CollectionBase.GetEnumerator 方法

返回循环访问 CollectionBase 实例的枚举数。

**程序集:**mscorlib(在 mscorlib.dll 中)


Public Function GetEnumerator As IEnumerator
Dim instance As CollectionBase
Dim returnValue As IEnumerator

returnValue = instance.GetEnumerator
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator ()
virtual IEnumerator^ GetEnumerator () sealed
public final IEnumerator GetEnumerator ()
public final function GetEnumerator () : IEnumerator


用于 CollectionBase 实例的 IEnumerator


C# 语言的 foreach 语句(在 Visual Basic 中为 for each)隐藏了枚举数的复杂性。因此,建议使用 foreach,而不直接操作枚举数。


最初,枚举数被定位于集合中第一个元素的前面。Reset 也将枚举数返回到此位置。在此位置,调用 Current 会引发异常。因此,在读取 Current 的值之前,必须调用 MoveNext 将枚举数提前到集合的第一个元素。

在调用 MoveNextReset 之前,Current 返回同一对象。MoveNextCurrent 设置为下一个元素。

如果 MoveNext 越过集合的结尾,则枚举数将被定位在此集合中最后一个元素的后面,且 MoveNext 将返回 false。当枚举数位于此位置时,对 MoveNext 的后续调用也返回 false。如果最后一次调用 MoveNext 返回 false,则调用 Current 会引发异常。若要再次将 Current 设置为集合的第一个元素,可以调用 Reset,然后再调用 MoveNext

只要集合保持不变,枚举数就保持有效。如果对集合进行了更改(如添加、修改或删除元素),则枚举数将失效且不可恢复,并且下一次对 MoveNextReset 的调用将引发 InvalidOperationException。如果在 MoveNextCurrent 之间修改集合,那么即使枚举数已经无效,Current 也将返回它所设置成的元素。


虽然 GetEnumerator 方法在默认情况下对于 COM 客户端是不可见的,但是继承 CollectionBase 类可以公开此方法并会在 COM 客户端导致意外行为。

此方法是 O(1) 操作。


下面的代码示例实现 CollectionBase 类,并使用该实现创建 Int16 对象的集合。

Imports System
Imports System.Collections

Public Class Int16Collection
   Inherits CollectionBase

   Default Public Property Item(index As Integer) As Int16
         Return CType(List(index), Int16)
      End Get
         List(index) = value
      End Set
   End Property

   Public Function Add(value As Int16) As Integer
      Return List.Add(value)
   End Function 'Add

   Public Function IndexOf(value As Int16) As Integer
      Return List.IndexOf(value)
   End Function 'IndexOf

   Public Sub Insert(index As Integer, value As Int16)
      List.Insert(index, value)
   End Sub 'Insert

   Public Sub Remove(value As Int16)
   End Sub 'Remove

   Public Function Contains(value As Int16) As Boolean
      ' If value is not of type Int16, this will return false.
      Return List.Contains(value)
   End Function 'Contains

   Protected Overrides Sub OnInsert(index As Integer, value As Object)
      ' Insert additional code to be run only when inserting values.
   End Sub 'OnInsert

   Protected Overrides Sub OnRemove(index As Integer, value As Object)
      ' Insert additional code to be run only when removing values.
   End Sub 'OnRemove

   Protected Overrides Sub OnSet(index As Integer, oldValue As Object, newValue As Object)
      ' Insert additional code to be run only when setting values.
   End Sub 'OnSet

   Protected Overrides Sub OnValidate(value As Object)
      If Not GetType(System.Int16).IsAssignableFrom(value.GetType()) Then
         Throw New ArgumentException("value must be of type Int16.", "value")
      End If
   End Sub 'OnValidate 

End Class 'Int16Collection

Public Class SamplesCollectionBase

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Creates and initializes a new CollectionBase.
      Dim myI16 As New Int16Collection()

      ' Adds elements to the collection.
      myI16.Add( 1 )
      myI16.Add( 2 )
      myI16.Add( 3 )
      myI16.Add( 5 )
      myI16.Add( 7 )

