如何:记录和重置 InfoPath Forms Services 配置设置

上次修改时间: 2010年3月30日

适用范围: SharePoint Server 2010

为完成此任务,可使用 FormsService 类及其关联成员来设置"配置 InfoPath Forms Services"页上的大多数项的默认值,此页可以在"SharePoint 2010 管理中心"网站的"一般应用程序设置"页上找到。



本主题假定在 Web 前端 (WFE) 或运行 InfoPath Forms Services 的单个场服务器上安装了 Microsoft Visual Studio。


  1. 在 Microsoft Visual Studio 中创建一个新的 Visual Basic"Windows 窗体应用程序"项目。

  2. 在"项目"菜单上,单击"添加引用"。

  3. 在"添加引用"对话框的".NET"选项卡上,选择"Microsoft SharePoint Foundation",然后单击"确定"。(如果"Microsoft SharePoint Foundation"在".NET"选项卡上不可用,则在"浏览"选项卡上,浏览到C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\ISAPI\,选择 Microsoft.SharePoint.dll 程序集,然后单击"确定"。)

  4. 在"项目"菜单上,再次单击"添加引用"。

  5. 在"添加引用"对话框的"浏览"选项卡上,浏览到 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers\14.0\Bin\,选择 Microsoft.Office.InfoPath.Server.dll 程序集,然后单击"确定"。


  1. 将下列控件添加到表单中。在 Visual Studio"工具箱"的"所有 Windows 窗体"类别中可以找到这些控件:

    • 一个"Button"控件

    • 一个"RichTextBox"控件。

  2. 修改"属性窗口"中按钮的"文本"属性,以将该按钮重命名为"列出和重置配置设置"。

  3. 重新定位表单和控件并调整其大小,直到可在按钮上看到所有文本,且"RichTextBox"控件填充了表单的大部分空间。

  4. 在"视图"菜单上,单击"代码"。

  5. 将以下代码粘贴到代码窗口中,以替换所有现有代码。

  6. 在"窗口"菜单上单击"Form1.vb [设计]"。

  7. 在"属性窗口"中,单击下拉列表,然后选择"Button1"。

  8. 在"属性窗口"中,单击"Events"按钮,此按钮通常是下拉列表下方的按钮行中左起的第四个按钮。

  9. 在"操作"部分,单击"Click"事件的下拉列表,然后选择"Button1_Click"。

  10. 在"文件"菜单上单击"全部保存"。

  11. 按 F5 运行应用程序。


使用本节中前面的步骤可创建新的 Visual Basic Windows 窗体应用程序,该应用程序使用以下代码示例来记录和重置 InfoPath Forms Services 配置设置。

Imports Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration
Imports Microsoft.Office.InfoPath.Server.Administration

Public Class Form1

    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        Dim LocalFormsService As FormsService
        Dim LocalFarm As SPFarm = SPFarm.Local
        Dim StrLog As String = ""

            LocalFormsService = LocalFarm.Services.GetValue(Of FormsService)(FormsService.ServiceName)
            'Build a string with the old a new value of each property
            With LocalFormsService
                StrLog = StrLog + "ActiveSessionsTimeout changed from " + _
                .ActiveSessionsTimeout.ToString() + " to 1440." + Environment.NewLine
                .ActiveSessionsTimeout = 1440

                StrLog = StrLog + "AllowEmbeddedSqlForDataConnections changed from " + _
                .AllowEmbeddedSqlForDataConnections.ToString() + " to False." + Environment.NewLine
                .AllowEmbeddedSqlForDataConnections = False

                StrLog = StrLog + "AllowUdcAuthenticationForDataConnections changed from " + _
                .AllowUdcAuthenticationForDataConnections.ToString() + " to False." + Environment.NewLine
                .AllowUdcAuthenticationForDataConnections = False

                StrLog = StrLog + "AllowUserFormBrowserEnabling changed from " + _
                .AllowUserFormBrowserEnabling.ToString() + " to True." + Environment.NewLine
                .AllowUserFormBrowserEnabling = True

                StrLog = StrLog + "AllowUserFormBrowserRendering changed from " + _
                .AllowUserFormBrowserRendering.ToString() + " to True." + Environment.NewLine
                .AllowUserFormBrowserRendering = True

                StrLog = StrLog + "AllowUserFormCrossDomainDataConnections changed from " + _
                .AllowUserFormCrossDomainDataConnections.ToString() + " to False." + Environment.NewLine
                .AllowUserFormCrossDomainDataConnections = False

                StrLog = StrLog + "AllowViewState changed from " + _
                .AllowViewState.ToString() + " to False." + Environment.NewLine
                .AllowViewState = False

                StrLog = StrLog + "DefaultDataConnectionTimeout changed from " + _
                .DefaultDataConnectionTimeout.ToString() + " to 10000." + Environment.NewLine
                .DefaultDataConnectionTimeout = 10000

                StrLog = StrLog + "MaxDataConnectionResponseSize changed from " + _
                .MaxDataConnectionResponseSize.ToString() + " to 1500." + Environment.NewLine
                .MaxDataConnectionResponseSize = 1500

                StrLog = StrLog + "MaxDataConnectionTimeout changed from " + _
                .MaxDataConnectionTimeout.ToString() + " to 20000." + Environment.NewLine
                .MaxDataConnectionTimeout = 20000

                StrLog = StrLog + "MaxPostbacksPerSession changed from " + _
                .MaxPostbacksPerSession.ToString() + " to 75." + Environment.NewLine
                .MaxPostbacksPerSession = 75

                StrLog = StrLog + "MaxSizeOfFormSessionState changed from " + _
                .MaxSizeOfFormSessionState.ToString() + " to 4194304." + Environment.NewLine
                .MaxSizeOfFormSessionState = 4194304

                StrLog = StrLog + "MaxUserActionsPerPostback changed from " + _
                .MaxUserActionsPerPostback.ToString() + " to 200." + Environment.NewLine
                .MaxUserActionsPerPostback = 200

                StrLog = StrLog + "RequireSslForDataConnections changed from " + _
                .RequireSslForDataConnections.ToString() + " to False." + Environment.NewLine
                .RequireSslForDataConnections = False

                StrLog = StrLog + "ViewStateThreshold changed from " + _
                .ViewStateThreshold.ToString() + " to 40960." + Environment.NewLine
                .ViewStateThreshold = 40960
            End With
            'Populate the rich text box with the log
            RichTextBox1.Text = StrLog
        Catch ex As Exception
            MessageBox.Show("An error has occurred: " + ex.Message.ToString())
        End Try

    End Sub
End Class



开发 Windows 应用程序以执行 InfoPath Forms Services 管理任务