CrawlLogFilters.AddFilter 方法 (Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration)

Applies the specified filters to the crawl log data.


名称 说明
CrawlLogFilters.AddFilter (CatalogType)
Applies the specified catalog type filter to the crawl log data.
CrawlLogFilters.AddFilter (MessageType)
Applies the specified message type filter to the crawl log data.
CrawlLogFilters.AddFilter (CrawlLogFilterProperty, Int32)
Applies the specified filter property to the crawl log data.
CrawlLogFilters.AddFilter (DateTime, DateTime)
Applies the crawl log filter based on the specified start and end time.
CrawlLogFilters.AddFilter (CrawlLogFilterProperty, StringFilterOperator, String)
Applies the specified filter property and operator to the crawl log data.



CrawlLogFilters 类
CrawlLogFilters 成员
Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration 命名空间