如何:查询 EntityCollection 中的相关对象(实体框架)

本主题提供的示例演示如何查询由关系导航属性返回的 EntityCollection 中的相关对象。

本主题中的示例基于 Adventure Works 销售模型。 若要运行本示例中的代码,必须已将 AdventureWorks 销售模型添加到您的项目中,并将项目配置为使用实体框架 。 为此,请完成如何:手动配置实体框架项目如何:手动定义模型和映射文件(实体框架)中的过程。 也可以使用实体数据模型向导定义 AdventureWorks 销售模型。 有关更多信息,请参见如何:使用实体数据模型向导(实体框架)


本示例加载与特定联系人相关的 SalesOrderHeader 对象集合,然后使用 LINQ 表达式返回已经发货的在线订单的列表。

' Specify the customer ID. 
Dim customerId As Integer = 4332

Using context As New AdventureWorksEntities()
    ' Get a specified customer by contact ID. 
    Dim customer = (From customers In context.Contacts _
        Where customers.ContactID = customerId _
        Select customers).First()

    ' You do not have to call the Load method to load the orders for the customer, 
    ' because lazy loading is set to true 
    ' by the constructor of the AdventureWorksEntities object. 
    ' With lazy loading set to true the related objects are loaded when 
    ' you access the navigation property. In this case SalesOrderHeaders. 

    ' Write the number of orders for the customer. 
    Console.WriteLine("Customer '{0}' has placed {1} total orders.", _
                      customer.LastName, customer.SalesOrderHeaders.Count)

    ' Get the online orders that have shipped. 
    Dim shippedOrders = From order In customer.SalesOrderHeaders _
        Where order.OnlineOrderFlag = True AndAlso order.Status = 5 _
        Select order

    ' Write the number of orders placed online. 
    Console.WriteLine("{0} orders placed online have been shipped.", shippedOrders.Count())
End Using
// Specify the customer ID.
int customerId = 4332;

using (AdventureWorksEntities context =
    new AdventureWorksEntities())
    // Get a specified customer by contact ID.
    var customer = (from customers in context.Contacts
                    where customers.ContactID == customerId
                    select customers).First();

    // You do not have to call the Load method to load the orders for the customer,
    // because  lazy loading is set to true 
    // by the constructor of the AdventureWorksEntities object. 
    // With  lazy loading set to true the related objects are loaded when
    // you access the navigation property. In this case SalesOrderHeaders.

    // Write the number of orders for the customer.
    Console.WriteLine("Customer '{0}' has placed {1} total orders.",
        customer.LastName, customer.SalesOrderHeaders.Count);

    // Get the online orders that have shipped.
    var shippedOrders =
        from order in customer.SalesOrderHeaders
        where order.OnlineOrderFlag == true
        && order.Status == 5
        select order;

    // Write the number of orders placed online.
    Console.WriteLine("{0} orders placed online have been shipped.",

本示例使用与针对 SalesOrderHeader 对象集合的第一个示例相同 LINQ 查询。 与最初将所有相关对象加载到集合不同,CreateSourceQuery 方法用于仅加载查询返回的对象。 然后在 SalesOrderHeader 关系导航属性返回的 EntityCollection 上调用 Load 方法,用于加载其他相关对象。

' Specify the customer ID. 
Dim customerId As Integer = 4332

Using context As New AdventureWorksEntities()
    ' Get a specified customer by contact ID. 
    Dim customer = (From customers In context.Contacts
        Where customers.ContactID = customerId
        Select customers).First()

    ' Use CreateSourceQuery to generate a query that returns 
    ' only the online orders that have shipped. 
    Dim shippedOrders = From orders In customer.SalesOrderHeaders.CreateSourceQuery() _
        Where orders.OnlineOrderFlag = True AndAlso orders.Status = 5 _
        Select orders

    ' Write the number of orders placed online. 
    Console.WriteLine("{0} orders placed online have been shipped.", shippedOrders.Count())

    ' You do not have to call the Load method to load the orders for the customer, 
    ' because lazy loading is set to true 
    ' by the constructor of the AdventureWorksEntities object. 
    ' With lazy loading set to true the related objects are loaded when 
    ' you access the navigation property. In this case SalesOrderHeaders. 

    ' Write the number of total orders for the customer. 
    Console.WriteLine("Customer '{0}' has placed {1} total orders.", _
                      customer.LastName, customer.SalesOrderHeaders.Count)
End Using
// Specify the customer ID.
int customerId = 4332;

using (AdventureWorksEntities context =
    new AdventureWorksEntities())
    // Get a specified customer by contact ID.
    var customer = (from customers in context.Contacts
                    where customers.ContactID == customerId
                    select customers).First();

    // Use CreateSourceQuery to generate a query that returns 
    // only the online orders that have shipped.
    var shippedOrders =
        from orders in customer.SalesOrderHeaders.CreateSourceQuery()
        where orders.OnlineOrderFlag == true
        && orders.Status == 5
        select orders;

    // Write the number of orders placed online.
    Console.WriteLine("{0} orders placed online have been shipped.",

    // You do not have to call the Load method to load the orders for the customer,
    // because  lazy loading is set to true 
    // by the constructor of the AdventureWorksEntities object. 
    // With  lazy loading set to true the related objects are loaded when
    // you access the navigation property. In this case SalesOrderHeaders.

    // Write the number of total orders for the customer.
    Console.WriteLine("Customer '{0}' has placed {1} total orders.",
        customer.LastName, customer.SalesOrderHeaders.Count);




