控制的操作或访问;它不表示访问权或执行操作的权限。应用程序代码和 .NET Framework 安全系统以如下方式使用权限。

  • 代码请求运行所需的权限。

  • 安全系统策略授予代码运行所需的权限。

  • 代码要求调用代码拥有权限。

  • 代码使用断言/拒绝/仅允许来重写安全堆栈。




多个线程可以同时访问一个权限。实现此接口时,必须保证 IsSubsetOfIntersectUnionCopy 方法实现是线程安全的。



using System;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Reflection;

// Enumerated type for permission states.
public enum SoundPermissionState 
    NoSound = 0,
    PlaySystemSounds = 1,
    PlayAnySound = 2

// Derive from CodeAccessPermission to gain implementations of the following
// sealed IStackWalk methods: Assert, Demand, Deny, and PermitOnly.
// Implement the following abstract IPermission methods: Copy, Intersect, and IsSubSetOf.
// Implementing the Union method of the IPermission class is optional.
// Implement the following abstract ISecurityEncodable methods: FromXml and ToXml.
// Making the class 'sealed' is optional.

public sealed class SoundPermission : CodeAccessPermission, IPermission, 
    IUnrestrictedPermission, ISecurityEncodable, ICloneable 
    private Boolean m_specifiedAsUnrestricted = false;
    private SoundPermissionState m_flags = SoundPermissionState.NoSound;

    // This constructor creates and initializes a permission with generic access.
    public SoundPermission(PermissionState state)
        m_specifiedAsUnrestricted = (state == PermissionState.Unrestricted);

    // This constructor creates and initializes a permission with specific access.        
    public SoundPermission(SoundPermissionState flags) 
        if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(SoundPermissionState), flags))
            throw new ArgumentException
                ("flags value is not valid for the SoundPermissionState enuemrated type");
        m_specifiedAsUnrestricted = false;
        m_flags = flags;

    // For debugging, return the state of this object as XML.
    public override String ToString() { return ToXml().ToString(); }

    // Private method to cast (if possible) an IPermission to the type.
    private SoundPermission VerifyTypeMatch(IPermission target) 
        if (GetType() != target.GetType())
            throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("target must be of the {0} type",
        return (SoundPermission) target;

    // This is the Private Clone helper method. 
    private SoundPermission Clone(Boolean specifiedAsUnrestricted, SoundPermissionState flags) 
        SoundPermission soundPerm = (SoundPermission) Clone();
        soundPerm.m_specifiedAsUnrestricted = specifiedAsUnrestricted;
        soundPerm.m_flags = specifiedAsUnrestricted ? SoundPermissionState.PlayAnySound : m_flags;
        return soundPerm;

    #region IPermission Members
    // Return a new object that contains the intersection of 'this' and 'target'.
    public override IPermission Intersect(IPermission target) 
        // If 'target' is null, return null.
        if (target == null) return null;

        // Both objects must be the same type.
        SoundPermission soundPerm = VerifyTypeMatch(target);

        // If 'this' and 'target' are unrestricted, return a new unrestricted permission.
        if (m_specifiedAsUnrestricted && soundPerm.m_specifiedAsUnrestricted)
            return Clone(true, SoundPermissionState.PlayAnySound);

        // Calculate the intersected permissions. If there are none, return null.
        SoundPermissionState val = (SoundPermissionState)
            Math.Min((Int32) m_flags, (Int32) soundPerm.m_flags);
        if (val == 0) return null;

        // Return a new object with the intersected permission value.
        return Clone(false, val);

    // Called by the Demand method: returns true if 'this' is a subset of 'target'.
    public override Boolean IsSubsetOf(IPermission target) 
        // If 'target' is null and this permission allows nothing, return true.
        if (target == null) return m_flags == 0;

        // Both objects must be the same type.
        SoundPermission soundPerm = VerifyTypeMatch(target);

        // Return true if the permissions of 'this' is a subset of 'target'.
        return m_flags <= soundPerm.m_flags;

    // Return a new object that matches 'this' object's permissions.
    public sealed override IPermission Copy() 
        return (IPermission) Clone();
    // Return a new object that contains the union of 'this' and 'target'.
    // Note: You do not have to implement this method. If you do not, the version
    // in CodeAccessPermission does this:
    //    1. If target is not null, a NotSupportedException is thrown.
    //    2. If target is null, then Copy is called and the new object is returned.
    public override IPermission Union(IPermission target) 
        // If 'target' is null, then return a copy of 'this'.
        if (target == null) return Copy();

        // Both objects must be the same type.
        SoundPermission soundPerm = VerifyTypeMatch(target);

        // If 'this' or 'target' are unrestricted, return a new unrestricted permission.
        if (m_specifiedAsUnrestricted || soundPerm.m_specifiedAsUnrestricted)
            return Clone(true, SoundPermissionState.PlayAnySound);

