合并内容数据库 (Windows SharePoint Services 3.0)




Important 重要说明:

We recommend that you install the April Cumulative Update before you merge content databases. This update fixes known issues with the Stsadm mergecontentdbs operation. For more information, see 为 Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 部署软件更新.

在使用 Stsadm 命令行工具内的 mergecontentdbs 操作之前,确保硬盘上的可用空间至少为源网站集大小的三倍。要确定网站集的大小,请参阅 enumsites 操作的 StorageUsedMB 属性。有关详细信息,请参阅 Enumsites:Stsadm 操作 (Windows SharePoint Services)

To complete the following procedure, you must be a member of both the Farm Administrators group and the Administrators group on the local computer. You must have Full Control permission for any site collection that needs to be moved. The account that you use to perform this procedure must be a member of the db_owner fixed database role in Microsoft SQL Server.


  1. 在安装 SharePoint 产品和技术的驱动器上的命令提示符下,转至以下目录:

    %COMMONPROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft shared\Web server extensions\12\Bin

  2. 键入以下命令,然后按 Enter:
    Stsadm -o mergecontentdbs -url <URL> -sourcedatabasename <数据库名称> -destinationdatabasename <数据库名称> -operation 2

    其中,url 是包含您要移动的网站集的 Web 应用程序的地址;sourcedatabasename 是要合并的第一个数据库的名称;destinationdatabasename 是要合并的第二个数据库的名称;operation 2 是“完整数据库合并”操作。

    有关详细信息,请参阅 Mergecontentdbs:Stsadm 操作 (Windows SharePoint Services)

  3. 通过键入以下命令,然后按 Enter,以重新启动 IIS:
    iisreset /noforce



添加、拆分和合并内容数据库 (Windows SharePoint Services 3.0)
添加内容数据库 (Windows SharePoint Services 3.0)
将网站集移到新数据库(拆分内容数据库)(Windows SharePoint Services 3.0)