      ' Display the contents of the collection using For Each. This is the preferred method.
      Console.WriteLine("Contents of the collection (using For Each):")
      ' Display the contents of the collection using the enumerator.
      Console.WriteLine("Contents of the collection (using enumerator):")
      ' Display the contents of the collection using the Count property and the Item property.
      Console.WriteLine("Initial contents of the collection (using Count and Item):")
      ' Searches the collection with Contains and IndexOf.
      Console.WriteLine("Contains 3: {0}", myI16.Contains(3))
      Console.WriteLine("2 is at index {0}.", myI16.IndexOf(2))
      ' Inserts an element into the collection at index 3.
      myI16.Insert(3, 13)
      Console.WriteLine("Contents of the collection after inserting at index 3:")
      ' Gets and sets an element using the index.
      myI16(4) = 123
      Console.WriteLine("Contents of the collection after setting the element at index 4 to 123:")
      ' Removes an element from the collection.

      ' Display the contents of the collection using the Count property and the Item property.
      Console.WriteLine("Contents of the collection after removing the element 2:")

    End Sub 'Main

    ' Uses the Count property and the Item property.
    Public Shared Sub PrintIndexAndValues(myCol As Int16Collection)
      Dim i As Integer
      For i = 0 To myCol.Count - 1
          Console.WriteLine("   [{0}]:   {1}", i, myCol(i))
      Next i
    End Sub 'PrintIndexAndValues

    ' Uses the For Each statement which hides the complexity of the enumerator.
    ' NOTE: The For Each statement is the preferred way of enumerating the contents of a collection.
    Public Shared Sub PrintValues1(myCol As Int16Collection)
      Dim i16 As Int16
      For Each i16 In  myCol
          Console.WriteLine("   {0}", i16)
      Next i16
    End Sub 'PrintValues1

    ' Uses the enumerator. 
    ' NOTE: The For Each statement is the preferred way of enumerating the contents of a collection.
    Public Shared Sub PrintValues2(myCol As Int16Collection)
      Dim myEnumerator As System.Collections.IEnumerator = myCol.GetEnumerator()
      While myEnumerator.MoveNext()
          Console.WriteLine("   {0}", myEnumerator.Current)
      End While
    End Sub 'PrintValues2

End Class 'SamplesCollectionBase

'This code produces the following output.
'Contents of the collection (using For Each):
'   1
'   2
'   3
'   5
'   7
'Contents of the collection (using enumerator):
'   1
'   2
'   3
'   5
'   7
'Initial contents of the collection (using Count and Item):
'   [0]:   1
'   [1]:   2
'   [2]:   3
'   [3]:   5
'   [4]:   7
'Contains 3: True
'2 is at index 1.
'Contents of the collection after inserting at index 3:
'   [0]:   1
'   [1]:   2
'   [2]:   3
'   [3]:   13
'   [4]:   5
'   [5]:   7
'Contents of the collection after setting the element at index 4 to 123:
'   [0]:   1
'   [1]:   2
'   [2]:   3
'   [3]:   13
'   [4]:   123
'   [5]:   7
'Contents of the collection after removing the element 2:
'   [0]:   1
'   [1]:   3
'   [2]:   13
'   [3]:   123
'   [4]:   7
using System;
using System.Collections;

public class Int16Collection : CollectionBase  {

   public Int16 this[ int index ]  {
      get  {
         return( (Int16) List[index] );
      set  {
         List[index] = value;

   public int Add( Int16 value )  {
      return( List.Add( value ) );

   public int IndexOf( Int16 value )  {
      return( List.IndexOf( value ) );

   public void Insert( int index, Int16 value )  {
      List.Insert( index, value );

   public void Remove( Int16 value )  {
      List.Remove( value );

   public bool Contains( Int16 value )  {
      // If value is not of type Int16, this will return false.
      return( List.Contains( value ) );

   protected override void OnInsert( int index, Object value )  {
      // Insert additional code to be run only when inserting values.

   protected override void OnRemove( int index, Object value )  {
      // Insert additional code to be run only when removing values.

   protected override void OnSet( int index, Object oldValue, Object newValue )  {
      // Insert additional code to be run only when setting values.

   protected override void OnValidate( Object value )  {
      if ( value.GetType() != typeof(System.Int16) )
         throw new ArgumentException( "value must be of type Int16.", "value" );


public class SamplesCollectionBase  {

   public static void Main()  {
      // Create and initialize a new CollectionBase.
      Int16Collection myI16 = new Int16Collection();

