MethodBase.CallingConvention 属性


**程序集:**mscorlib(在 mscorlib.dll 中)


Public Overridable ReadOnly Property CallingConvention As CallingConventions
Dim instance As MethodBase
Dim value As CallingConventions

value = instance.CallingConvention
public virtual CallingConventions CallingConvention { get; }
virtual property CallingConventions CallingConvention {
    CallingConventions get ();
/** @property */
public CallingConventions get_CallingConvention ()
public function get CallingConvention () : CallingConventions


此方法的 CallingConventions


Public Class MyClass1
    Public Sub New(ByVal i As Integer)
    End Sub
    Public Shared Sub Main()
            Dim myType As Type = GetType(MyClass1)
            Dim types(0) As Type
            types(0) = GetType(Integer)
            ' Get the public instance constructor that takes an integer parameter.
            Dim constructorInfoObj As ConstructorInfo = _
                        myType.GetConstructor(BindingFlags.Instance Or _
                        BindingFlags.Public, Nothing, _
                        CallingConventions.HasThis, types, Nothing)
            If Not (constructorInfoObj Is Nothing) Then
                Console.WriteLine("The constructor of MyClass1 that " + _
                                  "is a public instance method and takes an " + _
                                  "integer as a parameter is: ")
                Console.WriteLine("The constructor MyClass1 that " + _
                                  "is a public instance method and takes an " + _
                                  "integer as a parameter is not available.")
            End If
        Catch e As ArgumentNullException
            Console.WriteLine("ArgumentNullException: " + e.Message)
        Catch e As ArgumentException
            Console.WriteLine("ArgumentException: " + e.Message)
        Catch e As SecurityException
            Console.WriteLine("SecurityException: " + e.Message)
        Catch e As Exception
            Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + e.Message)
        End Try
    End Sub
End Class
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Security;

public class MyClass1
    public MyClass1(int i){}
    public static void Main()
            Type  myType = typeof(MyClass1);
            Type[] types = new Type[1];
            types[0] = typeof(int);
            // Get the public instance constructor that takes an integer parameter.
            ConstructorInfo constructorInfoObj = myType.GetConstructor(
                BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public, null,
                CallingConventions.HasThis, types, null);
            if(constructorInfoObj != null)
                Console.WriteLine("The constructor of MyClass1 that is a public " +
                    "instance method and takes an integer as a parameter is: ");
                Console.WriteLine("The constructor of MyClass1 that is a public instance " +
                    "method and takes an integer as a parameter is not available.");
        catch(ArgumentNullException e)
            Console.WriteLine("ArgumentNullException: " + e.Message);
        catch(ArgumentException e)
            Console.WriteLine("ArgumentException: " + e.Message);
        catch(SecurityException e)
            Console.WriteLine("SecurityException: " + e.Message);
        catch(Exception e)
            Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + e.Message);
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::Security;
public ref class MyClass1
   MyClass1( int i ){}


int main()
      Type^ myType = MyClass1::typeid;
      array<Type^>^types = gcnew array<Type^>(1);
      types[ 0 ] = int::typeid;
      // Get the public instance constructor that takes an integer parameter.
      ConstructorInfo^ constructorInfoObj = myType->GetConstructor( static_cast<BindingFlags>(BindingFlags::Instance | BindingFlags::Public), nullptr, CallingConventions::HasThis, types, nullptr );
      if ( constructorInfoObj != nullptr )
         Console::WriteLine( "The constructor of MyClass1 that is a public instance method and takes an integer as a parameter is: " );
         Console::WriteLine( constructorInfoObj );
         Console::WriteLine( "The constructor of MyClass1 that is a public instance method and takes an integer as a parameter is not available." );
   catch ( ArgumentNullException^ e ) 
      Console::WriteLine( "ArgumentNullException: {0}", e->Message );
   catch ( ArgumentException^ e ) 
      Console::WriteLine( "ArgumentException: {0}", e->Message );
   catch ( SecurityException^ e ) 
      Console::WriteLine( "SecurityException: {0}", e->Message );
   catch ( Exception^ e ) 
      Console::WriteLine( "Exception: {0}", e->Message );
import System.*;
import System.Reflection.*;
import System.Security.*;

public class MyClass1
    public MyClass1(int i)
    } //MyClass1

    public static void main(String[] args)
        try {
            Type myType = MyClass1.class.ToType();
            Type types[] = new Type[1];
            types.set_Item(0, int.class.ToType());
            // Get the public instance constructor that takes an
            // integer parameter.
            ConstructorInfo constructorInfoObj =
                null, CallingConventions.HasThis, types, null);
            if (constructorInfoObj != null) {
                Console.WriteLine("The constructor of MyClass1 that is a public "
                    + "instance method and takes an integer as a parameter is: ");
            else {
                Console.WriteLine("The constructor of MyClass1 that is a "
                    + "public instance method and takes an integer "
                    + "as a parameter is not available.");
        catch (ArgumentNullException e) {
            Console.WriteLine("ArgumentNullException: " + e.get_Message());
        catch (ArgumentException e) {
            Console.WriteLine("ArgumentException: " + e.get_Message());
        catch (SecurityException e) {
            Console.WriteLine("SecurityException: " + e.get_Message());
        catch (System.Exception e) {
            Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + e.get_Message());
    } //main
} //MyClass1


Windows 98、Windows 2000 SP4、Windows CE、Windows Millennium Edition、Windows Mobile for Pocket PC、Windows Mobile for Smartphone、Windows Server 2003、Windows XP Media Center Edition、Windows XP Professional x64 Edition、Windows XP SP2、Windows XP Starter Edition

.NET Framework 并不是对每个平台的所有版本都提供支持。有关受支持版本的列表,请参见系统要求


.NET Framework


.NET Compact Framework




MethodBase 类
MethodBase 成员
System.Reflection 命名空间
CallingConventions 枚举