如何:更改 POCO 实体之间的关系(实体框架)
如果禁用代理对象的创建,或者创建的 POCO 实体不具有代理对象,则必须对 ObjectContext 调用 DetectChanges 方法,从而将更改与 ObjectStateManager 同步。 除检测标量属性中的更改外,此方法还检测关系中的更改,包括添加、删除、或更改相关对象。 有关更多信息,请参见跟踪 POCO 实体中的更改(实体框架)。 SaveChanges 方法调用 DetectChanges,从而如果您并不需要立刻同步关系,则无需显式调用 DetectChanges。
本主题中的示例使用在如何:定义 POCO 实体(实体框架)中定义的 POCO 自定义数据类,和在如何:自定义建模和映射文件以使用自定义对象(实体框架)中定义的基于 AdventureWorks 的数据模型。
本示例将一个订单的当前联系人更改为其他联系人。 在更改保存到数据源之前,DetectChanges 方法由 SaveChanges 方法调用。
Using context As New POCOAdventureWorksEntities()
' Disable proxy object creation.
context.ContextOptions.ProxyCreationEnabled = False
' Define the order and new address IDs.
Dim orderId As Integer = 43659
Dim differentContactID As Integer = 5
Dim order As Order = context.Orders.Include("Contact").Where(Function(o) o.SalesOrderID = orderId).First()
' Get contact to change to.
Dim differentContact As Contact = context.Contacts.First(Function(c) c.ContactID = differentContactID)
' The current contact.
Console.WriteLine("Original Contact Name: {0}", order.Contact.FirstName)
' The Entity Framework takes care of setting the other end of the relationship
' when you call DetectChanges or SaveChanges (which calls DetectChanges).
' However, there are scenarios when you are not working with ObjectContext
' and will want to fix both ends of the relationship yourself
' (for example, when working with disconnected objects).
' Change the current ContactID to the new ContactID.
order.ContactID = differentContact.ContactID
' Because the change tracking is not enabled
' The state manager will not be updated untill DetectChanges is called.
' If context.ContextOptions.ProxyCreationEnabled was set to true (which is the default)
' The changes would be synchronized righ away.
Console.WriteLine("The contact was updated, but DetectChanges was not yet called. ")
Console.WriteLine("Contact Name: {0}", order.Contact.FirstName)
Console.WriteLine("After DetectChanges was called. Contact Name: {0}", order.Contact.FirstName)
' Call save the changes, which calls DetectChanges.
Catch ex As UpdateException
Catch ex As InvalidOperationException
End Try
End Using
using (POCOAdventureWorksEntities context =
new POCOAdventureWorksEntities())
// Disable proxy object creation.
context.ContextOptions.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;
// Define the order and new address IDs.
int orderId = 43659;
int differentContactID = 5;
Order order =
.Where(o => o.SalesOrderID == orderId).First();
// Get contact to change to.
Contact differentContact = context.Contacts.
First(c => c.ContactID == differentContactID);
// The current contact.
Console.WriteLine("Original Contact Name: {0}", order.Contact.FirstName);
// The Entity Framework takes care of setting the other end of the relationship
// when you call DetectChanges or SaveChanges (which calls DetectChanges).
// However, there are scenarios when you are not working with ObjectContext
// and will want to fix both ends of the relationship yourself
// (for example, when working with disconnected objects).
// Change the current ContactID to the new ContactID.
order.ContactID = differentContact.ContactID;
// Because the change tracking is not enabled
// The state manager will not be updated untill DetectChanges is called.
// If context.ContextOptions.ProxyCreationEnabled was set to true (which is the default)
// The changes would be synchronized righ away.
Console.WriteLine("The contact was updated, but DetectChanges was not yet called. ");
Console.WriteLine("Contact Name: {0}", order.Contact.FirstName);
Console.WriteLine("After DetectChanges was called. Contact Name: {0}",
// Call save the changes, which calls DetectChanges.
catch (UpdateException ex)
catch (InvalidOperationException ex)