      // Add elements to the collection.
      myI16.Add( (Int16) 1 );
      myI16.Add( (Int16) 2 );
      myI16.Add( (Int16) 3 );
      myI16.Add( (Int16) 5 );
      myI16.Add( (Int16) 7 );

      // Display the contents of the collection using foreach. This is the preferred method.
      Console.WriteLine( "Contents of the collection (using foreach):" );
      PrintValues1( myI16 );

      // Display the contents of the collection using the enumerator.
      Console.WriteLine( "Contents of the collection (using enumerator):" );
      PrintValues2( myI16 );

      // Display the contents of the collection using the Count property and the Item property.
      Console.WriteLine( "Initial contents of the collection (using Count and Item):" );
      PrintIndexAndValues( myI16 );

      // Search the collection with Contains and IndexOf.
      Console.WriteLine( "Contains 3: {0}", myI16.Contains( 3 ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "2 is at index {0}.", myI16.IndexOf( 2 ) );

      // Insert an element into the collection at index 3.
      myI16.Insert( 3, (Int16) 13 );
      Console.WriteLine( "Contents of the collection after inserting at index 3:" );
      PrintIndexAndValues( myI16 );

      // Get and set an element using the index.
      myI16[4] = 123;
      Console.WriteLine( "Contents of the collection after setting the element at index 4 to 123:" );
      PrintIndexAndValues( myI16 );

      // Remove an element from the collection.
      myI16.Remove( (Int16) 2 );

      // Display the contents of the collection using the Count property and the Item property.
      Console.WriteLine( "Contents of the collection after removing the element 2:" );
      PrintIndexAndValues( myI16 );

   // Uses the Count property and the Item property.
   public static void PrintIndexAndValues( Int16Collection myCol )  {
      for ( int i = 0; i < myCol.Count; i++ )
         Console.WriteLine( "   [{0}]:   {1}", i, myCol[i] );

   // Uses the foreach statement which hides the complexity of the enumerator.
   // NOTE: The foreach statement is the preferred way of enumerating the contents of a collection.
   public static void PrintValues1( Int16Collection myCol )  {
      foreach ( Int16 i16 in myCol )
         Console.WriteLine( "   {0}", i16 );

   // Uses the enumerator. 
   // NOTE: The foreach statement is the preferred way of enumerating the contents of a collection.
   public static void PrintValues2( Int16Collection myCol )  {
      System.Collections.IEnumerator myEnumerator = myCol.GetEnumerator();
      while ( myEnumerator.MoveNext() )
         Console.WriteLine( "   {0}", myEnumerator.Current );

This code produces the following output.

Contents of the collection (using foreach):

Contents of the collection (using enumerator):

Initial contents of the collection (using Count and Item):
   [0]:   1
   [1]:   2
   [2]:   3
   [3]:   5
   [4]:   7

Contains 3: True
2 is at index 1.

Contents of the collection after inserting at index 3:
   [0]:   1
   [1]:   2
   [2]:   3
   [3]:   13
   [4]:   5
   [5]:   7

Contents of the collection after setting the element at index 4 to 123:
   [0]:   1
   [1]:   2
   [2]:   3
   [3]:   13
   [4]:   123
   [5]:   7

Contents of the collection after removing the element 2:
   [0]:   1
   [1]:   3
   [2]:   13
   [3]:   123
   [4]:   7

#using <System.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;

public ref class Int16Collection: public CollectionBase

   property Int16 Item [int]
      Int16 get( int index )
         return ( (Int16)(List[ index ]));

      void set( int index, Int16 value )
         List[ index ] = value;
   int Add( Int16 value )
      return (List->Add( value ));

   int IndexOf( Int16 value )
      return (List->IndexOf( value ));

   void Insert( int index, Int16 value )
      List->Insert( index, value );

   void Remove( Int16 value )
      List->Remove( value );

   bool Contains( Int16 value )
      // If value is not of type Int16, this will return false.
      return (List->Contains( value ));

   virtual void OnInsert( int /*index*/, Object^ /*value*/ ) override
      // Insert additional code to be run only when inserting values.

   virtual void OnRemove( int /*index*/, Object^ /*value*/ ) override
      // Insert additional code to be run only when removing values.

