MouseMove Event

MouseMove Event

Occurs when the user moves the mouse while the mouse is over the InkEdit control.



HRESULT MouseMove(
    short Button,
    short ShiftKey,
    long xMouse,
    long yMouse



[in] A member of the MouseButton enumeration that indicates which mouse buttons are depressed.

Name Description
NO_BUTTON Default. No mouse button was pressed.
LEFT_BUTTON The left mouse button was pressed.
RIGHT_BUTTON The right mouse button was pressed.
MIDDLE_BUTTON The middle mouse button was pressed.


[in] A member of the InkShiftKeyModifierFlags enumeration that indocates which modifier keys are depressed at the time of the event.

Name Description
IKM_Shift Specifies that the SHIFT key was used as a modifier.
IKM_Control Specifies that the CTRL key was used as a modifier.
IKM_Alt Specifies that the ALT key was used as a modifier.


[in] The current x coordinate, in pixels, of the mouse pointer.


[in] The current y coordinate, in pixels, of the mouse pointer.


If a mouse button is pressed while the pointer is over an InkEdit control, that control captures the mouse and receives all mouse events up to and including the last MouseUp event. This implies that the (x, y) mouse-pointer coordinates returned by a mouse event may not always be in the internal area of the object that receives them.

If mouse buttons are pressed in succession, the object that captures the mouse after the first press receives all mouse events until all buttons are released.

The MouseMove event is generated continually as the mouse pointer moves across objects. Unless another object has captured the mouse, an InkEdit control recognizes a MouseMove event whenever the mouse position is within its borders.

This event method is defined in the _IInkEditEvents interface. The _IInkEditEvents interface implements the IDispatch Leave Site interface with an identifier of DISPID_IeeMouseMove.

Applies To