FontDialog Component (Windows Forms)
The Windows Forms FontDialog component is a pre-configured dialog box. It is the same Font dialog box exposed by the Windows operating system. The component inherits from the CommonDialog class.
In This Section
- FontDialog Component Overview (Windows Forms)
Introduces the general concepts of the FontDialog component, which you use to display a pre-configured dialog box. Users can use the dialog box to manipulate fonts and their settings.
- How to: Show a Font List with the FontDialog Component
Explains how to choose a font at run time through an instance of the FontDialog component.
- FontDialog
Provides reference information about the FontDialog class and its members.
Related Sections
- Dialog-Box Controls and Components (Windows Forms)
Describes a set of controls and components that enable users to perform standard interactions with the application or system.
- Controls to Use on Windows Forms
Provides a complete list of Windows Forms controls, with links to information about their use.