MSExchange ADAccess 2125


上一次修改主题: 2011-03-19

Thank you for clicking the link that brought you to this page. We do not currently have an article to resolve this specific issue. Your attempt to get to this event article helps us prioritize the event articles for which we will be providing detailed explanations and user actions.

Although there is as yet no supplementary content specifically written to help resolve this Exchange 2010 event, here are some recommended next steps to learn more about this alert:

  • Review the Application log and System log on your Exchange 2010 servers for related events. For example, events that occur immediately before and after this event may provide more information about the root cause of this error.

  • Research your issue by using self-support options. From the navigation pane of the Exchange Server Solutions Center page, click Self Support Options to use the following and other self-help options:

  • Research your issue by using other resources. From the navigation pane at the Exchange Server Solutions Center page, click Key Resources to learn about other resources.

  • Resolve your issue by using assisted support options. From the Exchange Server Solutions Center page, click Assisted Support Options to contact a Microsoft support professional. Because your organization may have a specific procedure for directly contacting Microsoft Technical Support, be sure to reviewing your organization's guidelines first. If you do contact support, have the event ID information available. Also, if possible, be prepared to send your application and system logs to the support professional.


Product Name


Product Version


Event ID




Symbolic Name


Message Text

Process %1 (PID=%2). An attribute on object %3 is too large to be cached. Requested size was %4, maximum cacheable is %5. Performance may be degraded.


This event indicates that an object attribute has exceeded the size limit for the DSAccess cache. Every time this object is requested, the server has to contact the Active Directory directory service instead of using the DSAccess cache. This may be a problem if the object is frequently required. For example, if the server object is frequently required, this condition may affect performance.

User Action

To resolve this problem, do one or more of the following:

  • Review the Application log for related events. Use the information in those events to determine the cause of this event.

  • If this event occurs frequently, contact Microsoft Product Support Services. For more information about how to contact support, visit the Microsoft Help and Support Web site.

  • 如果您尚未执行此操作,请考虑运行 Exchange 工具,已创建这些工具以帮助您分析 Exchange 环境并对其进行疑难解答。这些工具可帮助确保您的配置与 Microsoft 最佳实践保持一致。它们还可以帮助您识别和解决性能问题,并改进邮件流。若要运行这些工具,请转到 Exchange 管理控制台的“工具箱”节点。若要了解有关这些工具的详细信息,请参阅管理工具箱中的工具