DataServiceContext.ExecuteBatch 方法


用于 Silverlight 的 WCF Data Services 5.0 客户端不支持。

命名空间:  System.Data.Services.Client
程序集:  Microsoft.Data.Services.Client(在 Microsoft.Data.Services.Client.dll 中)


Public Function ExecuteBatch ( _
    ParamArray queries As DataServiceRequest() _
) As DataServiceResponse
Dim instance As DataServiceContext
Dim queries As DataServiceRequest()
Dim returnValue As DataServiceResponse

returnValue = instance.ExecuteBatch(queries)
public DataServiceResponse ExecuteBatch(
    params DataServiceRequest[] queries
DataServiceResponse^ ExecuteBatch(
    ... array<DataServiceRequest^>^ queries
member ExecuteBatch : 
        queries:DataServiceRequest[] -> DataServiceResponse 
public function ExecuteBatch(
    ... queries : DataServiceRequest[]
) : DataServiceResponse





将查询指定为 DataServiceRequest<TElement> 实例。 返回表示整个批处理请求响应的 DataServiceResponse。 单个查询响应表示为单个 OperationResponse 对象,可通过枚举 DataServiceResponse 实例进行访问。

此方法返回时,已从网络流读取批处理请求的整个 HTTP 响应,但尚未对这些响应进行处理。 在枚举响应中的指定实体之前,未对该实体进行标识解析或对象具体化操作。


下面的示例演示如何调用 ExecuteBatch() 方法来执行一个 DataServiceRequest<TElement> 对象数组,该数组包含从 Northwind 数据服务同时返回 Customers 和 Products 对象的查询。 此示例将枚举返回的 DataServiceResponse 中的 QueryOperationResponse<T> 对象的集合,并且还会枚举每个 QueryOperationResponse<T> 中包含的对象的集合。 此示例使用基于 Northwind 数据服务(在您完成 WCF 数据服务?快速入门时创建)的“添加服务引用”工具所生成的 DataServiceContext

Dim customerId = "ALFKI"

' Create the DataServiceContext using the service URI.
Dim context = New NorthwindEntities(svcUri)

' Create the separate query URI's, one that returns 
' a single customer and another that returns all Products.
Dim customerUri = New Uri(svcUri.AbsoluteUri & _
    "/Customers('" & customerId & "')/?$expand=Orders")
Dim productsUri = New Uri(svcUri.AbsoluteUri & _

' Create the query requests.
Dim customerQuery = New DataServiceRequest(Of Customer)(customerUri)
Dim productsQuery = New DataServiceRequest(Of Product)(productsUri)

' Add the query requests to a batch request array.
Dim batchRequests = _
    New DataServiceRequest() {customerQuery, productsQuery}

Dim batchResponse As DataServiceResponse

    ' Execute the query batch and get the response.
    batchResponse = context.ExecuteBatch(batchRequests)

    If batchResponse.IsBatchResponse Then
        ' Parse the batchResponse.BatchHeaders.
    End If

    ' Enumerate over the results of the query.
    For Each response As QueryOperationResponse In batchResponse
        ' Handle an error response.
        If response.StatusCode > 299 OrElse response.StatusCode < 200 Then
            Console.WriteLine("An error occurred.")
            ' Find the response for the Customers query.
            If response.Query.ElementType Is GetType(Customer) Then
                For Each customer As Customer In response
                    Console.WriteLine("Customer: {0}", customer.CompanyName)
                    For Each order As Order In customer.Orders
                        Console.WriteLine("Order ID: {0} - Freight: {1}", _
                                order.OrderID, order.Freight)
                ' Find the response for the Products query.
            ElseIf response.Query.ElementType Is GetType(Product) Then
                For Each product As Product In response
                    Console.WriteLine("Product: {0}", product.ProductName)
            End If
        End If
    ' This type of error is raised when the data service returns with
    ' a response code < 200 or >299 in the top level element.
Catch ex As DataServiceRequestException
    ' Get the response from the exception.
    batchResponse = ex.Response

    If (batchResponse.IsBatchResponse) Then
        ' Parse the batchResponse.BatchHeaders.
    End If
    For Each response As QueryOperationResponse In batchResponse
        If response.Error IsNot Nothing Then
            Console.WriteLine("An error occurred.")
        End If
End Try
string customerId = "ALFKI";

// Create the DataServiceContext using the service URI.
NorthwindEntities context = new NorthwindEntities(svcUri);

// Create the separate query URI's, one that returns 
// a single customer and another that returns all Products.
Uri customerUri = new Uri(svcUri.AbsoluteUri + 
    "/Customers('" + customerId + "')/?$expand=Orders");
Uri productsUri = new Uri(svcUri.AbsoluteUri +

// Create the query requests.
DataServiceRequest<Customer> customerQuery = 
    new DataServiceRequest<Customer>(customerUri);
DataServiceRequest<Product> productsQuery =
                new DataServiceRequest<Product>(productsUri);

// Add the query requests to a batch request array.
DataServiceRequest[] batchRequests = 
    new DataServiceRequest[]{customerQuery, productsQuery};

DataServiceResponse batchResponse;

    // Execute the query batch and get the response.
    batchResponse = context.ExecuteBatch(batchRequests);

    if (batchResponse.IsBatchResponse)
        // Parse the batchResponse.BatchHeaders.
    // Enumerate over the results of the query.
    foreach (QueryOperationResponse response in batchResponse)
        // Handle an error response.
        if (response.StatusCode > 299 || response.StatusCode < 200)
            Console.WriteLine("An error occurred.");
            // Find the response for the Customers query.
            if (response.Query.ElementType == typeof(Customer))
                foreach (Customer customer in response)
                    Console.WriteLine("Customer: {0}", customer.CompanyName);
                    foreach (Order order in customer.Orders)
                        Console.WriteLine("Order ID: {0} - Freight: {1}",
                            order.OrderID, order.Freight);
            // Find the response for the Products query.
            else if (response.Query.ElementType == typeof(Product))
                foreach (Product product in response)
                    Console.WriteLine("Product: {0}", product.ProductName);

// This type of error is raised when the data service returns with
// a response code < 200 or >299 in the top level element.
catch (DataServiceRequestException e)
    // Get the response from the exception.
    batchResponse = e.Response;

    if (batchResponse.IsBatchResponse)
        // Parse the batchResponse.BatchHeaders.

    foreach (QueryOperationResponse response in batchResponse)
        if (response.Error != null)
            Console.WriteLine("An error occurred.");



DataServiceContext 类

System.Data.Services.Client 命名空间


如何:在批处理中执行查询(WCF 数据服务)