        // Return a new object with the calculated, unioned permission value.
        return Clone(false, (SoundPermissionState)
            Math.Max((Int32) m_flags, (Int32) soundPerm.m_flags));

    #region ISecurityEncodable Members
    // Populate the permission's fields from XML.
    public override void FromXml(SecurityElement e) 
        m_specifiedAsUnrestricted = false;
        m_flags = 0;

        // If XML indicates an unrestricted permission, make this permission unrestricted.
        String s = (String) e.Attributes["Unrestricted"];
        if (s != null) 
            m_specifiedAsUnrestricted = Convert.ToBoolean(s);
            if (m_specifiedAsUnrestricted)
                m_flags = SoundPermissionState.PlayAnySound;

        // If XML indicates a restricted permission, parse the flags.
        if (!m_specifiedAsUnrestricted) 
            s = (String) e.Attributes["Flags"];
            if (s != null) 
                m_flags = (SoundPermissionState)
                Convert.ToInt32(Enum.Parse(typeof(SoundPermission), s, true));

    // Produce XML from the permission's fields.
    public override SecurityElement ToXml() {
        // These first three lines create an element with the required format.
        SecurityElement e = new SecurityElement("IPermission");
        // Replace the double quotation marks () with single quotation marks ()
        // to remain XML compliant when the culture is not neutral.
        e.AddAttribute("class", GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName.Replace('\"', '\''));
        e.AddAttribute("version", "1");

        if (!m_specifiedAsUnrestricted)
            e.AddAttribute("Flags", Enum.Format(typeof(SoundPermission), m_flags, "G"));
            e.AddAttribute("Unrestricted", "true");
        return e;

    #region IUnrestrictedPermission Members
    // Returns true if permission is effectively unrestricted.
    public Boolean IsUnrestricted() 
        // This means that the object is unrestricted at runtime.
        return m_flags == SoundPermissionState.PlayAnySound;

    #region ICloneable Members

    // Return a copy of the permission.
    public Object Clone() { return MemberwiseClone(); }

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Security;
using namespace System::Security::Permissions;
using namespace System::Reflection;

// Enumerated type for permission states.
public enum class SoundPermissionState
    NoSound = 0,
    PlaySystemSounds = 1,
    PlayAnySound = 2

// Derive from CodeAccessPermission to gain implementations of the following
// sealed IStackWalk methods: Assert, Demand, Deny, and PermitOnly.
// Implement the following abstract IPermission methods: 
// Copy, Intersect, and IsSubSetOf.
// Implementing the Union method of the IPermission class is optional.
// Implement the following abstract ISecurityEncodable methods: 
// FromXml and ToXml.
// Making the class 'sealed' is optional.

public ref class SoundPermission sealed : public CodeAccessPermission, 
    public IPermission, public IUnrestrictedPermission, 
    public ISecurityEncodable, public ICloneable
    bool specifiedAsUnrestricted;
    SoundPermissionState stateFlags;

    // This constructor creates and initializes 
    // a permission with generic access.
    SoundPermission(PermissionState^ state)
        specifiedAsUnrestricted = (state == PermissionState::Unrestricted);

    // This constructor creates and initializes 
    // a permission with specific access.
    SoundPermission(SoundPermissionState flags)
        if (flags < SoundPermissionState::NoSound ||
            flags > SoundPermissionState::PlayAnySound)
            throw gcnew ArgumentException("The value of \"flags\" is not" +
                " valid for the SoundPermissionState enumerated type");
        stateFlags = flags;

    // For debugging, return the state of this object as XML.
    virtual String^ ToString() override
        return ToXml()->ToString();

    // Private method to cast (if possible) an IPermission to the type.
    SoundPermission^ VerifyTypeMatch(IPermission^ target)
        if (GetType() != target->GetType())
            throw gcnew ArgumentException(String::Format(
                "The variable \"target\" must be of the {0} type",
        return (SoundPermission^) target;

    // This is the Private Clone helper method.
    SoundPermission^ Clone(bool specifiedAsUnrestricted, 
        SoundPermissionState flags)
        SoundPermission^ soundPerm = (SoundPermission^) Clone();
        soundPerm->specifiedAsUnrestricted = specifiedAsUnrestricted;
        soundPerm->stateFlags = specifiedAsUnrestricted ? 
            SoundPermissionState::PlayAnySound : flags;
        return soundPerm;

    #pragma region IPermission^ Members
    // Return a new object that contains the intersection 
    // of 'this' and 'target'.
    virtual IPermission^ Intersect(IPermission^ target) override
        // If 'target' is null, return null.
        if (target == nullptr)
            return nullptr;

