Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Validation.Validators Namespace
Retired Content |
This content is outdated and is no longer being maintained. It is provided as a courtesy for individuals who are still using these technologies. This page may contain URLs that were valid when originally published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist. |
Class | Description | |
AndCompositeValidator |
Aggregates a set of Validator instances, performing validation by allowing each validator to perform its own.
BaseValidationAttribute |
Base class for validation related attributes.
ContainsCharactersValidator |
Performs validation on strings by verifying if it contains a character set using the ContainsCharacters() mode.
ContainsCharactersValidatorAttribute |
Represents a ContainsCharactersValidator.
DateTimeRangeValidator |
Performs validation on DateTime instances by comparing them to the specified boundaries.
DateTimeRangeValidatorAttribute |
Attribute to specify date range validation on a property, method or field.
DomainValidator<T> |
Validates an object by checking if it belongs to a set.
DomainValidatorAttribute |
Represents a DomainValidatorAttribute.
EnumConversionValidator |
Validates a string by checking it represents a value for a given enum type.
EnumConversionValidatorAttribute |
Represents a EnumConversionValidator.
FieldValueValidator<T> |
Validates the value of a field using a configured validator.
HasSelfValidationAttribute |
Indicates the target type defines self validation methods.
IgnoreNullsAttribute |
Indicates that a nulla null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) value is to be allowed by the validator represented by the validation attributes for the language element this attribute is bound.
MemberAccessValidator<T> |
Base generic validator for member access validation.
MethodReturnValueValidator<T> |
Validates the return value of a method without parameters using a configured validator.
NotNullValidator |
Logs a failure when validating a nulla null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) reference.
NotNullValidatorAttribute |
Describes a NotNullValidator.
ObjectCollectionValidator |
Performs validation on collection objects by applying the validation rules specified for a supplied type to its members.
ObjectCollectionValidatorAttribute |
Represents an ObjectValidator.
ObjectValidator |
Performs validation on objects by applying the validation rules specified for a supplied type.
ObjectValidatorAttribute |
Represents an ObjectValidator.
OrCompositeValidator |
Aggregates a set of Validator instances, performing validation by allowing each validator to perform its own.
PropertyComparisonValidator |
Performs validation by comparing the a value with the value of a property on the target object by using a specified comparison operation.
PropertyComparisonValidatorAttribute |
Represents a PropertyComparisonValidator.
PropertyValueValidator<T> |
Validates the value of a property using a configured validator.
RangeValidator |
Performs validation on T instances by comparing them to the specified boundaries.
RangeValidator<T> |
Performs validation on T instances by comparing them to the specified boundaries.
RangeValidatorAttribute |
Represents a RangeValidator.
RegexValidator |
Performs validation on strings by matching them to a Regex.
RegexValidatorAttribute |
Represents a RegexValidator.
RelativeDateTimeValidator |
Validates a DateTime value by checking it belongs to a range relative to the current date.
RelativeDateTimeValidatorAttribute |
Represents a RelativeDateTimeValidatorAttribute.
SelfValidationAttribute |
Marks a method as implementing self validation logic.
SelfValidationValidator |
Performs validation by invoking a method on the validated object.
StringLengthValidator |
Performs validation on strings by comparing their lengths to the specified boundaries.
StringLengthValidatorAttribute |
Describes a StringLengthValidator.
TypeConversionValidator |
Validates a string by checking it represents a value for a given type.
TypeConversionValidatorAttribute |
Represents a TypeConversionValidator.
ValidatorAttribute |
Describes the validation logic that must be applied to a language element when creating a Validator for a type.
ValidatorCompositionAttribute |
Indicates that the kind of composition to use when multiple ValidatorAttribute instances are bound to a language element.
ValidatorWrapper |
Validator that wraps other validators and adds instrumentation support.
ValueAccessComparisonValidator |
Performs validation by comparing the provided value with another value extracted from the validation target.
ValueAccessValidator |
Performs validation on objects by validating a value extracted from them through an instance of ValueAccess with a specified Validator.
ValueValidator |
Base class for validators on simple values.
ValueValidator<T> |
Base class for strongly typed validators on simple values.
ValueValidatorAttribute |
Describes a ValueValidator.
Enumeration | Description | |
ComparisonOperator |
Represents the different comparison behaviors available for a PropertyComparisonValidator.
ContainsCharacters |
Represents the behavior of the ContainsCharactersValidator.
DateTimeUnit |
Date time unit.
RangeBoundaryType |
Indicates how to interpret a range boundary.
Retired Content |
This content is outdated and is no longer being maintained. It is provided as a courtesy for individuals who are still using these technologies. This page may contain URLs that were valid when originally published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist. |