Page Interaction Patterns
Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
The page types in Enterprise Portal work together to provide a consistent experience for the user. Some of the pages are displayed in the main browser window, although other pages are displayed in modal dialogs. The following diagrams describe the page interaction patterns for several common scenarios in Enterprise Portal.
View and Edit
In this pattern, a list page displays entities of a specific type. The View button in the action pane for the list page opens the entity overview page. The entity overview page displays the details for the selected entity. The entity overview page contains an action pain that includes the Edit action. When the user clicks the Edit action, a task page opens that allows the entity to be edited.
Direct Edit
In this pattern, a list page displays entities of a specific type. The Edit action in the action pane for the list page opens the task page that allows the entity to be edited.
Edit with Additional Details
In this pattern, a list page displays entities of a specific type. The Edit button in the action pane for the list page opens a task page that allows the entity to be edited. A button on the task page opens another task page that allows for additional details for the entity to be edited. When the user has completed editing the additional details, they are returned to the task page used to edit the entity.
View and Edit Details
In this pattern, a list page displays entities of a specific type. The View button in the action pane for the list page opens the entity overview page. The entity overview page contains a button to display details in an additional page. The additional page contains an Edit action that can be used to edit the details that are displayed. When the user has completed editing the details, they are returned to the entity overview page for the selected entity.
Two-phase Create
In this pattern, a list page displays entities of a specific type. The New button in the action pane for the list page opens a task page that lets the user create the header information for the entity. After the user finishes creating the header, a second page is opened that allows the detail information for the entity to be created.
Create and Submit to Workflow
In this pattern, a list page displays entities of a specific type. The New button in the action pane for the list page opens a task page that lets the user create the header information for the entity. After the user finishes creating the header, a second page is opened that lets the user create the detail information for the entity. If workflow is enabled, the entity overview page is displayed, which displays the workflow bar that allows the entity to be submitted to workflow. See Workflow in Enterprise Portal for more information.
In some cases, a simplified version of this pattern is used. In that pattern, the user submits the entity to workflow from the list page or from the entity overview page.