ASP.NET Namespaces for Mobile Controls
Microsoft ASP.NET provides three namespaces that are used to implement the run-time and design-time behavior of mobile components and controls. These namespaces include the fundamental interfaces and base classes for implementing attributes, classes, controls, and elements. Listed below are the namespaces in ASP.NET for mobile controls and the classes that constitute them:
System.Web.Mobile. Core capabilities, authentication, and error-handling classes. For more information, see the MobileCapabilities and MobileFormsAuthentication classes.
System.Web.UI.MobileControls. Core ASP.NET mobile control classes. For examples, see the IObjectListFieldCollection interface, ITemplateable interface, AdRotator class, and DeviceSpecific class.
System.Web.UI.MobileControls.Adapters. Core adapter classes that you can implement to create adapters for targeted devices.