SPField 成员 (Microsoft.SharePoint)

Represents a field in a list on a Windows SharePoint Services Web site.

以下表格列出了由 SPField 类型公开的成员。


  名称 说明
公共方法 SPField 已重载。 Initializes a new instance of the SPField class.



  名称 说明
公共属性 AggregationFunction Gets or sets the aggregation function for the field.
公共属性 AllowDeletion Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the field can be deleted.
公共属性 AuthoringInfo Gets the descriptive string that is used in pages for editing fields to identify the field and its purpose.
公共属性 CanBeDeleted Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the field can be deleted.
公共属性 CanToggleHidden Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the column can be hidden through the user interface.
公共属性 DefaultFormula Gets or sets the default formula for a calculated field.
公共属性 DefaultValue Gets or sets the default value for a field.
公共属性 DefaultValueTyped Gets the default value object based on the field type.
公共属性 Description Gets or sets the description for a field.
公共属性 Direction Gets or sets the direction of the reading order for the field.
公共属性 DisplaySize Gets or sets the display size for the field.
公共属性 FieldReferences Gets a string array that contains the internal names of fields that are referenced in a computed field.
公共属性 FieldRenderingControl Gets the field type control that is used to render the field in Display, Edit, and New forms, as well as in data form Web Parts or pages that use field controls.
公共属性 FieldRenderingMobileControl Gets the mobile field type control that is used to render the field in Display, Edit, and New forms, data form Web Parts, or any pages that use field controls in mobile applications.
公共属性 FieldTypeDefinition Gets an SPFieldTypeDefinition object that represents the field type definition for the field.
公共属性 FieldValueType Gets the value type of the field when the field type has its own value type.
公共属性 Filterable Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the field can be filtered.
公共属性 FilterableNoRecurrence Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether a filter can be created on a field in a view that does not expand recurring events.
公共属性 FromBaseType Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the field derives from a base field type.
公共属性 Group Gets or sets the column group to which the field belongs.
公共属性 Hidden Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the field is displayed in the list.
公共属性 Id Gets the GUID of the field.
公共属性 IMEMode Gets or sets the Input Method Editor (IME) mode bias to use for the field. The IME enables conversion of keystrokes between languages when one writing system has more characters than can be encoded for the given keyboard.
公共属性 Indexed Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the field is indexed.
公共属性 InternalName Gets the internal name that is used for the field.
公共属性 JumpToField Gets the name of a field that represents the next question to which users are taken in a survey, which is dependent on the answer they give to the current question.
公共属性 NoCrawl Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the field can be crawled by a search engine.
公共属性 ParentList Gets the parent list that contains the field.
公共属性 PIAttribute Gets or sets the attribute in the document processing instruction (specified by the PITarget property) that is used as the column value for property promotion and demotion in XML documents.
公共属性 PITarget Gets or sets the document processing instruction in which the column value is stored in documents of the specified content type, which is used for property promotion and demotion in XML documents.
公共属性 PreviewValueTyped Gets a preview value of field data for a design-time view of the field control in Display and Edit modes when there is no list item data associated with the field.
公共属性 PrimaryPIAttribute Gets or sets an alternate attribute in the document processing instruction, specified by the PrimaryPITarget property, that is used as the column value in property promotion and demotion in XML documents.
公共属性 PrimaryPITarget Gets or sets an alternative document processing instruction in which the column value is stored for documents of the specified content type.
公共属性 PushChangesToLists Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether to propagate changes that are made in the field template to lists that implement the field.
公共属性 ReadOnlyField Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether values in the field can be modified.
公共属性 RelatedField Gets or sets the internal name of a field to which the current field is related.
公共属性 Reorderable Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether values in the field can be reordered.
公共属性 Required Gets or sets a Boolean value that determines whether the field requires values.
公共属性 SchemaXml Gets or sets the schema that defines the field.
公共属性 Scope Gets the Web site-relative path to the list in which the field collection is used.
公共属性 Sealed Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether other fields can be derived from the field.
公共属性 ShowInDisplayForm Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the field is displayed in the form for displaying list items.
公共属性 ShowInEditForm Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the field is displayed in the form that is used to edit list items.
公共属性 ShowInListSettings Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the field is displayed in the page for customizing list settings.
公共属性 ShowInNewForm Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the field is displayed in the form that is used to create list items.
公共属性 ShowInVersionHistory Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the field is displayed in the page for viewing list item versions.
公共属性 ShowInViewForms Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the field is displayed in pages that are used to view list data.
公共属性 Sortable Gets a Boolean value that determines whether the field can be sorted.
公共属性 SourceId Gets the namespace that defines the field or the GUID of the list in which the custom field has been created through the user interface.
公共属性 StaticName Gets or sets the internal name of the field.
公共属性 Title Gets or sets the display name for the field.
公共属性 TranslationXml Document content that has been stored in a multilingual database for display as an XML document.
公共属性 Type Gets or sets the type of the field.
公共属性 TypeAsString Gets the type of the field as a string value.
公共属性 TypeDisplayName Gets the display name of the field type.
公共属性 TypeShortDescription Gets the description of the field.
公共属性 UsedInWebContentTypes Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the field is implemented in any content type that is used in the site collection.
公共属性 Version Gets the version of the field.
公共属性 XPath Gets or sets the XPath expression to the field.



(另请参阅 受保护的方法 )

  名称 说明
公共方法 Delete Deletes the field.
公共方法 Equals  已重载。 (继承自 Object
公共方法 GetCustomProperty Returns the value of a custom property as an object.
公共方法 GetFieldValue Converts the specified value into a field type value object when the field type requires a complex data type that is different from the parent field type.
公共方法 GetFieldValueAsHtml Returns the field value in HTML format in order to render the field value directly on the page.
公共方法 GetFieldValueAsText Returns the field value as plain text.
公共方法 GetFieldValueForEdit Returns the field value that is rendered in Edit mode in Edit and New forms.
公共方法 GetHashCode  (继承自 Object
公共方法 GetProperty Returns the value that is contained by the specified property.
公共方法 GetType  (继承自 Object
公共方法 GetValidatedString Used for data serialization logic and for field validation logic that is specific to a custom field type to convert the field value object into a validated, serialized string.
公共方法 OnAdded Occurs after a field is added.
公共方法 OnDeleting Occurs when a field is being deleted.
公共方法 OnUpdated Occurs after changes are made to a field.
公共方法 静态 ReferenceEquals  (继承自 Object
公共方法 SetCustomProperty Sets a value for a specified property.
公共方法 ToString 已重写。 Returns the title of the field.
公共方法 Update 已重载。 Updates the database with changes that are made to the field.



  名称 说明
受保护的方法 Finalize  (继承自 Object
受保护的方法 MemberwiseClone  (继承自 Object




SPField 类
Microsoft.SharePoint 命名空间