Site 成员

Represents a collection of sites in a Web application, including a top-level website and all its subsites.

Site 类型公开以下成员。


  名称 说明
公共方法 Site Initializes a new instance of the Site object.



  名称 说明
公共属性 AllowCreateDeclarativeWorkflow
公共属性 AllowDesigner Gets or sets a value that specifies whether a designer can be used on this site collection.
公共属性 AllowMasterPageEditing Gets or sets a value that specifies whether master page editing is allowed on this site collection.
公共属性 AllowRevertFromTemplate Gets or sets a value that specifies whether this site collection can be reverted to its base template.
公共属性 AllowSaveDeclarativeWorkflowAsTemplate
公共属性 AllowSavePublishDeclarativeWorkflow
公共属性 AllowSelfServiceUpgrade Whether version to version upgrade is allowed on this site.
公共属性 AllowSelfServiceUpgradeEvaluation Whether upgrade evaluation site collection is allowed.
公共属性 Audit
公共属性 AuditLogTrimmingRetention
公共属性 CanUpgrade Property indicating whether or not this object can be upgraded.
公共属性 CompatibilityLevel Gets the major version of this site collection for purposes of major version-level compatibility checks.
公共属性 Context Returns the context that is associated with the client object. (从 ClientObject 继承。)
公共属性 CurrentChangeToken
公共属性 DisableCompanyWideSharingLinks
公共属性 EventReceivers Provides event receivers for events that occur at the scope of the site collection.
公共属性 ExternalSharingTipsEnabled
公共属性 Features Gets a value that specifies the collection of the site collection features for the site collection that contains the site.
公共属性 Id
公共属性 LockIssue Gets or sets the comment that is used in locking a site collection.
公共属性 MaxItemsPerThrottledOperation Gets a value that specifies the maximum number of list items allowed per operation before throttling will occur.
公共属性 NeedsB2BUpgrade
受保护的属性 ObjectData Gets the object data for the current client object. (从 ClientObject 继承。)
公共属性 ObjectVersion Gets a string that indicates the version of the current client object. 此成员仅供内部使用,不能直接在您的代码中使用。 (从 ClientObject 继承。)
公共属性 Owner Gets or sets the owner of the site collection. (Read-only in 沙盒解决方案.)
公共属性 Path Tracks how a client object is created in the ClientRuntimeContext class so that the object can be recreated on the server. 此成员仅供内部使用,不能直接在您的代码中使用。 (从 ClientObject 继承。)
公共属性 PrimaryUri Specifies the primary URI of this site collection, including the host name, port number, and path.
公共属性 ReadOnly Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the site collection is read-only, locked, and unavailable for write access.
公共属性 RecycleBin Gets a value that specifies the collection of Recycle Bin items for the site collection.
公共属性 RequiredDesignerVersion
公共属性 RootWeb Gets a value that returns the top-level site of the site collection.
公共属性 SandboxedCodeActivationCapability
公共属性 SecondaryContact
公共属性 ServerObjectIsNull Gets the server object and returns null if the server object is null. (从 ClientObject 继承。)
公共属性 ServerRelativeUrl Gets the server-relative URL of the root Web site in the site collection.
公共属性 ShareByEmailEnabled
公共属性 ShareByLinkEnabled Property that indicates whether users will be able to share links to documents that can be accessed without logging in.
公共属性 ShowUrlStructure Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the URL structure of this site collection is viewable.
公共属性 Tag Gets or sets data that is associated with the client object. (从 ClientObject 继承。)
公共属性 TrimAuditLog
公共属性 TypedObject Gets the object with the correct type information returned from the server. (从 ClientObject 继承。)
公共属性 UIVersionConfigurationEnabled Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the Visual Upgrade UI of this site collection is displayed.
公共属性 UpgradeInfo Specifies the upgrade information of this site collection.
公共属性 UpgradeReminderDate Specifies a date, after which site collection administrators will be reminded to upgrade the site collection.
公共属性 UpgradeScheduled
公共属性 UpgradeScheduledDate
公共属性 Upgrading Specifies whether the site is currently upgrading.
公共属性 Url Gets the full URL to the root Web site of the site collection, including host name, port number, and path.
公共属性 Usage Gets a value that specifies usage information about the site, including bandwidth, storage, and the number of visits to the site collection.
公共属性 UserCustomActions Gets a value that specifies the collection of user custom actions for the site collection.



