ConstructorBuilder.SetImplementationFlags 方法


**程序集:**mscorlib(在 mscorlib.dll 中)


Public Sub SetImplementationFlags ( _
    attributes As MethodImplAttributes _
Dim instance As ConstructorBuilder
Dim attributes As MethodImplAttributes

public void SetImplementationFlags (
    MethodImplAttributes attributes
void SetImplementationFlags (
    MethodImplAttributes attributes
public void SetImplementationFlags (
    MethodImplAttributes attributes
public function SetImplementationFlags (
    attributes : MethodImplAttributes


  • attributes


异常类型 条件


已经使用 CreateType 创建了该包含类型。


下面的代码阐释了如何使用 SetImplementationFlags

Dim myMethodBuilder As MethodBuilder = Nothing
Dim myCurrentDomain As AppDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain
' Create assembly in current CurrentDomain.
Dim myAssemblyName As New AssemblyName()
myAssemblyName.Name = "TempAssembly"
' Create a dynamic assembly.
myAssemblyBuilder = myCurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly _
                                      (myAssemblyName, AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run)
' Create a dynamic module in the assembly.
myModuleBuilder = myAssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule("TempModule", True)
Dim myFieldInfo2 As FieldInfo = myModuleBuilder.DefineUninitializedData _
                                      ("myField", 2, FieldAttributes.Public)
' Create a type in the module.
Dim myTypeBuilder As TypeBuilder = myModuleBuilder.DefineType _
                                            ("TempClass", TypeAttributes.Public)
Dim myGreetingField As FieldBuilder = myTypeBuilder.DefineField _
                                 ("Greeting", GetType(String), FieldAttributes.Public)
Dim myConstructorArgs As Type() = {GetType(String)}
' Define a constructor of the dynamic class.
Dim myConstructor As ConstructorBuilder = myTypeBuilder.DefineConstructor _
                  (MethodAttributes.Public, CallingConventions.Standard, myConstructorArgs)
' Set the method implementation flags for the constructor.
myConstructor.SetImplementationFlags(MethodImplAttributes.PreserveSig Or _
' Get the method implementation flags for the constructor.
Dim myMethodAttributes As MethodImplAttributes = myConstructor.GetMethodImplementationFlags()
Dim myAttributeType As Type = GetType(MethodImplAttributes)
Dim myAttribValue As Integer = CInt(myMethodAttributes)
If Not myAttributeType.IsEnum Then
   Console.WriteLine("This is not an Enum")
End If
' Display the field info names of the retrieved method implementation flags.
Dim myFieldInfo As FieldInfo() = myAttributeType.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public Or _
Console.WriteLine("The Field info names of the MethodImplAttributes for the constructor are:")
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To myFieldInfo.Length - 1
   Dim myFieldValue As Integer = CType(myFieldInfo(i).GetValue(Nothing), Int32)
   If(myFieldValue And myAttribValue) = myFieldValue Then
      Console.WriteLine("   " + myFieldInfo(i).Name)
   End If
Next i
MethodBuilder myMethodBuilder = null;
AppDomain myCurrentDomain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain;
// Create assembly in current CurrentDomain.
AssemblyName myAssemblyName = new AssemblyName();
myAssemblyName.Name = "TempAssembly";
// Create a dynamic assembly.
myAssemblyBuilder = myCurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly
   (myAssemblyName, AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run);
// Create a dynamic module in the assembly.
myModuleBuilder = myAssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule("TempModule", true);
FieldInfo myFieldInfo2 =
   myModuleBuilder.DefineUninitializedData("myField", 2, FieldAttributes.Public);
// Create a type in the module.
TypeBuilder myTypeBuilder = myModuleBuilder.DefineType("TempClass",TypeAttributes.Public);
FieldBuilder myGreetingField = myTypeBuilder.DefineField("Greeting", 
   typeof(String), FieldAttributes.Public);
Type[] myConstructorArgs = { typeof(String) };
// Define a constructor of the dynamic class.
ConstructorBuilder myConstructor = myTypeBuilder.DefineConstructor(
   MethodAttributes.Public, CallingConventions.Standard, myConstructorArgs);
// Set the method implementation flags for the constructor.
myConstructor.SetImplementationFlags(MethodImplAttributes.PreserveSig | MethodImplAttributes.Runtime);
// Get the method implementation flags for the constructor.
MethodImplAttributes myMethodAttributes = myConstructor.GetMethodImplementationFlags();
Type myAttributeType = typeof(MethodImplAttributes);
int myAttribValue = (int) myMethodAttributes;
if(! myAttributeType.IsEnum)
   Console.WriteLine("This is not an Enum");
// Display the field info names of the retrieved method implementation flags.
FieldInfo[] myFieldInfo = myAttributeType.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
Console.WriteLine("The Field info names of the MethodImplAttributes for the constructor are:");
for (int i = 0; i < myFieldInfo.Length; i++)
   int myFieldValue = (Int32)myFieldInfo[i].GetValue(null);
   if ((myFieldValue & myAttribValue) == myFieldValue)
      Console.WriteLine("   " + myFieldInfo[i].Name);
MethodBuilder^ myMethodBuilder = nullptr;
AppDomain^ myCurrentDomain = AppDomain::CurrentDomain;