        // Both objects must be the same type.
        SoundPermission^ soundPerm = VerifyTypeMatch(target);

        // If 'this' and 'target' are unrestricted, 
        // return a new unrestricted permission.
        if (specifiedAsUnrestricted && soundPerm->specifiedAsUnrestricted)
            return Clone(true, SoundPermissionState::PlayAnySound);

        // Calculate the intersected permissions. 
        // If there are none, return null.
        SoundPermissionState minimumPermission = (SoundPermissionState)
            Math::Min((int) stateFlags, (int) soundPerm->stateFlags);
        if ((int)minimumPermission == 0)
            return nullptr;

        // Return a new object with the intersected permission value.
        return Clone(false, minimumPermission);

    // Called by the Demand method: returns true 
    // if 'this' is a subset of 'target'.
    virtual bool IsSubsetOf(IPermission^ target) override
        // If 'target' is null and this permission allows nothing, 
        // return true.
        if (target == nullptr)
            return (int)stateFlags == 0;

        // Both objects must be the same type.
        SoundPermission^ soundPerm = VerifyTypeMatch(target);

        // Return true if the permissions of 'this' 
        // is a subset of 'target'.
        return stateFlags <= soundPerm->stateFlags;

    // Return a new object that matches 'this' object's permissions.
    virtual IPermission^ Copy () override sealed
        return (IPermission^) Clone();

    // Return a new object that contains the union of 'this' and 'target'.
    // Note: You do not have to implement this method. 
    // If you do not, the version
    // in CodeAccessPermission does this:
    //    1. If target is not null, a NotSupportedException is thrown.
    //    2. If target is null, then Copy is called and 
    //       the new object is returned.
    virtual IPermission^ Union(IPermission^ target) override
        // If 'target' is null, then return a copy of 'this'.
        if (target == nullptr)
            return Copy();

        // Both objects must be the same type.
        SoundPermission^ soundPerm = VerifyTypeMatch(target);

        // If 'this' or 'target' are unrestricted, 
        // return a new unrestricted permission.
        if (specifiedAsUnrestricted || soundPerm->specifiedAsUnrestricted)
            return Clone(true, SoundPermissionState::PlayAnySound);

        // Return a new object with the calculated, unioned permission value.
        return Clone(false, (SoundPermissionState)
            Math::Max((int) stateFlags, (int) soundPerm->stateFlags));
    #pragma endregion

    #pragma region ISecurityEncodable^ Members
    // Populate the permission's fields from XML.
    virtual void FromXml(SecurityElement^ element) override
        specifiedAsUnrestricted = false;
        stateFlags = (SoundPermissionState)0;

        // If XML indicates an unrestricted permission, 
        // make this permission unrestricted.
        String^ attributeString = 
            (String^) element->Attributes["Unrestricted"];
        if (attributeString != nullptr)
            specifiedAsUnrestricted = Convert::ToBoolean(attributeString);
            if (specifiedAsUnrestricted)
                stateFlags = SoundPermissionState::PlayAnySound;

        // If XML indicates a restricted permission, parse the flags.
        if (!specifiedAsUnrestricted)
            attributeString = (String^) element->Attributes["Flags"];
            if (attributeString != nullptr)
                stateFlags = (SoundPermissionState) Convert::ToInt32(
                    attributeString, true));

    // Produce XML from the permission's fields.
    virtual SecurityElement^ ToXml() override
        // These first three lines create an element with the required format.
        SecurityElement^ element = gcnew SecurityElement("IPermission");
        // Replace the double quotation marks () 
        // with single quotation marks ()
        // to remain XML compliant when the culture is not neutral.
            GetType()->AssemblyQualifiedName->Replace('\"', '\''));
        element->AddAttribute("version", "1");

        if (!specifiedAsUnrestricted)
                Enum::Format(SoundPermissionState::typeid, stateFlags, "G"));
            element->AddAttribute("Unrestricted", "true");
        return element;
    #pragma endregion

    #pragma region IUnrestrictedPermission^ Members
    // Returns true if permission is effectively unrestricted.
    virtual bool IsUnrestricted()
        // This means that the object is unrestricted at runtime.
        return stateFlags == SoundPermissionState::PlayAnySound;
    #pragma endregion

    #pragma region ICloneable^ Members

    // Return a copy of the permission.
    virtual Object^ Clone()
        return MemberwiseClone();

    #pragma endregion


Windows 98、Windows 2000 SP4、Windows Millennium Edition、Windows Server 2003、Windows XP Media Center Edition、Windows XP Professional x64 Edition、Windows XP SP2、Windows XP Starter Edition

.NET Framework 并不是对每个平台的所有版本都提供支持。有关受支持版本的列表,请参见系统要求


.NET Framework




IPermission 成员
System.Security 命名空间