IMAPIFormAdviseSink : IUnknown

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Enables form servers to receive notifications from form viewers.

Header file:


Exposed by:

Form advise sink objects

Implemented by:

Form servers

Called by:

Form viewers

Interface identifier:


Pointer type:


Vtable Order


Indicates that a change has occurred in the status of the form viewer.


Indicates whether the form can handle the message class of the next message to display.


Form servers use a form advise sink object to implement IMAPIFormAdviseSink instead of including it with their form object. Therefore, form viewers should expect a failed call to a form's IUnknown::QueryInterface method to obtain a pointer to this interface.

Form servers call a viewer's IMAPIViewContext::SetAdviseSink method to register for notifications. A pointer to their IMAPIFormAdviseSink implementation is included as a parameter.

See Also


MAPI Interfaces