在 UI 自动化片段提供程序中启用导航


本文档的目标读者是欲使用 System.Windows.Automation 命名空间中定义的托管 UI Automation类的 .NET Framework 开发人员。有关 UI Automation的最新信息,请参见 Windows Automation API: UI Automation(Windows 自动化 API:UI 自动化)。

本主题包含代码示例,该代码示例演示如何在 UI 自动化提供程序中为片段内的元素实现导航。


下面的代码示例为列表内的列表项实现 Navigate。 父元素是列表框元素,同级元素是列表集合中的其他项。 该方法对无效的方向返回 null(在 Visual Basic 中为 Nothing);在本例中,将返回 FirstChildLastChild,因为该元素没有子元素。

''' <summary>
''' Navigate to adjacent elements in the automation tree.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="direction">Direction to navigate.</param>
''' <returns>The element in that direction, or null.</returns>
''' <remarks>
''' parentControl is the provider for the list box.
''' parentItems is the collection of list item providers.
''' </remarks>
Public Function Navigate(ByVal direction As NavigateDirection) As IRawElementProviderFragment _
    Implements IRawElementProviderFragment.Navigate

    Dim myIndex As Integer = parentItems.IndexOf(Me)
    If direction = NavigateDirection.Parent Then
        Return DirectCast(parentControl, IRawElementProviderFragment)
    ElseIf direction = NavigateDirection.NextSibling Then
        If myIndex < parentItems.Count - 1 Then
            Return DirectCast(parentItems((myIndex + 1)), IRawElementProviderFragment)
            Return Nothing
        End If
    ElseIf direction = NavigateDirection.PreviousSibling Then
        If myIndex > 0 Then
            Return DirectCast(parentItems((myIndex - 1)), IRawElementProviderFragment)
            Return Nothing
        End If
        Return Nothing
    End If

End Function 'Navigate
/// <summary>
/// Navigate to adjacent elements in the automation tree.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="direction">Direction to navigate.</param>
/// <returns>The element in that direction, or null.</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// parentControl is the provider for the list box.
/// parentItems is the collection of list item providers.
/// </remarks>
public IRawElementProviderFragment Navigate(NavigateDirection direction)
    int myIndex = parentItems.IndexOf(this);
    if (direction == NavigateDirection.Parent)
        return (IRawElementProviderFragment)parentControl;
    else if (direction == NavigateDirection.NextSibling)
        if (myIndex < parentItems.Count - 1)
            return (IRawElementProviderFragment)parentItems[myIndex + 1];
            return null;
    else if (direction == NavigateDirection.PreviousSibling)
        if (myIndex > 0)
            return (IRawElementProviderFragment)parentItems[myIndex - 1];
        else return null;
    else return null;



UI 自动化提供程序概述

服务器端 UI 自动化提供程序的实现