// Create assembly in current CurrentDomain.
AssemblyName^ myAssemblyName = gcnew AssemblyName;
myAssemblyName->Name = "TempAssembly";

// Create a dynamic assembly.
myAssemblyBuilder = myCurrentDomain->DefineDynamicAssembly( myAssemblyName, AssemblyBuilderAccess::Run );

// Create a dynamic module in the assembly.
myModuleBuilder = myAssemblyBuilder->DefineDynamicModule( "TempModule", true );
FieldInfo^ myFieldInfo2 = myModuleBuilder->DefineUninitializedData( "myField", 2, FieldAttributes::Public );

// Create a type in the module.
TypeBuilder^ myTypeBuilder = myModuleBuilder->DefineType( "TempClass", TypeAttributes::Public );
FieldBuilder^ myGreetingField = myTypeBuilder->DefineField( "Greeting", String::typeid, FieldAttributes::Public );
array<Type^>^myConstructorArgs = {String::typeid};

// Define a constructor of the dynamic class.
ConstructorBuilder^ myConstructor = myTypeBuilder->DefineConstructor( MethodAttributes::Public, CallingConventions::Standard, myConstructorArgs );

// Set the method implementation flags for the constructor.
myConstructor->SetImplementationFlags( static_cast<MethodImplAttributes>(MethodImplAttributes::PreserveSig | MethodImplAttributes::Runtime) );

// Get the method implementation flags for the constructor.
MethodImplAttributes myMethodAttributes = myConstructor->GetMethodImplementationFlags();
Type^ myAttributeType = MethodImplAttributes::typeid;
int myAttribValue = (int)myMethodAttributes;
if (  !myAttributeType->IsEnum )
   Console::WriteLine( "This is not an Enum" );

// Display the field info names of the retrieved method implementation flags.
array<FieldInfo^>^myFieldInfo = myAttributeType->GetFields( static_cast<BindingFlags>(BindingFlags::Public | BindingFlags::Static) );
Console::WriteLine( "The Field info names of the MethodImplAttributes for the constructor are:" );
for ( int i = 0; i < myFieldInfo->Length; i++ )
   int myFieldValue =  *safe_cast<Int32^>(myFieldInfo[ i ]->GetValue( nullptr ));
   if ( (myFieldValue & myAttribValue) == myFieldValue )
      Console::WriteLine( " {0}", myFieldInfo[ i ]->Name );


Windows 98、Windows 2000 SP4、Windows Millennium Edition、Windows Server 2003、Windows XP Media Center Edition、Windows XP Professional x64 Edition、Windows XP SP2、Windows XP Starter Edition

.NET Framework 并不是对每个平台的所有版本都提供支持。有关受支持版本的列表,请参见系统要求


.NET Framework




ConstructorBuilder 类
ConstructorBuilder 成员
System.Reflection.Emit 命名空间