FrontPage Server Extensions RPC Protocol

This content is outdated and is no longer being maintained. It is provided as a courtesy for individuals who are still using these technologies. This page may contain URLs that were valid when originally published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

This reference includes information about the methods and usage of Remote Procedure Call (RPC) protocol in FrontPage Server Extensions from Microsoft.

See the following topics for general information about FrontPage Server Extensions RPC:

The following table shows the methods of Remote Procedure Call (RPC) protocol and provides a brief description of each.



add document to source control

Adds a file to a source control database.

apply border

Designates the top, bottom, left, or right side of a page as reserved.

apply stylesheet

Links a cascading style sheet to a page or to an entire Web site.

apply theme

Applies a theme to the named service.

checkin document

Returns a file to source control.

checkout document

Enables the user currently authenticated to make changes to a document under source control.

create service

Creates a Web site (service) with the name service_name.

create url-directories

Creates a set of standard directories (folders).

create url-directory

Creates a folder for the current Web site, but only used for backward compatibility.


Provides the meta-information for the files in the current Web site.

get document

Retrieves the specified document for viewing on the client computer.

get documents

Retrieves the specified documents for viewing on the client computer.

get manifest

Retrieves a manifest for the specified site.

get theme

Downloads a customized theme from the server.

get web struct

Provides the meta-information and internal element identification information (eid) of the pages that make up the navigational structure of the specified Web site.

html-table add row

Adds a row to a table.

html-table change row

Sends a change in the Task status table to FrontPage Server Extensions from Microsoft.

html-table remove row

Removes a row in the Task status table maintained by FrontPage Server Extensions from Microsoft.

list documents

Provides a list of the files, folders, and subsites complete with meta-information for each file contained in the initialUrl parameter of the specified Web site.

list themes

Returns a list of the themes applied to the selected Web site.

list versions

Retrieves metadata for all the versions of the specified document.

move document

Changes the name of the selected document to the new name provided by the user.

open service

Provides meta-information for a Web site to the client application.

put document

Writes a file to a directory in an existing Web site.

put documents

Writes files to a directory in an existing Web site.

put manifest

Deploys a manifest on the specified site.

put theme

Uploads a theme to a Web site.

put web struct

Sends changes made to the navigation structure of the Web site to the Web server.

recalc control

Instructs FrontPage Server Extensions from Microsoft to either recalculate or not recalculate links, components (bots), and other dependencies in the Web site.

remove documents

Deletes the specified documents or folders from the Web site specified by the service_name parameter.

remove service

Deletes the service specified by the service_name parameter.

rename service

When the name of a Web site is changed in Microsoft FrontPage, sends the new name to the server that is running FrontPage Server Extensions from Microsoft.

rename url

Changes hyperlinks to an old URL within the specified pages into hyperlinks to a new URL.

replace web struct

When publishing a Web site, used to set the structure for the Web site.

server version

Requests the version of FrontPage Server Extensions from Microsoft in use on the Web server.


Provides the server with the standard meta-information concerning the designated file. This method is sent whenever you change the properties of a file.

set document meta-info

Included to provide backward compatibility with Microsoft FrontPage 98.

set service meta-info

Provides a way to add or change meta-key values on the server for the service_name Web site.

uncheckout document

Undoes a check-out of a file from a source control database.

url to web url

Given a URL for a file, returns the URL of the Web site to which the file belongs, and the subsite, if applicable.