   virtual void OnSet( int /*index*/, Object^ /*oldValue*/, Object^ /*newValue*/ ) override
      // Insert additional code to be run only when setting values.

   virtual void OnValidate( Object^ value ) override
      if ( value->GetType() != Type::GetType( "System.Int16" ) )
            throw gcnew ArgumentException( "value must be of type Int16.","value" );


void PrintIndexAndValues( Int16Collection^ myCol );
void PrintValues2( Int16Collection^ myCol );
int main()
   // Create and initialize a new CollectionBase.
   Int16Collection^ myI16 = gcnew Int16Collection;
   // Add elements to the collection.
   myI16->Add( (Int16)1 );
   myI16->Add( (Int16)2 );
   myI16->Add( (Int16)3 );
   myI16->Add( (Int16)5 );
   myI16->Add( (Int16)7 );

   // Display the contents of the collection using the enumerator.
   Console::WriteLine( "Contents of the collection (using enumerator):" );
   PrintValues2( myI16 );

   // Display the contents of the collection using the Count property and the Item property.
   Console::WriteLine( "Initial contents of the collection (using Count and Item):" );
   PrintIndexAndValues( myI16 );

   // Search the collection with Contains and IndexOf.
   Console::WriteLine( "Contains 3: {0}", myI16->Contains( 3 ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "2 is at index {0}.", myI16->IndexOf( 2 ) );

   // Insert an element into the collection at index 3.
   myI16->Insert( 3, (Int16)13 );
   Console::WriteLine( "Contents of the collection after inserting at index 3:" );
   PrintIndexAndValues( myI16 );

   // Get and set an element using the index.
   myI16->Item[ 4 ] = 123;
   Console::WriteLine( "Contents of the collection after setting the element at index 4 to 123:" );
   PrintIndexAndValues( myI16 );

   // Remove an element from the collection.
   myI16->Remove( (Int16)2 );

   // Display the contents of the collection using the Count property and the Item property.
   Console::WriteLine( "Contents of the collection after removing the element 2:" );
   PrintIndexAndValues( myI16 );

// Uses the Count property and the Item property.
void PrintIndexAndValues( Int16Collection^ myCol )
   for ( int i = 0; i < myCol->Count; i++ )
      Console::WriteLine( "   [{0}]:   {1}", i, myCol->Item[ i ] );

// Uses the enumerator. 
void PrintValues2( Int16Collection^ myCol )
   System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnumerator = myCol->GetEnumerator();
   while ( myEnumerator->MoveNext() )
      Console::WriteLine( "   {0}", myEnumerator->Current );


This code produces the following output.

Contents of the collection (using enumerator):

Initial contents of the collection (using Count and Item):
   [0]:   1
   [1]:   2
   [2]:   3
   [3]:   5
   [4]:   7

Contains 3: True
2 is at index 1.

Contents of the collection after inserting at index 3:
   [0]:   1
   [1]:   2
   [2]:   3
   [3]:   13
   [4]:   5
   [5]:   7

Contents of the collection after setting the element at index 4 to 123:
   [0]:   1
   [1]:   2
   [2]:   3
   [3]:   13
   [4]:   123
   [5]:   7

Contents of the collection after removing the element 2:
   [0]:   1
   [1]:   3
   [2]:   13
   [3]:   123
   [4]:   7

import System.* ;
import System.Collections.*;
import System.Collections.CollectionBase.*;

public class Int16Collection extends CollectionBase
    /** @property 
    public short get_Value(int index)
        short s = System.Convert.ToInt16(get_List().get_Item(index));
        return(s) ; 
    } //get_Value