  名称 说明
受保护的方法 CheckUninitializedProperty Checks to determine whether the specified value type property of a ClientObject has been initialized. (从 ClientObject 继承。)
公共方法 CreateMigrationIngestionJob This method is reserved for internal use only.
公共方法 CreateMigrationJob This method creates a new migration import job and queues it up for later processing by a separate timer job. The job will consume a well formed (pre-defined format) import package that is located in the Azure Blob Storage Container(s) specified in this method. The Service Level Agreement (SLA) for migration job processing is controlled through pre-configured queue and work load throttling settings, and there is no guaranteed SLA or return time for a submitted job.
公共方法 CreateMigrationJobEncrypted
公共方法 CreatePreviewSPSite Creates a temporary evaluation Site object for this Site object, for the purposes of determining whether upgrade is likely to be successful.
公共方法 CustomFromJson Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether custom code was used to populate an object. 此成员仅供内部使用,不能直接在您的代码中使用。 (从 ClientObject 继承。)
公共方法 DeleteMigrationJob This method deletes the migration job created by CreateMigrationJob. The job is identified by the id returned from that call.
公共方法 ExtendUpgradeReminderDate Extend the upgrade reminder date for this Site by the days specified at WebApplication.UpgradeReminderDelay.
公共方法 FromJson Indicates whether custom code was used to populate an object. 此成员仅供内部使用,不能直接在您的代码中使用。 (从 ClientObject 继承。)
公共方法 GetCatalog Specifies the list template gallery, site template gallery, Web Part gallery, master page gallery, or other galleries from the site collection, including custom galleries that are defined by users.
公共方法 GetChanges Specifies the collection of the site collection changes from the change log that have occurred within the scope of the site collection, based on the specified query.
公共方法 GetCustomListTemplates Specifies the collection of custom list templates for a given site.
公共方法 GetMigrationJobStatus This method queries the queue for the status of the specified migration job. It is an optional check that can be called after the CreateMigrationJob method and uses the id returned by that call. Once the migration job has completed, it will no longer show up in the queue and you should check the notification queue and/or log output for detailed status.
公共方法 GetMigrationStatus
公共方法 GetRecycleBinItems
公共方法 GetWebTemplates Returns the collection of site definitions that are available for creating websites within the site collection.
受保护的方法 InitNonPropertyFieldFromJson Initializes a non-property field of the client object based on JavaScript 对象表示法 (JSON) data from the server. 此成员仅供内部使用,不能直接在您的代码中使用。 (从 ClientObject 继承。)
受保护的方法 InitOnePropertyFromJson (覆盖 ClientObject.InitOnePropertyFromJson(String, JsonReader)。)
公共方法 Invalidate Implements the IUpgradeable interface.
公共方法 IsObjectPropertyInstantiated Indicates whether the specified property of the client object is instantiated. (从 ClientObject 继承。)
公共方法 IsPropertyAvailable Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the specified scalar property has been retrieved or set. (从 ClientObject 继承。)
受保护的方法 LoadExpandoFields Initializes the extended properties associated with the client object when overridden in a derived class. (从 ClientObject 继承。)
公共方法 NeedsUpgradeByType true if the object needs to be upgraded; otherwise, false.
公共方法 OpenWeb Opens a new site using the specified URL.
公共方法 OpenWebById Returns the site with the specified GUID.
公共方法 RefreshLoad Reloads all scalar properties associated with the client object when overridden in a derived class. (从 ClientObject 继承。)
受保护的方法 RemoveFromParentCollection Removes the current client object from the parent client object collection. (从 ClientObject 继承。)
公共方法 Retrieve() Retrieves all scalar properties associated with the object. 此成员仅供内部使用,不能直接在您的代码中使用。 (从 ClientObject 继承。)
公共方法 Retrieve([]) Retrieves the specified scalar properties associated with the object. 此成员仅供内部使用,不能直接在您的代码中使用。 (从 ClientObject 继承。)
公共方法 RunHealthCheck Runs a health check as follows. (The health rules referenced below perform an implementation-dependent check on the health of a site collection.)If ruleId is not an empty GUID, runs the specified site collection health rule and returns a summary of the results. If ruleId is an empty GUID, runs all of the site collection health rules and returns a summary of the results.If bRepair is true, runs the specified rules in repair mode. In this case, and if a given rule is repairable, an attempt will be made to repair issues found by the rule, and the results from that attempted repairs are returned. If bRepair is false, an attempt to repair issues found is not made.If bRunAlways is true, rules are always run by this method, and the results are returned. If false, cached results from a recent previous run can be returned instead.
公共方法 RunUpgradeSiteSession Either runs a site collection upgrade, or schedules it to be run in the future, depending on available system resources and the value of the queueOnly parameter.The user executing this method MUST be a farm administrator or a site collection administrator.
公共方法 ToString (从 Object 继承。)
公共方法 UpdateClientObjectModelUseRemoteAPIsPermissionSetting Sets whether the client-side object model (CSOM) requests that are made in the context of any site inside the site collection require UseRemoteAPIs permission.
受保护的方法 UpdateClientObjectPropertyType Updates the client object property's value to have correct type by using the type information returned from the server. (从 ClientObject 继承。)




Site 类

Microsoft.SharePoint.Client 命名空间