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如何:执行异步数据服务查询(WCF 数据服务)

通过使用 WCF 数据服务 客户端库,您可同时执行客户端-服务器操作,例如执行查询和保存更改。有关详细信息,请参阅异步操作(WCF 数据服务)


对于必须在特定线程中调用回调的应用程序,必须显式封送 EndExecute 方法的执行。有关更多信息,请参见异步操作(WCF 数据服务)

本主题中的示例使用 Northwind 示例数据服务和自动生成的客户端数据服务类。 此服务和这些客户端数据类是在完成 WCF 数据服务快速入门时创建的。


下面的示例显示如何通过调用 BeginExecute 方法以启动查询来执行异步查询。 内联委托调用 EndExecute 方法以显示查询结果。

Public Shared Sub BeginExecuteCustomersQuery()
    ' Create the DataServiceContext using the service URI.
    Dim context = New NorthwindEntities(svcUri)

    ' Define the delegate to callback into the process
    Dim callback As AsyncCallback = AddressOf OnCustomersQueryComplete

    ' Define the query to execute asynchronously that returns 
    ' all customers with their respective orders.
    Dim query As DataServiceQuery(Of Customer) = _

        ' Begin query execution, supplying a method to handle the response
        ' and the original query object to maintain state in the callback.
        query.BeginExecute(callback, query)
    Catch ex As DataServiceQueryException
        Throw New ApplicationException( _
                "An error occurred during query execution.", ex)
    End Try
End Sub
' Handle the query callback.
Private Shared Sub OnCustomersQueryComplete(ByVal result As IAsyncResult)
    ' Get the original query from the result.
    Dim query As DataServiceQuery(Of Customer) = _
        CType(result.AsyncState, DataServiceQuery(Of Customer))

    ' Complete the query execution.
    For Each customer As Customer In query.EndExecute(result)
        Console.WriteLine("Customer Name: {0}", customer.CompanyName)
        For Each order As Order In customer.Orders
            Console.WriteLine("Order #: {0} - Freight $: {1}", _
                    order.OrderID, order.Freight)
End Sub
public static void BeginExecuteCustomersQuery()
    // Create the DataServiceContext using the service URI.
    NorthwindEntities context = new NorthwindEntities(svcUri);

    // Define the query to execute asynchronously that returns 
    // all customers with their respective orders.
    DataServiceQuery<Customer> query = (DataServiceQuery<Customer>)(from cust in context.Customers.Expand("Orders")
                                       where cust.CustomerID == "ALFKI"
                                       select cust);

        // Begin query execution, supplying a method to handle the response
        // and the original query object to maintain state in the callback.
        query.BeginExecute(OnCustomersQueryComplete, query);
    catch (DataServiceQueryException ex)
        throw new ApplicationException(
            "An error occurred during query execution.", ex);

// Handle the query callback.
private static void OnCustomersQueryComplete(IAsyncResult result)
    // Get the original query from the result.
    DataServiceQuery<Customer> query = 
        result as DataServiceQuery<Customer>;

    foreach (Customer customer in query.EndExecute(result))
        Console.WriteLine("Customer Name: {0}", customer.CompanyName);
        foreach (Order order in customer.Orders)
            Console.WriteLine("Order #: {0} - Freight $: {1}",
                order.OrderID, order.Freight);



数据客户端 (WCF Data Services)