    /** @property 
    public void set_Value(int index,short value)
        get_List().set_Item(index, (Int16)value);
    } //set_Value
    public int Add(short value) 
        return get_List().Add((Int16)value);
    } //Add
    public int IndexOf(short value)
        return get_List().IndexOf((Int16)value);
    } //IndexOf
    public void Insert(int index, short value) 
        get_List().Insert(index, (Int16)value);
    } //Insert
    public void Remove(short value) 
    } //Remove
    public boolean Contains(short value) 
        // If value is not of type Int16, this will return false.
        return get_List().Contains((Int16)value);
    } //Contains
    protected   void OnInsert(int index, Object value) 
        // Insert additional code to be run only when inserting values.
    } //OnInsert
       protected   void OnRemove(int index, Object value) 
        // Insert additional code to be run only when removing values.
    } //OnRemove
       protected   void OnSet(int index, Object oldValue, Object newValue) 
        // Insert additional code to be run only when setting values.
    } //OnSet
    protected   void OnValidate(Object value) 
        if ( value.GetType() != Type.GetType("System.Int16")  ) {
            throw new ArgumentException("value must be of type Int16.", 
    } //OnValidate
} //Int16Collection

public class SamplesCollectionBase
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Create and initialize a new CollectionBase.
        Int16Collection myI16 =  new Int16Collection();
        // Add elements to the collection.
        // Display the contents of the collection using for.
        Console.WriteLine("Contents of the collection (using for):");
        // Display the contents of the collection using the enumerator.
        Console.WriteLine("Contents of the collection (using enumerator):");
        // Display the contents of the collection using the Count property and 
        // the Item property.
        Console.WriteLine("Initial contents of the collection "
            + "(using Count and Item):");
        // Search the collection with Contains and IndexOf.
        Console.WriteLine("Contains 3: {0}", 
        Console.WriteLine("2 is at index {0}.", 
        // Insert an element into the collection at index 3.
        myI16.Insert(3, (Int16)13);
        Console.WriteLine("Contents of the collection after inserting at"
            + " index 3:");
        // Get and set an element using the index.
        myI16 .set_Item( 4 ,(Int16)123 );
        Console.WriteLine("Contents of the collection after setting the"
            + " element at index 4 to 123:");
        // Remove an element from the collection.
        // Display the contents of the collection using the Count property and
        // the Item property.
        Console.WriteLine("Contents of the collection after removing the"
            + " element 2:");
   } //main
   // Uses the Count property and the Item property.
    public static void PrintIndexAndValues(Int16Collection myCol) 
        for(int i = 0; i < myCol.get_Count(); i++) {
            Console.WriteLine("   [{0}]:   {1}", (Int32)i, 
    } //PrintIndexAndValues
    // Uses the for statement which hides the complexity of the enumerator.
    // NOTE: The for statement is the preferred way of enumerating the contents 
    // of a collection.
    public static void PrintValues1(Int16Collection myCol) 
        for (int iCtr = 0; iCtr < myCol.get_Count(); iCtr++) {
            Console.WriteLine("   {0}", myCol.get_Item(iCtr));
    } //PrintValues1
    // Uses the enumerator. 
    // NOTE: The for statement is the preferred way of enumerating the contents 
    // of a collection.
    public static void PrintValues2(Int16Collection myCol) 
        System.Collections.IEnumerator myEnumerator = myCol.GetEnumerator();
        while(myEnumerator.MoveNext()) {
            Console.WriteLine("   {0}", myEnumerator.get_Current());
    } //PrintValues2
} //SamplesCollectionBase

Contents of the collection (using for):

Contents of the collection (using enumerator):

Initial contents of the collection (using Count and Item):
   [0]:   1
   [1]:   2
   [2]:   3
   [3]:   5
   [4]:   7

Contains 3: True
2 is at index 1.

Contents of the collection after inserting at index 3:
   [0]:   1
   [1]:   2
   [2]:   3
   [3]:   13
   [4]:   5
   [5]:   7

Contents of the collection after setting the element at index 4 to 123:
   [0]:   1
   [1]:   2
   [2]:   3
   [3]:   13
   [4]:   123
   [5]:   7

Contents of the collection after removing the element 2:
   [0]:   1
   [1]:   3
   [2]:   13
   [3]:   123
   [4]:   7



Windows 98、Windows 2000 SP4、Windows CE、Windows Millennium Edition、Windows Mobile for Pocket PC、Windows Mobile for Smartphone、Windows Server 2003、Windows XP Media Center Edition、Windows XP Professional x64 Edition、Windows XP SP2、Windows XP Starter Edition

.NET Framework 并不是对每个平台的所有版本都提供支持。有关受支持版本的列表,请参见系统要求


.NET Framework


.NET Compact Framework




CollectionBase 类
CollectionBase 成员
System.Collections 命名空间