Microsoft.Crm.UnifiedServiceDesk.Dynamics.PanelLayouts Namespace


Class Description
CRMConfigured Represents the interaction logic for CRMConfigured.xaml
HorizontalSplit Contains the interaction logic for HorizontalSplit.xaml
PanelLayoutBase Represents the base class for panel layouts.
RibbonLayout Contains the interaction logic for Ribbon.xaml
Standard Contains the interaction logic for Standard.xaml
USDCollapsePanel Represents a panel that automatically collapses if no hosted controls are loaded within it.
USDDeckPanel Represents the deck panel for USD.
USDDeckTabPanel Represents a panel type that contains a tab control. If a single hosted control is on this panel, the tabs are not shown. The tabs for a tab control are shown if two or more controls reside on this panel.
USDFloatingPanel This panel type is used when “floatingPanel” is specified for a hosted control.
USDFloatingToolPanel Represents a panel type that creates a tool window for each hosted control loaded into it.
USDPopupPanel Represents the panel type that enables the content in the hosted control to hover the main view.
USDStackPanel Represents a panel type that stacks hosted controls in a horizontal or vertical fashion similar to a stack panel in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF).
USDTabBasePanel Represents the tab base panel.
USDTabPanel Represents a panel type that contains a tab control.
VerticalSplit Represents the interaction logic for VerticalSplit.xaml


Interface Description
IUSDPanel Provides functions that are needed to support custom panel types in Unified Service Desk.

Unified Service Desk
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