如何:向数据服务查询添加查询选项(WCF 数据服务)

WCF 数据服务使您能够从基于 .NET Framework 的客户端应用程序查询数据服务,方法是使用生成的客户端数据服务类。这样做最简单的方法是撰写语言集成查询 (LINQ) 的查询表达式,其中包含所需的查询选项。 还可以调用一系列 LINQ 查询方法来编写等效的查询。 最后,可以使用 AddQueryOption 方法向查询添加查询选项。 在上述每种情况下,客户端生成的 URI 都包含应用了选定查询选项的被请求实体集。 有关更多信息,请参见查询数据服务(WCF 数据服务)

本主题中的示例使用 Northwind 示例数据服务和自动生成的客户端数据服务类。 此服务和这些客户端数据类是在完成 WCF 数据服务快速入门时创建的。


下面的示例演示如何编写 LINQ 查询表达式,该表达式仅返回运费成本超过 30 美元的订单,并根据发货日期按降序顺序对这些结果进行排序。

' Create the DataServiceContext using the service URI.
Dim context = New NorthwindEntities(svcUri)

' Define a query for orders with a Freight value greater than 30
' and that is ordered by the ship date, descending.
Dim selectedOrders = From o In context.Orders _
        Where (o.Freight > 30) _
        Order By o.ShippedDate Descending _
        Select o

    ' Enumerate over the results of the query.
    For Each order As Order In selectedOrders
        Console.WriteLine("Order ID: {0} - Ship Date: {1} - Freight: {2}", _
                order.OrderID, order.ShippedDate, order.Freight)
Catch ex As DataServiceQueryException
    Throw New ApplicationException( _
            "An error occurred during query execution.", ex)
End Try
// Create the DataServiceContext using the service URI.
NorthwindEntities context = new NorthwindEntities(svcUri);

// Define a query for orders with a Freight value greater than 30
// and that is ordered by the ship date, descending.
var selectedOrders = from o in context.Orders
                     where o.Freight > 30
                     orderby o.ShippedDate descending 
                     select o;

    // Enumerate over the results of the query.
    foreach (Order order in selectedOrders)
        Console.WriteLine("Order ID: {0} - Ship Date: {1} - Freight: {2}",
            order.OrderID, order.ShippedDate, order.Freight);
catch (DataServiceQueryException ex)
    throw new ApplicationException(
        "An error occurred during query execution.", ex);

下面的示例演示如何使用 LINQ 查询方法编写等效于上述查询的 LINQ 查询。

' Create the DataServiceContext using the service URI.
Dim context = New NorthwindEntities(svcUri)

' Define a query for orders with a Freight value greater than 30
' and that is ordered by the ship date, descending.
Dim selectedOrders = context.Orders _
                     .Where(Function(o) o.Freight.Value > 30) _
                     .OrderByDescending(Function(o) o.ShippedDate)

    ' Enumerate over the results of the query.
    For Each order As Order In selectedOrders

        Console.WriteLine("Order ID: {0} - Ship Date: {1} - Freight: {2}", _
                order.OrderID, order.ShippedDate, order.Freight)
Catch ex As DataServiceQueryException
    Throw New ApplicationException( _
        "An error occurred during query execution.", ex)
End Try
// Create the DataServiceContext using the service URI.
NorthwindEntities context = new NorthwindEntities(svcUri);

// Define a query for orders with a Freight value greater than 30
// and that is ordered by the ship date, descending.
var selectedOrders = context.Orders
                    .Where(o => o.Freight > 30)
                    .OrderByDescending(o => o.ShippedDate);

    // Enumerate over the results of the query.
    foreach (Order currentOrder in selectedOrders)
        Console.WriteLine("Order ID: {0} - Ship Date: {1} - Freight: {2}",
            currentOrder.OrderID, currentOrder.ShippedDate, 
catch (DataServiceQueryException ex)
    throw new ApplicationException(
        "An error occurred during query execution.", ex);

下面的示例演示如何使用 AddQueryOption 方法创建等效于上述示例的 DataServiceQuery<TElement>

' Create the DataServiceContext using the service URI.
Dim context = New NorthwindEntities(svcUri)

' Define a query for orders with a Freight value greater than 30
' and that is ordered by the ship date, descending.
Dim selectedOrders As DataServiceQuery(Of Order) = context.Orders _
.AddQueryOption("$filter", "Freight gt 30") _
.AddQueryOption("$orderby", "OrderID desc")

    ' Enumerate over the results of the query.
    For Each order As Order In selectedOrders
        Console.WriteLine("Order ID: {0} - Ship Date: {1} - Freight: {2}", _
                order.OrderID, order.ShippedDate, order.Freight)
Catch ex As DataServiceQueryException
    Throw New ApplicationException( _
            "An error occurred during query execution.", ex)
End Try
// Create the DataServiceContext using the service URI.
NorthwindEntities context = new NorthwindEntities(svcUri);

// Define a query for orders with a Freight value greater than 30
// and that is ordered by the ship date, descending.
DataServiceQuery<Order> selectedOrders = context.Orders
    .AddQueryOption("$filter", "Freight gt 30")
    .AddQueryOption("$orderby", "OrderID desc");

    // Enumerate over the results of the query.
    foreach (Order order in selectedOrders)
        Console.WriteLine("Order ID: {0} - Ship Date: {1} - Freight: {2}", 
            order.OrderID, order.ShippedDate, order.Freight);
catch (DataServiceQueryException ex)
    throw new ApplicationException(
        "An error occurred during query execution.", ex);

下面的示例演示如何使用 $orderby 查询选项按运费属性对返回的订单对象进行筛选和排序。

' Create the DataServiceContext using the service URI.
Dim context = New NorthwindEntities(svcUri)

' Define a query for orders with a Freight value greater than 30
' that also orders the result by the Freight value, descending.
Dim selectedOrders As DataServiceQuery(Of Order) = _
context.Orders.AddQueryOption("$orderby", "Freight gt 30 desc")

    ' Enumerate over the results of the query.
    For Each order As Order In selectedOrders
        Console.WriteLine("Order ID: {0} - Freight: {1}", _
                order.OrderID, order.Freight)
Catch ex As DataServiceQueryException
    Throw New ApplicationException( _
            "An error occurred during query execution.", ex)
End Try
// Create the DataServiceContext using the service URI.
NorthwindEntities context = new NorthwindEntities(svcUri);

// Define a query for orders with a Freight value greater than 30
// that also orders the result by the Freight value, descending.
DataServiceQuery<Order> selectedOrders = context.Orders
    .AddQueryOption("$orderby", "Freight gt 30 desc");

    // Enumerate over the results of the query.
    foreach (Order order in selectedOrders)
        Console.WriteLine("Order ID: {0} - Freight: {1}",
            order.OrderID, order.Freight);
catch (DataServiceQueryException ex)
    throw new ApplicationException(
        "An error occurred during query execution.", ex);



如何:投影查询结果(WCF 数据服务)


查询数据服务(WCF 数据服务)